Found 337 Articles for DBMS

Check the view serializability for the given schedules(DBMS)

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Jul-2021 14:54:59

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A schedule has view-serializability if it is viewed as equivalent to a serial schedule. A schedule is view serializable if the following three rules are satisfied −Rule 1 − If Ti reads data initially, after this Tj writes the same data, in the given schedule. This sequence must be followed in the transaction combination (read write operation).Rule 2 − If Ti writes data initially, after this Tj reads the same data, in the given schedule. This sequence must be followed in the transaction combination (write read operation).Rule 3 − If Ti writes data, after this Tj writes the data finally. ... Read More

Explain the PL/SQL Engine in DBMS

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 08-Mar-2023 13:30:54

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PL/SQL is oracle’s procedural language extension to SQL. PL/SQL allows you to mix SQL statements with procedural statements like IF statements. Looping structure etc, PL/SQL is the superset of SQL. It uses SQL for data retrieval and manipulation and uses its own statement for data processing.Pl/SQL program units are generally categorized as follows −Anonymous blockThis is a PL/SQL block that appears within your application. In many applications PL/SQL blocks can appear where SQL statements can appear. Such blocks are called Anonymous blocks.Stored proceduresThis is a PL/SQL block that is stored in the database with a name. Application programs are executing ... Read More

What are the different phases of database development Life cycle (DBMS)?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Jul-2021 15:51:56

10K+ Views

The different phases of database development life cycle (DDLC) in the Database Management System (DBMS) are explained below −Requirement analysis.Database design.Evaluation and selection.Logical database design.Physical database design.Implementation.Data loading.Testing and performance tuning.Operation.Maintenance.Now, let us understand these phases one by one.Requirement AnalysisThe most important step in implementing a database system is to find out what is needed i.e what type of a database is required for the business organization, daily volume of data, how much data needs to be stored in the master files etc.In order to collect all this information, a database analyst spends a lot of time within the business ... Read More

How are locks used in DBMS?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Jul-2021 14:53:45


In a transaction, a data item which we want to read or write should first be locked before any read or write operation. After the operation is over, the transaction unlocks the data item so that other transactions can lock that same data item for their use.ExampleLet us see how locking mechanisms help us to create error free schedules.An erroneous schedule is as follows −Here t2 reads A, before A is modified in T1. This will result in inconsistency.Now we use locking mechanism in the above schedule which is shown below −Until T1 performs Unlock(A) T2 cannot access A. So, ... Read More

When do we say the schedule is conflict equivalent(DBMS)?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Jul-2021 14:53:14

5K+ Views

Two schedules are said to be conflict equivalent if the order of any two conflicting operations are the same in both the schedules.Also, a concurrent schedule S is conflict equivalent to a serial schedule S’, if we can obtain S’ out of S by swapping the order of execution of non-conflicting instructions.Example 1Even if the schedule S1 keeps the database in the consistent state, we cannot convert it into a serial schedule and hence we conclude that the schedule is not conflict equivalent to any of the serial schedules.So, instead of considering only the read and write operation, we will ... Read More

Explain about conflict serializability in DBMS

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Jul-2021 14:50:27

11K+ Views

Conflict serializability orders any conflicting operations in the same way as some serial execution. A pair of operations is said to conflict if they operate on the same data item and one of them is a write operation.That meansReadi(x) readj(x) - non conflict   read-read operationReadi(x) writej(x) - conflict         read-write operation.Writei(x) readj(x) - conflic      t write-read operation.Writei(x) writej(x) - conflict      write-write operation.Where I and j denote two different transactions Ti and Tj.Precedence graphIt is used to check conflict serializability.The steps to check conflict serializability are as follows −For each transaction T, put ... Read More

What is the term serializability in DBMS?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 07-Nov-2023 02:56:47

56K+ Views

A schedule is serialized if it is equivalent to a serial schedule. A concurrent schedule must ensure it is the same as if executed serially means one after another. It refers to the sequence of actions such as read, write, abort, commit are performed in a serial manner.ExampleLet’s take two transactions T1 and T2, If both transactions are performed without interfering each other then it is called as serial schedule, it can be represented as follows −T1T2READ1(A)WRITE1(A)READ1(B)C1READ2(B)WRITE2(B)READ2(B)C2Non serial schedule − When a transaction is overlapped between the transaction T1 and T2.ExampleConsider the following example −T1T2READ1(A)WRITE1(A)READ2(B)WRITE2(B)READ1(B)WRITE1(B)READ1(B)Types of serializabilityThere are two types ... Read More

What do you mean by schedule in DBMS?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Jul-2021 14:48:36

3K+ Views

A transaction must satisfy the ACID properties of DBMS, namelyAtomicity − Execute all or none transaction.Consistency − The DB should be consistent before and after transaction execution.Isolation − Transaction must be executed in isolated form.Durability − Roll backing should always be possible in Case of any failure.A schedule is defined as an execution sequence of transactions. A schedule maintains the order of the operation in each individual transaction. A schedule is the arrangement of transaction operations. A schedule may contain a set of transactions.We already know that a transaction is a set of operations. To run transactions concurrently, we arrange ... Read More

Explain the unary operations of algebra relations in DBMS?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Jul-2021 15:48:59

12K+ Views

Query is a question or requesting information. Query language is a language which is used to retrieve information from a database.Query language is divided into two types −Procedural languageNon-procedural languageProcedural languageInformation is retrieved from the database by specifying the sequence of operations to be performed.For Example − Relational algebra.Structure Query language (SQL) is based on relational algebra.Relational algebra consists of a set of operations that take one or two relations as an input and produces a new relation as output.Types of Relational Algebra operationsThe different types of relational algebra operations are as follows −Select operationProject operationRename operationUnion operationIntersection operationDifference operationCartesian ... Read More

Write queries using aggregate functions in relational algebra (DBMS)?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Jul-2021 15:47:50

5K+ Views

The aggregate functions are follows −max()min()sum()average()count()Consider the following tables −Employee − Emp(empid, ename, salary)EmpidEmpnameSalaryE1Ravi4000E2Sanjay3500E3Sruthi3000E4Alok3000E5Pritam3000Dept − Dept(deptid, dname)DepidDnameD1CseD2EceD3CivilProject − Project(projected, pname)ProjectidPnameP1DatabaseP2networkingWorksin − Worksin(empid, depid)EmpidDepidE1P1E2P2E3P1E4P2E5P2Assign − Assign(empid, projectid)EmpidProjectidE1P1E2P2E3P1E4P2E5P2Example 1Display the details of the employee who works in the ece department.Step 1Use the below mentioned syntax. Here, T1= deptid of EceT1=∏deptid(σdname=ece(dept))OutputDeptidD2Step 2Here, ⋈= {T1.deptid=worksin.deptid} and T2= all empid of EceT2= ∏empid(T1⋈worksin)OutputEmpidE3E4Step 3Here, T3=(T2⋈emp), ⋈={T2.empid=emp.empid} and T3= details of all employees of EceEmpidEmpnameSalaryE3Smruthi3000E4Alok3000Example 2Display all names of employees who work on database projects.Step 1Use the command mentioned below −T1=∏projectid(σpname=database(project))OutputProjectidP1Step 2Use the command given below −T2= ∏empid(T1⋈assign)OutputEmpidE1E2Step 3Use the command given below −T3= ∏empname(T2⋈emp)OutputEmpnameRaviSmrutiRead More
