Found 13 Articles for Deep Learning

Is Machine Learning reaching a Plateau?

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 12-Jun-2023 15:47:46


Machine learning is an artificial intelligence (AI) method that trains computers to improve over time by "learning" from their mistakes. However, worries are growing that as the field reaches a plateau, progress in machine learning will slow or stop. This article explores the possibility that machine learning has reached a plateau and the possible outcomes if this is the case. The Current State of Machine Learning The recent fast growth of machine learning may be credited with several significant scientific advances, and deep Learning is one of the most revolutionary concepts. It uses neural networks to understand complex data patterns. ... Read More

Difference between Bayesian Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 09-Jun-2023 17:52:39


Most individuals outside the artificial intelligence field probably think that Deep Learning and Machine Learning are the same. However, such is not the situation. Modeling statistics using Bayes' Theorem is the paradigm of Bayesian ML. Deep learning is a discipline of machine learning, a multi-layered artificial neural network. Even a simple neural network can approximate the truth, but a more elaborate network with concealed layers can greatly enhance precision. Everyone interested in learning more about AI should start by familiarizing themselves with the terminology used in the subject. These neural networks "learn" from extensive datasets to mimic human brain ... Read More

Relation between deep learning and machine learning

Mouri Roy
Updated on 09-May-2023 12:17:50


There is a buzz among the students regarding the terms like deep learning and machine learning. Machine learning is a subset of Artificial intelligence and Deep learning is a subset of Machine learning. Although there are many differences between them, many students get confused. This is not wrong to get confused because both these technologies are from a similar field. Choosing a career in either of these fields needs a clear vision and understanding of the topic. In this article, we will discuss the various aspects where machine learning and deep learning are similar and where they are different. What ... Read More
