Found 1962 Articles for Differences

Difference between Case Study and Action Research

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 28-Jun-2024 15:12:09


A case study is a topic in which a study is conducted about a person, group, event, etc. All the aspects of the topic are covered in a case study. Action research is content in which an issue is investigated and resolved. In this article, we will look at the difference between a case study and an action research. Case Study A case study is content in which you have to cover all the aspects of a topic. The topic can include a person, a group, an event, and many more things. There are many fields in which case studies ... Read More

Difference between Research Paper and Review Paper

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 28-Jun-2024 15:13:19


A research paper is written by students in which they have to conduct research on a given topic and then write the content. A review paper consists of reviews related to different articles that are already published. In this article, we will discuss the difference between a research paper and a review paper. Research Paper A research paper is an academic writing in which students have to collect information related to a given topic. They have to make an organized report regarding the subject which can include the research they have conducted or the research already done by other students. ... Read More

Difference Between Correlational and Experimental Research

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 28-Jun-2024 14:19:11


There are many differences between correlational research and experimental research and we will discuss them in detail in this article. First, we will know about correlational research. Correlational Research Correlational research is a type of research which is non-experimental. The research is conducted on two variables and a correlation between them is checked. There are two reasons due to which this research is conducted. The first reason is that the researchers believe that statistical relationship is a causal one The second reason is that a correlational study is used in this research and no experiment is performed. The independent ... Read More

Difference between Scripting and Programming Languages

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 28-Jun-2024 14:21:03


There are different types of computer languages which are used to make various types of software applications. In this article, we will talk about the difference between scripting and programming languages. Scripting Language Scripting language is a programming language in which a program is interpreted at runtime. The process of compiling is not performed in these languages. Scripting languages are used to establish communication between different programming languages. Types of Scripting Languages Scripting languages are of two types which include server side and client side. Server Side Scripts Server-side scripts are developed in such a way that they work at ... Read More

Difference between Research Papers and Technical Articles for Journal Publication

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 26-Jun-2024 15:53:18


This is an article in which you will know about the difference between research papers and technical articles. Research Papers A research paper is content which consists of reports and results of different examinations. The results are related to a particular field and the paper is designed in such a way that they assess the results and compare it with other modern solutions. It can also be considered as a type of academic essay which includes scholarly results and detailed assignments. You need to have a strong knowledge regarding the topic about which you have to write a research paper. ... Read More

Difference between Descriptive Research and Experimental Research

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 26-Jun-2024 15:53:46


Descriptive research and experimental research are quantitative research and in this article, we will discuss about the difference between descriptive and experimental research. Descriptive Research The aim of descriptive research is to describe topics like population, phenomenon, or situation in a systematic way. The questions that can be answered through this research are what, where, when, and how. This research does not answer the why questions. Different types of research methods are used for descriptive research. Methods of Descriptive Research Descriptive research is a type of quantitative research and the research has to be done in such a way that ... Read More

Difference between Data Analytics and Data Science

Syed Javed
Updated on 25-Jun-2024 17:49:51


This is an article in which we will look at the difference between data analytics and data science. Data Science Data science is a field in which structured and unstructured data are used to extract meaningful information with the help of different algorithms and scientific methods. One of its fields is artificial intelligence which has now become very popular. The subjects included in data science are mathematics, statistics, science, programming, and many more. Importance of Data Science There are many important factors related to data science and some of them are listed below − Insights are extracted from the ... Read More

Difference between Analysis and Analytics

Syed Javed
Updated on 27-Jun-2024 13:23:09


Data is the most important asset for every business as they need to know the issues due to which they are unable to gain profit. Businesses need to know the differences between data analytics and analysis. These words have different meanings but still, they are used interchangeably. If you are a data analyst, you will have to know the mood of the customers and the trends they follow. Data has exploded due to the usage of different electronic gadgets like laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc. Data Analysis Data analysis is performed when the performance of a business has to be taken ... Read More

Difference Between Isolation Transformer and Regular Transformer

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 10-Jun-2024 11:38:43


An electrical transformer is one of the most widely used electrical machines in power system. The main function of a transformer is to change the voltage levels in the system for different purposes. Depending on the purpose, these transformers can be classified into different types like step-up transformer, step-down transformer, or isolation transformer. The step-up or step-down transformers can also be referred to as regular transformers. These are used for changing the level of supply voltage. On the other hand, an isolation transformer is used for providing an electrical separation between the input and output circuits. The most fundamental ... Read More

Difference between CVT and PT

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 10-Jun-2024 11:37:08


In electrical engineering, there are several different types of transformers for different applications. Two such transformers are CVT and PT.CVT stands for Capacitive Voltage Transformer and PT stands for Potential Transformer. Both CVT and PT are the types of instrument transformers and thus are used in protection and metering applications. However, they are different from each other in many aspects. The primary difference between CVT and PT is that a CVT (Capacitive Voltage Transformer) utilizes a capacitor voltage divider and a step-down transformer to convert a high voltage into a low voltage, while a PT (Potential Transformer) utilizes only a ... Read More

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