Found 1980 Articles for Differences

Difference between YOLO and SSD

Updated on 14-Oct-2022 11:45:58


YOLO and SSD are real-time object detection systems that possess significant differences, that have been listed below − YOLO (You Only Look Once) YOLO uses a neural network to help with real-time object detection. It became popular due to its speed and accuracy. It is considered a regression problem, where the algorithm looks at the object/s only once. There are algorithms associated with YOLO that achieve 155 FPS (frames per second). Image is divided into a grid, and every grid calculates class probabilities and bounding box parameters to determine the object in its entirety. It is an open-source detection ... Read More

Difference between TensorFlow and Caffe

Updated on 14-Oct-2022 08:50:14


TensorFlow TensorFlow is an open-source end-to-end platform to build machine learning applications. It was developed by researchers and developers at Google Brain. Let us now see the features of TensorFlow − Build and Train models easily − TensorFlow offers multiple levels of abstraction to make it quick for you to choose the correct one. Build and train models by using the high-level Keras API, which makes beginning with TensorFlow and machine learning easy. Eager execution lets immediate iteration and intuitive debugging. For large ML training tasks, use the Distribution Strategy API for distributed training on different hardware configurations without changing ... Read More

Difference between TensorFlow and Keras

Updated on 14-Oct-2022 08:32:43


In this article, you will understand the significant differences between Tensorflow and Keras libraries.TensorFlowTensorFlow is an open-source end-to-end platform to build machine learning applications. It was developed by researchers and developers at Google Brain. Let us now see the features of TensorFlow − Build and Train models easily − TensorFlow offers multiple levels of abstraction to make it quick for you to choose the correct one. Build and train models by using the high-level Keras API, which makes beginning with TensorFlow and machine learning easy. Eager execution lets immediate iteration and intuitive debugging. For large ML training tasks, use the ... Read More

Difference between TensorFlow and Theano

Updated on 14-Oct-2022 08:17:42


In this article, you will understand the significant differences between Tensorflow and Theano libraries.TensorFlowIt is an open-source end-to-end platform to build machine learning applications and was developed by researchers and developers at Google Brain. Let us now see the features of TensorFlow − Ecosystem of powerful add-on libraries − TensorFlow also supports an ecosystem of powerful add-on libraries and models to experiment with, including Ragged Tensors, TensorFlow Probability, Tensor2Tensor and BERT. TensorFlow Serving − It is a flexible and high-performance serving system for machine learning models, designed for production environments. It runs ML models at production scale on the ... Read More

Difference between Tortoise and Turtle

Manisha Shejwal
Updated on 29-Sep-2022 13:33:20


Tortoises and Turtles both belong to class Reptilia of the order Testudines of Animalia kingdom. The word "Testudine" is derived from a Latin word, ‘Testa’, which means shell. Both, tortoises, and turtles have shells on their back to protect them from predators and various threats. They both lay eggs into the burrows. They both apparently look similar, but they have distinctive anatomical features as well as different habitat and behavior. They have been existing on the Earth since 200 million years. Read through this article to find out how turtles are different from tortoises. What is a Tortoise? Tortoise is ... Read More

Difference between Globular and Fibrous Proteins

Manisha Shejwal
Updated on 29-Sep-2022 13:18:00


Proteins are micro-molecules, which perform various functions in the cells of living organism’s body. Proteins are made of amino acid. The shape of a protein molecule is decided by how amino acids are arranged within the molecule. Depending on the gross structure of the protein molecule, the proteins are classified as − Globular proteins Fibrous proteins Read through this article to understand more about each type and the differences between them. Important Properties of Proteins To understand the difference between Globular and Fibrous proteins, first go through the following properties, which are considered as parameters to compare the ... Read More

Difference between Erosion and Weathering

Manisha Shejwal
Updated on 29-Sep-2022 13:08:54


There are various landforms on Earth’s surface such as rocks, cliffs, seashores, mountains, valleys, plateaus, and volcanic cones. The shape of these landforms continuously undergoes changes as they degrade due the exposure to changing environment, wind, ice, water, or any human activities. In Geology, the two terms are used to depict degradation of the landforms: Erosion and Weathering. Read through this article to understand the terms "Erosion" and "Weathering", and how they are different from each other. What is Erosion? Erosion is the process of breaking down rock particles and transporting those particles elsewhere thereby gradually changing the topography of ... Read More

Difference between Cheetah and Leopard

Manisha Shejwal
Updated on 29-Sep-2022 12:30:21


There are mainly four big cats in the world: Jaguar, Leopard, Lion, Snow Leopard, and Tiger. All big cats roar and no animal can hunt them. Cheetah, Cougar, Lynx, Snow Leopard also belong to Family Felidae, Subfamily Felinae (a group of small to mid-size cats including bigger cats as Cheetah and Cougar), though they don’t roar. Among these cats, Tiger and Snow Leopard are related closely whereas Lion, Leopard, and Jaguar are related closely. At a quick glance, one may find Cheetah and Leopards the same in appearance but there are different in several ways. Please go through this article ... Read More

Difference between Amphibians and Reptiles

Manisha Shejwal
Updated on 29-Sep-2022 12:28:18


Amphibians and Reptiles belong to the class Amphibia of kingdom Animalia. They both are vertebrates and cold-blooded. They are ectotherms, means they are responsible to control their body temperature by relying upon external environment. They have extraordinary eyesight which helps them to hunt their prey. There are around 7000 species Amphibians and 10, 000 species of reptiles found all over the world. Amphibians and Reptiles both have been living on Earth since more than 300 million years. Despite these similarities, they have some differences in their appearance and life forms. Go through this article to understand how exactly Amphibians differ ... Read More

Difference between Algae and Fungi

Manisha Shejwal
Updated on 29-Sep-2022 12:23:44


Algae and Fungi belong to the class Thallophyte (lower-order plants) of the Kingdom Plantae. Both are plant-like organisms, but they don't have conventional features of a plant such as leaves, stem, or root. Some Algae and Fungi are toxic and some are not. They both are useful for humans. Algae make 70% of the oxygen on Earth. Many aquatic animals depend on algae for their survival. Fungi contribute to reducing environmental pollution and increasing soil quality. Thus, both organisms play a vital role to preserve the balance in an ecosystem. Go through this article to understand the differences between Algae ... Read More
