Found 337 Articles for DBMS

Concurrent execution and its problems

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 04-Jul-2024 16:02:06

2K+ Views

Several transactions can be carried out simultaneously in a shared database when using a database management system (DBMS). Concurrent execution can provide a number of benefits, including increased system capacity and quicker reaction times. To ensure accurate and dependable database functioning, there may be a number of issues that need to be resolved. We shall talk about concurrent execution in DBMSs and its issues in this post. Concurrent execution in a DBMS refers to the capacity to carry out numerous transactions simultaneously in a shared database. A collection of database activities known as a transaction, such as inserting, updating, or ... Read More

Concurrency Control Based on Timestamp Ordering

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 04-Jul-2024 16:14:32

1K+ Views

A key idea in database management systems, concurrency control guarantees transaction isolation and consistency. A concurrency management mechanism called timestamp ordering gives each transaction a distinct timestamp and arranges the transactions according to those timestamps. The timestamp ordering mechanism, its goals, and its operation to guarantee transaction consistency will all be covered in this article. Objectives of Timestamp Ordering The main goal of timestamp ordering is to guarantee serializability, which means that the order in which transactions are completed must create the same outcomes as if they were executed serially. The following are the main goals of timestamp ordering − ... Read More

Conceptual Database Design

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 04-Jul-2024 16:45:59

4K+ Views

Conceptual database design is the process of identifying the essential data elements, relationships, and constraints in a data model, which represents a particular organization's business requirements. The conceptual design stage is the first step in the database design process, which precedes the logical and physical design stages. In this article, we will discuss the conceptual database design, its objectives, its process, and the key components of a conceptual data model. Objectives of Conceptual Database Design The primary objective of conceptual database design is to create a high-level data model that reflects the business requirements and provides a clear understanding ... Read More

Concept of Time in database

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 07-Sep-2023 14:52:15


In the form of a relation, a database is used to mimic the status of some part of the real world outside. Database systems, in general, store just one state, which is the present state of the actual world, and do not keep data regarding prior and past states, except sometimes as audit trails. If the real world's current state changes, the database is edited and updated, and knowledge about the previous state is lost. But, in the majority of real-world applications, it is important to store and retrieve information about previous states. A student database, for example, must have ... Read More

The concept of indexing in Apache Cassandra

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 07-Sep-2023 15:23:15


Indexing in Apache Cassandra is a way to improve the efficiency and performance of queries on non-primary key columns. In Cassandra, data is organized in tables and each table has a primary key, which consists of one or more columns that uniquely identify each row in the table. Queries that use the primary key to retrieve data are very efficient, but queries that use other columns in the WHERE clause can be slower. Cassandra has secondary indexes that enable querying on columns other than the main key columns to solve this problem. A secondary index is built on a table's ... Read More

Computer-based control in Database

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 07-Sep-2023 14:45:59


This article will provide a broad review of computer-based controls before moving into the computer-based controls in databases available in a multi-user database system. Let's discuss all of them one by one. A group of security procedures called computer-based controls are used in DBMSs to safeguard the database against illegal access, alteration, or destruction. These safeguards are intended to guarantee that the database can only be accessed by authorized users and that the data is safe from accidental or deliberate destruction. Physical controls and administrative processes are only a couple of the several remedies available to deal with threats to ... Read More

Components of Storage Area Network (SAN)

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 07-Sep-2023 14:28:00


SAN stands for "Storage Area Network" in its complete form. Block-level data storage is offered via a Storage Area Network (SAN), a dedicated, autonomous, and ultra-speed network that gives different servers access to a common pool of storage devices. Data transmission between the server and storage device as well as data transfer between storage systems are the two major goals of storage area networks. Storage area networks are mostly used to access storage devices from servers, such as tape libraries and disk-based devices. Servers, network infrastructure, and storage make up the three main parts of a storage area network. Nevertheless, ... Read More

Components and Analysis of Star Schema Design

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 07-Sep-2023 14:38:23


Star schema design is a type of database schema used in data warehousing that is designed to make querying and analyzing large datasets more efficient. The schema consists of a central fact table that contains the data to be analyzed and one or more dimension tables that provide additional information about the data in the fact table. Components of Star Schema A star schema is made up of four major components. These are as follows − Fact Table Dimension Table Attributes Attribute Hierarchies Let us go over them one by one − Facts These are monetary ... Read More

Complex Type Structures for Objects and Literals

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 07-Sep-2023 14:43:28


Complex type structures for objects and literals are also crucial in the context of database management systems (DBMS). In this context, difficult types refer to data types that can store multiple values within a single column or attribute. This allows for more efficient and organized storage of complex data, such as arrays or nested objects, in a database. When it comes to databases, complex type structures for objects and literals can be incredibly useful for storing and retrieving data efficiently. In this article, we will explore how complex type structures can be implemented in databases, their advantages, and some of ... Read More

DDL(Data definition language)

Amrendra Patel
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 17:45:05

1K+ Views

Data Definition Language(DDL) is used for describing data and its relationship in a database. It is also used to define the database schema. The commands only affect the database structure and not the data. The main DDL commands are create, alter, drop and truncate. Create Statement It is used to create a database or table. While creating the table, we specify table_name, column_name followed by data_types(int, float, varchar, etc) and constraints(primary key, not null, etc) Syntax CREATE TABLE table_name ( column1 datatype, column2 datatype, ..... ) Example In this ... Read More
