Found 337 Articles for DBMS

One-to-One Relationship in DBMS

Alex Onsman
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 12:57:39

10K+ Views

Relationships in DBMS can be stated as a relation between two entities like Employee-Department, Student-Course, etc.One-to-One relationship in DBMS is a relationship between an instance of an entity with another.The relation can be stated as −An Employee is issued an Employee ID Card. An individual employee is offered a unique ID card in the company. Here, Employee and ID Card (ID_Card) are entities.

Evolution of Data Models

Ricky Barnes
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 12:28:15

4K+ Views

Managing data was the key and was essential. Therefore, data model originated to solve the file system issues. Here are the Data Models in DBMS −Hierarchical ModelIn Hierarchical Model, a hierarchical relation is formed by collection of relations and forms a tree-like structure.The relationship can be defined in the form of parent child type.One of the first and most popular Hierarchical Model is Information Management System (IMS), developed by IBM.ExampleThe hierarchy shows an Employee can be an Intern, on Contract or Full- Time. Sub-levels show that Full-Time Employee can be hired as a Writer, Senior Writer or Editor:AdvantagesThe design of ... Read More

Objectives of a good Database Design

Alex Onsman
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 12:58:44

3K+ Views

Good Database Design is what everyone wants to achieve to avoid the consequences of dealing with a bad design.The following are the objectives of a good database design −Avoid Redundant DataThe table in the database should be constructed following standards and with utmost dedication. It should have different fields and minimize redundant data. The table should always have a Primary Key that would be a unique id.Faultless InformationThe database should follow the standards and conventions and provide meaningful information useful to the organization.Data IntegrityIntegrity assists in guaranteeing that the values are valid and faultless. Data Integrity is set to tables, ... Read More

Types of dependencies in DBMS

Amit Diwan
Updated on 06-Sep-2023 13:07:39

47K+ Views

Dependencies in DBMS is a relation between two or more attributes. It has the following types in DBMS −Functional DependencyFully-Functional DependencyTransitive DependencyMultivalued DependencyPartial DependencyLet us start with Functional Dependency −Functional DependencyIf the information stored in a table can uniquely determine another information in the same table, then it is called Functional Dependency. Consider it as an association between two attributes of the same relation.If P functionally determines Q, thenP -> QLet us see an example −EmpIDEmpNameEmpAgeE01Amit28E02Rohit31In the above table, EmpName is functionally dependent on EmpID because EmpName can take only one value for the given value of EmpID:EmpID -> EmpNameThe same is displayed ... Read More

Identifying Entity Relationships in DBMS

Ricky Barnes
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 12:41:33

3K+ Views

Identifying entity relationships in DBMS is used to identify a relationship between strong and weak entity.Before beginning, let us take an example of Professor entity, which is our Strong Entity, with Professor_ID as a Primary Key −Professor_IDProfessor_NameProfessor_CityProfessor_SalaryThe weak entity is Professor_Dependents entity:NameDOBRelationNow, let us continue, Weak EntityWeak Entity is dependent on Strong Entity and does not have a primary key. Weak Entity has a partial key. It is represented as double rectangle −Strong EntityOther entities are dependent on Strong Entity and it has a key attribute i.e. a primary key and represented as a single rectangle.Identifying RelationshipsIt links the strong and weak entity ... Read More

History of Data Models and Databases

Amit Diwan
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 12:46:54

3K+ Views

The history of data models had three generations of DBMS −Hierarchical System was the first generation of DBMS. The first generation also came with the CODASYL system. Both of them introduced in 1960s.The second generation includes the Relational Model. Dr. E.F.Codd introduced it in 1970.The third generation includes Object-Relational DBMS and Object-Oriented DBMS.The history timeline of databases is shown below −File based systemsFile based systems came in 1960s and was widely used. It stores information and organize it into storage devices like a hard disk, a CD-ROM, USB, SSD, floppy disk, etc.Relational ModelRelational Model introduced by E.F.Codd in 1969. The ... Read More

Types of Entity Relationships in DBMS

David Meador
Updated on 15-Jun-2020 12:43:07

5K+ Views

Entity in DBMS can be a real-world object with an existence, For example, in a Company database, the entities can be Employees, Department, Project, etc. In a College database, the entities are Profession, Students, Result, Activities, etc.An entity is represented as a single rectangle, shown belowThe following are the entity relationships −One-to-One RelationshipUnder One-to-One (1:1) relationship, an instance of entity P is related to instance of entity Q and an instance of entity Q is related to instance of entity P.Let us see an example −A person can have only one passport, and a passport is assigned to a single person.One-to-Many RelationshipUnder ... Read More
