Found 337 Articles for DBMS

Data Transformation in Data Mining

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:44:10

1K+ Views

Data transformation is an essential phase in the data mining process. It entails transforming unprocessed data into an analytically useful format. Data transformation seeks to enhance the consistency and relevance of the data for the desired analysis while reducing redundancy and improving data quality. The significance of data transformation in data mining as well as some typical data transformation techniques will be covered in this article. Importance of Data Transformation in Data Mining Data transformation is an essential element of data mining for several reasons. Firstly, analyzing unstructured, erroneous or incomplete raw data can be challenging and time-consuming. Therefore, the ... Read More

Counter Type in Cassandra

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:40:43


A distributed, highly scalable NoSQL database with high availability and fault tolerance for massive volumes of data is called Apache Cassandra. Support for a unique data type called Counter Type is one of Cassandra's distinguishing characteristics. In this post, we will examine Counter Type in Cassandra, discuss its advantages, and offer usage examples. What does Cassandra's Counter Type mean? For the purpose of storing counter values, Cassandra has a specific data type called Counter Type. In order to keep track of activities like likes, upvotes, downvotes, and page visits, counters are utilized. A counter value in Cassandra may only be ... Read More

Couchbase Installation

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:38:41


Given its remarkable speed, scalability, and availability, Couchbase is a NoSQL document-oriented database that is appropriate for large-scale, mission-critical applications. The JSON data format is supported by the system, which is based on the Memcached distributed caching technology and the Apache CouchDB database management system. Numerous capabilities provided by Couchbase, like as automatic sharding, cross-datacenter replication, and integrated caching, enable programmers to store, retrieve, and query data in a variety of ways utilizing its adaptable data model. Real-time analytics, IoT applications, and online and mobile apps all favour it. Both community and enterprise editions of Couchbase are offered, and they ... Read More

Cost Components for Query Execution

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:34:35

1K+ Views

One of the most crucial processes of a database management system (DBMS) is the execution of queries. It entails getting information from one or more tables and giving the user the outcomes. However, there are a number of cost factors involved in the process of performing a query, so it's not entirely free. In this post, we'll talk about the various costs associated with running queries in a DBMS. Parsing Cost The SQL query is parsed as the first stage in the query execution process. The DBMS performs a syntax check on the query and creates an internal representation of ... Read More

Cosine Similarity

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:33:57


Database management systems (DBMS) frequently employ the cosine similarity approach to assess how similar two sets of data are. It is utilized in many different applications, including document clustering, recommendation systems, and information retrieval. Finding similarities between words, documents, or any other data that can be represented as a vector may be done using cosine similarity. The idea of cosine similarity, its mathematical definition, and its use in database management systems will all be covered in this article. The angle between two vectors serves as the foundation for the cosine similarity idea. In a vector space, a set of data ... Read More

Control Methods of Database Security

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:33:09

3K+ Views

The practice of protecting database data from unauthorized access, theft, alteration, and destruction is known as database security. Protecting sensitive information from many risks, including hackers, nefarious insiders, and natural calamities, is the aim of database security. Organizations can implement database security safeguards using a variety of techniques. We will talk about some of the most popular database security control mechanisms in this article − Authentication Database Encryption Access control Inference control Flow control Database Security Applying Statistical Method Authentication Database security that verifies the user's login information stored in the database is known as database authentication. The ... Read More

Constraints in Relational Database Model

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:32:15

12K+ Views

In Relational Database Model , constraints are guidelines or limitations imposed on database tables to maintain the integrity, correctness, and consistency of the data. Constraints can be used to enforce data linkages across tables, verify that data is unique, and stop the insertion of erroneous data. A database needs constraints to be reliable and of high quality. What are the Constraints of the Relational Database Model? In Relational Database Model, constraints refer to limitations placed on data or data processes. This indicates that only a particular type of data may be entered into the database or that only a ... Read More

Constraints on Generalization

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:31:26

3K+ Views

Data storage, retrieval, administration, and processing are all made possible by database management systems (DBMS), which are the foundation of the current computerized world. The DBMS employs several strategies to guarantee the consistency, integrity, and security of data. A DBMS's capacity to generalize data that is suitable for various applications is one of its most important features. To make sure that data is correct and current, DBMS generalization restrictions must be taken into account. By eliminating pointless elements and simplifying the material, generalization is the process of summing up the information. Making data more manageable and practical for a variety ... Read More

Constraints in DBMS

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 12-Sep-2023 02:01:06

62K+ Views

In DBMS (Database Management Systems), constraints are guidelines or limitations imposed on database tables to maintain the integrity, correctness, and consistency of the data. Constraints can be used to enforce data linkages across tables, verify that data is unique, and stop the insertion of erroneous data. A database needs constraints to be reliable and of high quality. What are the Constraints of DBMS? In DBMS, constraints refer to limitations placed on data or data processes. This indicates that only a particular type of data may be entered into the database or that only a particular sort of operation can be ... Read More

Consistency levels in Cassandra

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:29:55


Developed to manage massive volumes of data across commodity servers, Apache Cassandra is a distributed, highly scalable NoSQL database management system. Cassandra's configurable consistency is one of its core characteristics, allowing users to combine data consistency with speed and availability. In this post, we will go through the various consistency levels in Cassandra and present examples of how to use them. A consistency level in Cassandra is the number of replicas that react before providing a response to a user. Cassandra's consistency is configurable, which means that any client may decide how much consistency and availability they want. It is ... Read More
