Found 1980 Articles for Differences

Difference between Gravitational Force and Electrostatic Force

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 22-Sep-2022 07:50:14

5K+ Views

Force is a physical quantity which is defined as a pull or push of a body having certain mass. Force is the factor that causes a change in the velocity of a body. Basically, a force is an external agent causes the change in the state of an object, i.e., it may move the object or may stop the movement of moving body. Force is a vector quantity. Thus, it has both magnitude and direction. Force may be classified into two broad categories namely contact force and non-contact force. Contact force is the one that acts on a body ... Read More

Difference between Electric Current and Electric Charge

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 22-Sep-2022 07:46:13

6K+ Views

Electric current and Electric charge are the two most fundamental electrical quantities in any electric circuit. The major difference between current and charge is that the electric charge is the subatomic property of all the materials in nature, while the electric current is the direct flow of electric charge in an electric circuit. There are several other noticeable differences between charge and current which we are going to highlight in this article. Let's start with some basics of electric charge and electric current so that it becomes easy to understand the differences between them. What is Electric Charge? Electric charge ... Read More

Difference between Charge and Mass

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 22-Sep-2022 07:43:29

9K+ Views

Both Charge and Mass are physical properties that every matter possesses in the universe. Charge is the property of matter by virtue of which it shows electric effect. Mass is the property which gives measure of substance of a body. Also, Charge is the property that results in the electrostatic forces. On the other hand, Mass is the property that results in the gravitational forces. Both Charge and Mass are scalar quantity having magnitude only. Consequently, both are added as real numbers. In this article, we will discuss all the major differences between charge and mass by considering various parameters ... Read More

Difference Between AND Gate and OR Gate

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 10:40:57

7K+ Views

In digital electronics, the logic gates are the basic building blocks of all digital circuits that act as the switching devices and determine whether the input signal may pass through to the output of the digital circuits. As the name implies, a logic gate is a digital circuit used to perform several logical operations in a digital device or circuit. A logic gate can accept one or multiple inputs but produces only a single output. Where, the output of a logic gate is determined by the combination of input signals. The operation of the logic gates is based on the ... Read More

Difference between AC Servo Motor and DC Servo Motor

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 22-Sep-2022 07:38:47

16K+ Views

A servo motor is a special type of electric motor which is used as a rotary or linear actuator for precise control of angular or linear position, velocity, acceleration and many other closed-loop position control applications. Servo motors are designed with long rotor length and small diameter. Thus, due to low inertia, the servo motors have a high speed response. A typical servo motor consists of a motor, feedback system, controller, etc. Where, it uses the position feedback to control the speed and final position of the motor. The servo motor is equipped with an encoder or a speed sensor ... Read More

Difference between Voltage Amplifier and Power Amplifier

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 02-Sep-2022 08:54:41

18K+ Views

An amplifier is an electronic circuit that is used to increase the strength of a signal in terms of voltage, current, power, etc. It accepts a weak signal at the input terminal and produces a raised signal at the output, though the output signal is identical to the input signal. The function that an amplifier performs is known as amplification. The amount of amplification performed by the amplifier is determined by a factor known as gain of the amplifier. Depending on the applied input signal and generated output signal, the amplifiers are broadly classified into two major types namely, ... Read More

Difference between Solid and Stranded Wire

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 02-Sep-2022 08:52:17

4K+ Views

Wires are the most fundamental components of an electrical and electronic system that convey electricity from one point to another. In practice, we use two major types of wires for power transmission namely solid wire and stranded wire. In this article, we will consider various parameters to understand the major differences between a solid wire and a stranded wire. But before that, let's start with some basics of solid wire and stranded wire so that it becomes easier to understand the differences between them. What is a Solid Wire? A solid wire is the type of conductor wire that ... Read More

Difference between Positive and Negative Feedback in a Control System

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 02-Sep-2022 08:49:14

17K+ Views

In a control system, the process of sampling and returning the output (or a part of output) to the input end of the system is known as feedback. The feedback is used to improve the operating performance to obtain the desired output from a control system. The feedback signal may be a voltage or a current depending on the operation of the feedback sampling system. It must remember that the feedback is a unidirectional process, i.e. the sampled feedback signal always flows from output to input side. The use of feedback in a system makes it a closed loop control ... Read More

Difference between PLC and DCS

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 02-Sep-2022 08:34:01

5K+ Views

Both PLC and DCS are extensively used in industrial automation to control and automate a machine or a process. Both PLC and DCS monitor the input and field signals and take the decisions based on how they are programmed. There are many differences between PLC and DCS which we will highlight in this article. Let's start with some basics of PLC and DCS so that it becomes easier to understand the differences between them. What is a PLC? PLC stands for Programmable Logic Controller. The PLC is a microcontroller device that is used to control and automate a machine ... Read More

Difference between Overhead Lines and Underground Cables

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 02-Sep-2022 08:32:24

23K+ Views

Electrical power is produced at the power generating plants which are located far away from the load centers. Therefore, we need to transport the electrical power generated at the power generating plant to the points of utilization or load points. For this purpose, two major systems of conductors are developed called transmission system and distribution system. Both transmission and distribution systems are further classified into two types namely, Overhead system Underground system In the overhead system of transmission and distribution, the overhead line wires supported by poles are used for power transportation; while in the underground system, insulated ... Read More
