Found 6702 Articles for Database

MySQL Server and Server-Startup Programs

Updated on 10-Mar-2021 12:10:52


There are 4 MySQL server and server-start up programs. They have been listed below −mysqldmysqld_safemysql.servermysqld_multimysqldis also known as MySQL Server. It is a single multithreaded program that does most of the work in a MySQL installation. It doesn’t spawn additional processes. MySQL Server helps manage the access to the MySQL data directory which contains databases and tables. The data directory is the default location for other information like log files and status files.When MySQL server starts, it listens to the network connections from client programs and helps manage the access to databases on behalf of these clients.To see options specified ... Read More

Getting MySQL path in command prompt

Updated on 10-Mar-2021 12:09:44

2K+ Views

Let us understand how to get the MySQL path in the command prompt −To invoke MySQL programs easily, the path name of the MySQL bin directory can be added to the Windows system PATH environment variable.This can be done using the below mentioned steps −Before trying to add MySQL to Windows path, ensure that MySQL has been installed properly.Add MySQL to PathBelow are the steps to add MySQL to path −Step1 − Locate the mysql.exe file. We found in the following location −C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\binStep 2 − Press Start and type “Environment Variables”. Click −Step 3 − Under ‘Advanced’, ... Read More

Adding MySQL to Windows Path

Updated on 10-Mar-2021 12:06:51

12K+ Views

Environment variables can be set at the command prompt. This is done to affect the current invocation of the command processor, or to permanently set to affect the future invocations. To set a variable permanently, it can be set in a startup file or with the help of the interface provided by the system for the same purpose. The documentation of the command interpreter needs to be consulted for specific details.To specify a value for an environment variable, the syntax relevant for the command processor needs to be used.The command to set environment variables can be executed at the command ... Read More

Setting MySQL Environment Variables on Linux

Updated on 10-Mar-2021 12:04:39

1K+ Views

Let us understand how to set environment variables on Linux for MySQL −Environment variables can be set at the command prompt. This is done to affect the current invocation of the command processor, or to permanently set to affect the future invocations.To set a variable permanently, it can be set in a startup file or with the help of the interface provided by the system for the same purpose. The documentation of the command interpreter needs to be consulted for specific details. To specify a value for an environment variable, the syntax relevant for the command processor needs to be ... Read More

Enable MySQL Compression

Updated on 10-Mar-2021 12:01:55


Before a compressed table is created, ensure that the innodb_file_per_table configuration option is enabled, and innodb_file_format is set to Barracuda. These parameters can be found in the MySQL configuration file my.cnf or my.ini, or with the SET statement without having to shut down the MySQL server.To enable compression for a table, the clauses ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED, KEY_BLOCK_SIZE, or both can be used in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement.Let us see the statements to create a compressed table −QuerySET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=1; SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=Barracuda; CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT PRIMARY KEY) ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=8;Here, If ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED is specified, the KEY_BLOCK_SIZE can be ... Read More

The complete list of new features in MySQL 8.0

Updated on 10-Mar-2021 11:59:38


The new features in MySQL 8.0 have been briefly listed below −Transactional Data DictionaryA transactional data dictionary to store information about object.Atomic Data Definition LanguageAn atomic data definition language (DDL) statement to combine updates made to data dictionary, storage engine operations and so on.Security EnhancedThe security levels have been improved, and DBA (Database administrator) has been given greater flexibility for account management.EncryptionThe encryption defaults have been defined and implemented globally for table encryption. The ‘default_table_encryption’ variable is used to define an encryption default for schemas that have been newly created. The default encryption for a schema can be defined with ... Read More

Best Way to compress mysqldump?

Updated on 10-Mar-2021 11:55:17

2K+ Views

The compression operation is used only if both client and server support ‘zlib’ compression, and the client requests compression.Usage of mysqldumpThe advantage of using compression is that it reduces the size of the payloadOn the other hand, the disadvantage of using compression is that it increases the computation time.Performance benefits will depend largely on the size of the result set which is being sent.In addition to this, the network bandwidth and latency between the database server and its clients also matters. The larger the result set, the larger will be the latency.In other words, the lesser the bandwidth, the more ... Read More

When should I use MySQL compressed protocol?

Updated on 09-Mar-2021 13:57:17


Let us understand when MySQL compressed protocol should be used −The compression operation is used only if both client and server support ‘zlib’ compression, and the client requests compression.The advantage of using compression is that it reduces the size of the payload.On the other hand, the disadvantage of using compression is that it increases the computation time.Performance benefits will depend largely on the size of the result set which is being sent.In addition to this, the network bandwidth and latency between the database server and its clients also matters.The larger the result set, the larger will be the latency.In other ... Read More

Restricting MySQL Connections to Secure Transport

Updated on 09-Mar-2021 13:56:39


MySQL will make secure connections easier when it has streamlined key generation for both MySQL Community and MySQL Enterprise. This way, the security is improved by expanding support for TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2. This also helps administrators determine if clients are connecting securely or not with enhanced visibility into connection types.Extending this importance on secure connections, MySQL server introduced a new server-side configuration option that allows MySQL administrators to restrict connections to clients who use secure transport. When we say about the connection needing secure transport, the first question that needs to be addressed is the kind of transport it uses.Secure ... Read More

How to force MySQL to connect by TCP instead of a Unix socket?

Updated on 09-Mar-2021 13:54:23


Programs such as ‘mysql’ and ‘mysqldump’, that use MySQL client library have the support of MySQL connection to server with the help of many transport protocols, such as TCP/IP, Unix socket file, named pipe, shared memory, and so on.With respect to a given connection, if the transport protocol is not specified, it is determined as a separate task.ExampleConnections to localhost will result in a socket file connection on Unix and Unix-like systems, and a TCP/IP connection to otherwise. If the protocol has to be specified in particular, it is done using the --protocol command option.The below table shows the ... Read More
