Found 1980 Articles for Differences

Difference between Obamacare and Romneycare

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 27-Jan-2023 10:49:43


According to Barak Obama, the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) borrows heavily from similar state-level legislation (aka Romneycare) implemented in Massachusetts in 2006 and passed by then-governor Mitt Romney. The ACA exchanges' less-than- smooth launch, combined with recent revelations that many people who buy health insurance on the individual market are receiving cancellation notices, has some Americans wondering if the new law will work. President Barack Obama cites the success of Massachusetts' health-care reform as proof that, despite a rocky start, the law will work to provide nearly universal coverage to all Americans. What is Obamacare? At the national and ... Read More

Difference Between Muscovite and Biotite

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 16:43:32


Let's talk briefly about phyllosilicates before we go on to our primary topic of discussion. Micas, smectites, chlorites, and kaolinites are all examples of the phyllosilicates (or sheet silicates) mineral family. Nearly 90% of Earth's crust is composed of silicate minerals, of which phyllosilicates are one of seven categories. Mica refers to a broad category of silicates that all have a similar sheet-like structure. The mica family of minerals includes both the common varieties of muscovite and biotite. What is Muscovite? The mineral muscovite is a kind of mica. Muscovite is a hydrated sheet silicate mineral containing aluminum and potassium, ... Read More

Difference Between Manifest Function and Latent Functions

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 15:38:15

4K+ Views

Separating "conscious impulses for social activities, and their objective implications, " or, as Robert Merton puts it elsewhere, "obvious factual repercussions of intuitive tendencies, " is what Robert Merton called the distinction between manifest and latent functions. What is Manifest Function? In Merton's view, the phrase "manifest function" denotes the intent behind social laws, processes, or activities that are designed to improve society. Manifest functions, he argued further, are the overt goals of social institutions. What is a Latent Function? Latent functions, on the other hand, are those that people don't realize they're doing but that have positive social effects. ... Read More

Difference Between Electromotive Force and Magnetomotive Force

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 11:06:24


The magnetomotive force is analogous to the electromotive force in an electric circuit. If an electric circuit's electrons are being propelled by an electromotive force (EMF), then the magnetic flux or field lines are being propelled by a magnetic field force (MMF). What is Electromotive Force? The passage of electrons in an electrical circuit is propelled by electromotive force (EMF). The presence of an electrical charge creates a field surrounding it, which may either attract or repulsion other charged particles. A potential difference is produced when enough of these charged particles are separated. Electromotive force is the difference in ... Read More

Differences between PMBOK 6 and PMBOK 7

Gargi Tomar
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 10:40:02


A successful project management program is a vital component of any organization's success. Whether it's in the field of construction or business operations, project managers have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively carry out their duties. Due to the increasing number of professionals in the project management industry, many people are considering pursuing a Post Graduate Program in project management. If you're planning on taking the Project Management Institute's (PMI) certification exam in 2021, you'll be in for a major change in the way the exam is conducted. The new version of the exam, known as PMBOK 7, features ... Read More

Difference Between Projects and Programs

Gargi Tomar
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 10:38:37


Projects are valuable tools that help organizations develop new products and improve their processes. They can also help them meet compliance requirements and gain a competitive edge. These are typically one-time projects that are managed and executed on a fixed schedule. A project can be a product or service that is designed to deliver a specific result. For instance, if a new customer relationship management system is implemented, it can help boost the sales of a company. A program, on the other hand, is a group of related projects that are focused on producing a common benefit. For instance, if ... Read More

Difference Between SharePoint vs. Citrix ShareFile

Pavan Sharma
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 16:17:01


Web-based collaborative platforms are online tools and platforms that enable online real-time collaboration and teamwork. The features and functionalities offered by these systems often include document sharing, task management, communication, and project tracking. Because they offer a practical and adaptable means for people to work together and share information regardless of location, web-based collaboration platforms are being used more and more in a number of situations, including corporations, education, and other organizations. Teams who need to collaborate with external partners and stakeholders or who are geographically dispersed may find web-based collaborative tools to be very helpful. By improving the cooperation ... Read More

Difference Between a Program Manager and a Project Manager

Priyanka Mangane
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 16:56:45


Do you often get confused between a program manager and a project manager? Here is the difference between a program manager and a project manager. Read on to learn more about both managers and what makes them different from one another! Happy Reading! Management plays an important role in the growth and success of any organization, and there are different managerial roles. Every managerial role has its own importance, and you can't ignore any of them. Currently, Program Managers and Project Managers are in high demand, and it's obvious because both managerial positions are significant for a company's success, productivity, ... Read More

Difference between Webinar and Webcast

Md. Sajid
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 14:03:06


Several generations earlier, printed advertisements and Television broadcasts were present for marketing your product. Those days, however, are long since gone, and marketing has made significant progress since then. There are currently a thousand various kinds of media you may use as promotional techniques to reach a broad audience. Video content is one such medium that has become increasingly popular rapidly over the years. Businesses are increasingly using webcasts and webinars, the two primary types of video material used for marketing, in their marketing strategies. Everything has been transformed by the new and more sophisticated digital world; technology has given ... Read More

Difference between UI and UX

Md. Sajid
Updated on 19-Jan-2023 14:04:15


UX and UI design are two technical words that are sometimes used interchangeably. Many individuals may use these two names alternately, mistakenly, or erroneously think they are identical. In brief, UX design is concerned with how the product works and the user experiences when utilizing it, whereas UI design is concerned with how the software package appears. Both are extremely relevant and play a crucial part in the creation and development of software. The end output of an app or a website must be useful, accessible, and aesthetically ... Read More
