Found 1980 Articles for Differences

Difference between Job Title and Occupation

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:50:53

1K+ Views

There is a wide range of jargons that may be used while talking about work and professions. In fact, it’s a long running joke that just when a person gets to understand the meaning all the different terms used in corporate work environment, new ones crop up replacing the older terms and bringing in newer implications with them. Occupation, job title, career, and profession are all phrases that describe what a person does for a living. Although there are important distinctions between these two terms, they are often used interchangeably. Some of these terms are used generally, while others are ... Read More

Difference between Job Costing and Batch Costing

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:48:01

5K+ Views

Operating a business is expensive because expenses pile up over time. Job costing refers to the procedure through which a company calculates the amount of money needed to produce a product or deliver a service. The smooth running of the business depends on this procedure. To calculate the cost per unit of production, it is necessary to keep track of all costs, categorize those costs, and assign both indirect and direct costs to individual products. A product's or process's cost per unit can be calculated in this way. It is possible to calculate the price of a service or an ... Read More

Difference between Inventory Management and Inventory Control

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:45:15


In order to build a successful business, one must finally take control of their stock. To some extent, this may not be a huge deal in the grand scheme of things from an economic standpoint, but it is still important enough to warrant some attention. Companies might collapse if they lose track of their stock and run out of crucial items, or if they have too much of one thing and run out of another. To avoid this from happening, businesses regularly participate in inventory management and control operations. Both names have to do with stocks, but they do ... Read More

Difference between Internal Audit and Internal Control

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:41:59

2K+ Views

In every area of life, from the classroom to the workplace to the economy to one's own physical well-being, the ability to exert control is crucial. Inadequate or nonexistent control mechanisms will prevent any corporation from reaching its full potential. Monitoring management is just as important as monitoring employees, finances, and equipment. For this reason, many organizations turn to internal audits and internal control systems. Even though they are often used interchangeably, these two terms are not identical. For more information on these differences, please read this article. What is Internal Audit? This is a consulting activity that has been ... Read More

Difference between Inspection and Appraisal

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:38:19


There are two necessary steps in every real estate deal: an inspection and an appraisal. Both of these areas of study revolve around determining how well a given property meets a set of criteria. Real estate transactions now always include an inspection and appraisal since your home is now a commodity that has to be valued. Because an appraisal is required before the property can be put up for sale. Product inspection and assessment, which in this case would apply to your home, can be performed to ascertain whether or not it meets the requirements of an order. Inspection ... Read More

Difference between Innovators and Entrepreneurs

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:34:51


In today's dynamic world – where all old systems are getting rapidly replaced with alternative technologies, ways of life, methods of working – individuals and businesses can survive and thrive only in an atmosphere that encourages original thought and the launch of new businesses. This evolution of business operations has facilitated the operations of new age innovators, and has also ushered in the era of several new entrepreneurs. This innovator + entrepreneur partnership has, in turn, led to a massive upsurge in development and manufacture of goods, services, etc. creating plenty of job openings for others. There is a relationship ... Read More

Difference between Inherent Risk and Control Risk

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:30:44


No matter how small, medium, or huge the business deal is, there is always some risk involved. Internal controls should be implemented to mitigate these threats. An error, omission, or unplanned event that might result in monetary loss is an example of risk. An auditor may issue inaccurate views on a company's financial accounts. Despite laws requiring all publicly listed corporations to publish accurate, relevant information about the current and future position of the business, this remains the case. There are three ways to classify these threats: those that are inherent, those that can be managed, and those that can ... Read More

Difference between IBM and SCO

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:27:58


The dispute between IBM and SCO began in March 2003, when SCO Group, a Utah-based firm, filed a lawsuit against IBM, claiming that IBM had broken the license agreement for AIX (IBM's in-house version of Unix) that it had signed with AT&T and that SCO now controlled. By offering AIX to other companies, SCO Group said IBM was in breach of contract. More than a billion dollars were sought in damages for the complaint, which also alleged illegal competition and a violation of the contract. Just two months after filing suit, SCO claimed to have found more UNIX code ... Read More

Difference between IBM and Intel

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:24:59

1K+ Views

Trade secrets in the microprocessor business is protected better than in any other sector. Everything that moves and changes in a computer system is controlled by microprocessors. Most people only think of Intel when they consider computer chip manufacturers. The moniker "Intel" is instantly recognizable. Intel is, without a doubt, the most prosperous chip producer worldwide and a technological behemoth. Every kind of computer has a central processing unit, or microprocessor—from laptops to desktops to servers. From the first commercially viable microprocessor developed in the early 1970s to the wide variety of mobile devices accessible today and the laptops of ... Read More

Difference between IBM and Apple

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:21:52

2K+ Views

Apple and IBM's rivalry dates back to the dawn of the microcomputer age in the early 1980s. IBM's entry into the market Apple controlled in August 1981 with the IBM Personal Computer (PC) marked the beginning of Apple's technological struggle with IBM. When IBM first entered the personal computer market, Apple released an ad that simply said, "Welcome, IBM, " in a bold typeface. The ad was fantastic and hilarious and definitely in the top tier of commercials. The advertising was released to the general public two weeks after the initial release of the IBM PC. Apple has ... Read More
