Found 337 Articles for DBMS

Database System Terminologies

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 13:37:12

3K+ Views

The foundation of database systems is a broad vocabulary that facilitates communication about the numerous facets of data storage, administration, and retrieval. In order to further your comprehension, we will go through the important terms used in database systems in this article, along with comprehensive explanations and applicable examples. Entity − An entity is a specific real-world thing or idea that we wish to represent and keep data about. For instance, students, professors, courses, and departments might all be considered entities in a university database Attribute −  An attribute is a representation of a particular quality or trait of ... Read More

Database System Concepts and Architecture

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 13:30:27

5K+ Views

Modern information management rely heavily on database systems because they make it possible to store, retrieve, and manipulate massive volumes of data effectively. Designing reliable and scalable databases requires a thorough understanding of the principles and architecture of database systems. The essential ideas and complexities of database systems will be covered in detail in this article, along with examples from everyday life to show how they might be used in real-world situations. Concepts of Database Systems Data − Data is the central component of every database system. The information that has to be handled and saved is represented by ... Read More

Database Stored Procedures and SQL PSM

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 13:19:29


Stored Procedures are essential to database management systems (DBMS) because they boost security, increase performance, and encourage code reuse. A group of SQL statements are included within pre-compiled database objects known as stored procedures. They can be called by apps or other database objects and are saved in the database. In this post, we will go into the details of SQL Persistent Stored Modules (PSM), a procedural programming language extension for SQL, and examine the idea of stored procedures. Understanding Stored Procedures Stored Procedures are database objects that have already been pre-compiled and include a collection of SQL statements. They ... Read More

How to Get Value from SQLAlchemy Instance by Column Name?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 12:11:13

1K+ Views

SQLAlchemy is a SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system for the Python programming language. It offers a full suite of well-known enterprise-level persistence patterns, intended for data manipulation in SQL. One feature developers often seek to utilize is accessing the value from a SQLAlchemy instance using a column name. This powerful technique can streamline database operations and improve code readability. This article guides you through the process of using this feature in your Python program, showcasing two practical approaches. Syntax Before we delve into the procedures, let's establish the syntax of the method we will use in our following ... Read More

In-Memory Database Explained

Satish Kumar
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 15:54:36


Introduction The burgeoning field of technology constantly introduces innovations designed to boost efficiency, speed, and productivity in diverse arenas, among which data management holds paramount importance. The traditional disc-based databases have played a significant role in data management for years. However, with data volumes escalating exponentially, businesses worldwide are looking for ways to expedite data processing. In this scenario, in-memory databases (IMDBs) stand as a revolutionary alternative. Understanding In-Memory Databases An in-memory database (IMDB) is a database management system that primarily relies on main memory (RAM) for data storage rather than traditional disk storage. This storage scheme empowers IMDBs to ... Read More

Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL, and SQLJ

Amrendra Patel
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 15:46:47

7K+ Views

Embedded SQL Embedded SQL is a method that combines SQL with a high−level programming language's features. It enables programmers to put SQL statements right into the source code files used to set up an application. Database operations may be carried out effortlessly by developers by adding SQL statements to the application code. The source code files having embedded SQL statements should be preprocessed before compilation because of the issue of interpretation of SQL statements by the high−level programming languages in embedded SQL. The terms EXEC SQL and END_EXEC must be used before and after each SQL statement in the source ... Read More

Disadvantages of Distributed DBMS

Amrendra Patel
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 15:44:14

1K+ Views

Distributed DBMS A distributed database is the distribution of data to get stored at different computers or sites that are interlinked to each other by a network. It can also be defined as a database that collects data over separate databases with self−reliant computers that are connected over data communication links. Distributed databases can provide more availability and reliability than a centralized database system. It is because even if some site fails, the system can the working without them. Distributed database systems can give better execution by appropriating the information and handling load across numerous sites. Disadvantages Of Distributed ... Read More

Difficulties in Implementing Data Warhouse

Amrendra Patel
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 15:34:26


Data WarehouseA data warehouse is a type of data management system which help perform activities such as business analysis and support business intelligence. A large amount of data set is collected from different sources and analyses are performed to make quick and effective decisions by providing necessary information. It consistently provides information and makes the data accurate, verified, and adaptive in nature. A large amount of historical data is provided to perform the analysis. Also, data warehouse helps in recovering from database failure and are a feature of the data mining process. Difficulties in Implementing Data warhouse To ... Read More

Database Languages and Interface

Amrendra Patel
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 15:29:55

5K+ Views

Database Languages Database languages are used to read, store and update the data in the database. Specific languages are used to perform various operations of the database. Types of Database Languages DDL(Data Definition Language) Data Definition Language(DDL) is used for describing structures or patterns and its relationship in a database. It is also used to define the database schema, tables, index, Constraints, etc. It can also be used to store information like the number of tables, names, columns, indexes, etc. The commands only affect the database structure and not the data. The commands ... Read More

DML(Data Manipulation Language)

Amrendra Patel
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 15:22:16


It refers to a language that is used to insert, delete and update data in a database. It is used for the manipulation of data in the database.DCL is used together with DML because the changes made by dml wouldn't be saved permanently and have a chance of rolling back. Here are three DML commands: Insert into command It is used to insert a data row in a table. Syntax INSERT INTO table_name(col1, col2, col3, ..) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...); or INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...); Example This example will show the ... Read More

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