Found 6702 Articles for Database

Installing MySQL on Solaris

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 11:54:08


MySQL can be installed on Solaris using a binary package which is the native Solaris PKG format, instead of using the binary tarball distribution. The installation package has a dependency on the Oracle Developer Studio 12.6 Runtime Libraries. This needs to be installed before running the MySQL installation package.The installation package ensures that the runtime libraries only are installed, instead of having to install the full Oracle Developer Studio. This package can be used by downloading the corresponding mysql-VERSION-solaris11-PLATFORM.pkg.gz file.Uncompress Solaris PackageThis needs to be uncompressed after being downloaded. Below is a sample code to do the same −shell> gunzip ... Read More

Installing MySQL Using Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN)

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 11:53:54


Let us understand how to install MySQL with the help of ULN −Linux support many different ways of installing MySQL. One of the methods is installing it from Oracle’s Unbreakable Linux Network, which is also known as ULN.More information about Oracle Linux and ULN can be found here- Unbreakable Linux NetworkLet us understand how MySQL can be installed using ULN, i.e Unbreakable Linux Network. To use ULN, a ULN login needs to be obtained.Once this is done, the machine which is used for installation with ULN has to be registered. It supports both community and commercial packages.Community VersionThe community versions ... Read More

Installing MySQL on Linux

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 11:51:43


Let us understand how to install MySQL on Linux −Linux supports many different solutions to install MySQL. We will see how to install MySQL on Ubuntu 20.02. Following are the steps −Step1 − Open Terminal and enter the following command −Press Enter above and wait for download to complete.Step 2 − Set PasswordUse the mysql_secure_installation command and press enter to set password.Step 3 − Now, enter the MySQL Console using the below commandStep 4 − Display all the databases using the “SHOW DATABASES’ command −Now, start creating a new database and tables in it.

Installing MySQL on macOS

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 11:51:26


Let us understand how MySQL can be installed on macOS.There is a package that is located inside a disk image (a .dmg) file which needs to be mounted on by double clicking on the icon in the Finder. The next step is to mount the image and display the contents of it.Before installation of MySQL, the user has to ensure that all MySQL server instances have stopped running. This can be done by using the MySQL manager application, which is present on macOS server or the preference pane or by using the mysqladmin shutdown on the command line.MySQL can be ... Read More

Installing MySQL on Unix/Linux Using Generic Binaries

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 11:46:15

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Oracle comes with a set of binary distributions of MySQL. This includes generic binary distributions in the form of compressed tar files (files that have a .tar.xz extension) for many platforms, and binaries in platform-specific package formats for specific platforms.MySQL compressed tar file binary distributions have names in the format ‘mysql−VERSION−OS.tar.xz’, where VERSION refers to a number and OS indicates the type of operating system on which the distribution is required to be used.To install a compressed tar file binary distribution, the installation needs to be unpacked into a location that is chosen by user. Debug versions of the mysqld ... Read More

Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL

Updated on 09-Mar-2021 07:21:08


Some problems with compiling MySQL could be because of not configuring properly. Hence, the solution is to reconfigure.If CMake is run right after it was previously run, there is a possibility that it would use information that was gathered from its previous call. This information is present in CMakeCache.txt. When CMake begins, it looks for this file and reads the contents (if it exists), assuming that the information is correct. This assumption becomes wrong when the file is reconfigured.Each time CMake is run, ‘make’ has to be executed again to recompile. The old object files from previous builds can be ... Read More

Installing MySQL from source on linux

Updated on 09-Mar-2021 07:22:31


Linux supports many different methods to install MySQL. Only one of the distributions from Oracle needs to be used out of the many installations available.StepsType − Apt, set up method−Enable the MySQL Apt repositoryType − Yum, set up method−Enable the MySQL Yum repositoryType − Zypper, set up method−Enable the MySQL SLES repositoryType − RPM, set up method−Download a specific packageType − DEB, set up method−Download a specific packageType − Generic, set up method−Download a generic packageType − Source, set up method−Compile from sourceType − Docker, set up method−Use Docker Hub for MySQL Community Edition; download Docker image for MySQL Enterprise ... Read More

Installing a MySQL Source Distribution

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 11:42:50


Let us understand how to install MySQL from a source distribution −Building MySQL from sourceYou need the following tools to build and install MySQL from source −GNU needs to be installed so as to uncompress the distribution. Another ‘tar’ should be installed to unpack the distribution.ANSI C++ compiler.A good ‘make’ program. GNU make is recommendedThe below commands need to be executed to install a MySQL source distribution from an unpacked ‘tar’ file −shell> configure shell> make shell> make install shell> scripts/mysql_install_db shell> /usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld &If you start from a source RPM, then do the> rpm −−rebuild MySQL−VERSION.src.rpmThis will ‘make’ a ... Read More

Verifying MySQL Package Integrity

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 11:42:35


Let us understand how to verify the package integrity of MySQL −Once the MySQl package that suits the user’s requirements has been downloaded, it has to be installed. Before installation, it is to be ensured that the package is intact and hasn’t been tampered with.Check Integrity of packageThere are three ways in which the integrity of the package can be checked. They have been listed below.MD5 checksumsCryptographic signatures with the help of GnuPG, which is the GNU Privacy GuardFor RPM packages, the built-in PRM integrity verification mechanismLet us understand the MD5 checksum method of checking the integrity of the package.MD5 ... Read More

How To Check MySQL Version

Updated on 09-Mar-2021 07:23:43


Let us understand how to check the version of MySQL that the user is currently running −Before entering queries on the console, it is important to ensure that the user is connected to the server.Check MySQL VersionThe below query would give the version number of the server being used, and the current date.mysql> SELECT VERSION(), CURRENT_DATE;Note: The function ‘VERSION()’ and ‘CURRENT_DATE’ are case −insensitive. This means ‘version()’, ‘Version()’, ‘vERsion()’, all mean the same. Same goes with ‘CURRENT_DATE’QueriesLearn about MySQL QueriesAn SQL query is followed by a semi−colon.When a query is issued to mysql, it sends the query to the server ... Read More
