Found 1962 Articles for Differences

Difference between Aggradation and Degradation

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 01-Mar-2023 15:04:54

2K+ Views

Aggradation and degradation both involve changes in the base level of a river. They are also both impacted by the amount of sediment in a river and the kinetic energy of a river. Read this article to learn more about Aggradation and Degradation and how they are different from each other. What is Aggradation? Aggradation, in geology, is the gradual accumulation of silt along the bed of a river or other similar setting. Rivers shape the terrain by both eroding and depositing sediment. When rivers' energy reserves are depleted, they start depositing silt because they can't keep it suspended. As ... Read More

Difference between Agglutination and Precipitation

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 01-Mar-2023 15:03:29

2K+ Views

Antibody specificity, or the capacity to bind to epitopes, is one of the key features of an antibody. Many different types of serological tests rely on this. Several bacteria and viruses can be identified by studying the reaction between an antibody and its associated antigen. Agglutination, precipitation, or activation of the complement system are all possible outcomes of this interaction. What is Agglutination? The process of agglutination involves the clustering of cells caused by the accumulation of antigens and antibodies. When an antibody binds to many antigens at once, bigger complexes are formed, which may then be seen. Particulate antigens ... Read More

Difference between Ageusia and Anosmia

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 01-Mar-2023 14:56:20


Ageusia is the total inability to perceive flavours. When someone has anosmia, they have completely lost their sense of smell. Read this article to learn more about Ageusia and Anosmia and how they are different from each other. What is Ageusia? Loss of all taste sensation in the tongue is known as ageusia. The gustatory receptors on the tongue synapse with several neurons that send the feeling of taste to the brain. Ageusia's symptoms include a diminished desire to eat and a resulting weight loss since the affected person can no longer enjoy the flavour of food. It's important to ... Read More

Difference between Adjuvant and Neoadjuvant Therapy

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 01-Mar-2023 14:55:31


After a malignant tumour has been removed surgically, any further treatment is considered adjuvant therapy. Before a malignant tumour is removed surgically, neoadjuvant therapy may be used. What is Adjuvant Therapy? Any treatment administered after a malignant tumour has been removed surgically is considered adjuvant therapy. This might be anything from pain medication to radiation or chemotherapy. Why and how it's employed − This treatment is given to terminally sick patients in an effort to prolong their lives and lessen the likelihood of a cancer recurrence. Opioid painkillers can be administered to terminally sick patients even after a tumour has ... Read More

Difference between Adiabatic, Isothermal and Isobaric

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 01-Mar-2023 14:54:12

1K+ Views

An adiabatic system is one in which there is no overall change in temperature. The process of adiabatic cooling occurs when the temperature of a gas falls as it expands. A rise in temperature due to compression is called adiabatic heating. For the study of the atmosphere, adiabatic processes are crucial. An isothermal system is one in which there is no change in temperature and the relationships between pressure and volume are fixed. A phase transition illustrates an isothermal process. In spite of the changes in heat and volume, the temperature of a material remains constant during a phase ... Read More

Difference between L1 and L2 regularization?

Jay Singh
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 12:34:12

14K+ Views

Regularization is a machine-learning strategy that avoids overfitting. Overfitting happens when a model fits the training data too well and is too complicated yet fails to function adequately on unobserved data. The model's loss function is regularized to include a penalty term, which helps prevent the parameters from growing out of control and simplifies the model. As a result, the model has a lower risk of overfitting and performs better when applied to new data. When working with high-dimensional data, regularization is especially crucial since it lowers the likelihood of overfitting and keeps the model from becoming overly complicated. In ... Read More

Difference Between Priority Queue and Queue Implementation in Java?

Sonal Meenu Singh
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 11:42:58

2K+ Views

The queue is a linear data structure that inserts elements from the back and removes elements from the starting end of the queue. A priority queue is an extended version of the normal queue with priorities for each element. In this tutorial, we learn about the queue and priority queue in Java with individual implementation. Difference between Priority Queue and Queue in Java Area Priority Queue Queue Definition A priority queue is the queue in which each of its elements has some priorities. The elements from the queue are removed based on their priorities. Queue is ... Read More

Difference Between add() & offer() methods in Queue in Java?

Sonal Meenu Singh
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 11:33:05

2K+ Views

Queue in Java is a linear data structure with various functions. A Queue has two endpoints and it follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO)principle to insert and remove its elements. In this tutorial, we will look at two important functions of the queue in Java and they are add() and offer(). What is Queue? A queue in java is an interface that extends the util and collection packages. The elements are inserted at the Rear end and removed from the Front end. A queue in java can be implemented by using the classes of linked list, DeQueue, and priority queue. A priority ... Read More

Difference Between Array-Based Queue and List-Based Queue

Sonal Meenu Singh
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 11:17:31


Introduction A queue is a linear data structure that inserts and removes queue elements in a particular order. We can implement a queue in C++ by using arrays and a linked list. Both queue implementations have their benefits and uses. In this tutorial, we will differentiate the array-based Queues and List Based Queues. What is a Queue? A Queue is a series of elements that uses the FIFO principle for the insertion and deletion of its elements. A queue in Computer Science resembles the queue of real life where the one who enters first in the queue, will be removed ... Read More

Difference between constructor and ngOnInit in Angular 8

Sravani Alamanda
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 17:46:31

9K+ Views

We can create robust applications using a number of life cycle functions using Angular. As it is the response of the event, the constructor and ngOnInit play important roles in developing applications. May this constructor and ngOnInit terms often confuse us. Constructor and ngOnInit will be available from the life cycle hooks of a component. This will provide extensive benefits to us in developing applications. Let’s check the differences below. Before that, let’s discuss the constructor and ngOnInit in detail. What is the Constructor in Angular 8? Constructor is a default method for a class and is called whenever we ... Read More
