Found 6702 Articles for Database

Difference between RDBMS and MongoDB

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 10:14:44

5K+ Views

RDBMSRDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. It stores data in form of entity as tables. It provides multiple layers on information security. Each table may or may not have a primary key which identifies a record uniquely in a table and a foreign key which indentifies the relationship between two tables. RDBMS uses SQL language to query databases. Examples of popular RDBMS are oracle, sql server, mysql etc.MongoDBMongoDB is a NoSQL database. It is open source. It is a document oriented database and it uses BSON which is binary version of JSON. BSON is a document storage format. MongoDB ... Read More

Difference between SQL(Structured Query Language) and T-SQL(Transact-SQL).

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 27-Nov-2019 07:58:51


SQLSQL, Structured Query Language is a non-procedural language and is used by database engines to interpret SQL queries to create/modify/access the database elements.T-SQLT-SQL, Transact-SQL, is a procedural extension to SQL, used by SQL Server. It is similar to PL/SQL of Oracle.Following are the important difference between SQL and T-SQL.Sr. No.KeySQLT-SQL1TypeSQL is non-procedural by nature.T-SQL is procedural by natue.2MethodsSQL provides data manipulation and controlling functions.With T-SQL, we can write own procedures, functions with local variables.3ProprietarySQL is open to use and is common across RDBMS softwares.T-SQL is specific to SQL Server and is proprietary.4Query orderMultiple querires are submitted one by one.Using T-SQL, ... Read More

Difference between Fuzzification and Defuzzification

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 14:36:47

13K+ Views

Fuzzification is the process of converting a crisp quantity into a fuzzy quantity. On the other hand, defuzzification is the process of translating a fuzzy quantity into a crisp quantity. Read this article to learn more about fuzzification and defuzzification and how they are different from each other. What is Fuzzification? Fuzzification may be defined as the process of transforming a crisp set to a fuzzy set or a fuzzy set to fuzzier set. Basically, this operation translates accurate crisp input values into linguistic variables. In a number of engineering applications, it is necessary to defuzzify the result or rather "fuzzy ... Read More

Difference between SQL and PL/SQL

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 27-Nov-2019 07:32:03

14K+ Views

SQL, Structural Query Language is a standard database language which is used create, maintain and retrieve the relational database whereas PL/SQL, Procedural Language extension to SQL, it extends SQL and provide it procedural capabilities.Following are the important differences between SQL and PL/SQL.Sr. No.KeySQLPL/SQL1DefinitionSQL, is Structural Query Language for database.PL/SQL is a programming language using SQL for a database.2VariablesSQL has no variables.PL/SQL has variables, data types etc.3Control StructuresSQL has no FOR loop, if control and similar structures.PL/SQL has FOR loop, while loop, if controls and other similar structures.4OperationsSQL can execute a single operation at a time.PL/SQL can perform multiple operation at ... Read More

Difference between Oracle and SQL Server

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 27-Nov-2019 07:29:32

9K+ Views

Both Oracle and SQL Server, both are relational database management systems or RDBMS.Following are the important differences between Oracle and SQL Server.Sr. No.KeyOracleSQL Server1Developed ByOracle Server is owned by Oracle.SQL Server is developed by Microsoft.2Procedural LanguageOracle uses PL/SQL.SQL Server uses T-SQL.3UsageOracle is complex to use.SQL Server is simple to use.4OS SupportWindows, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and OS X.Windows and Linux.5Database SharingUsers can share databases.Users cannot share databases.6PackageOracle supports Packages.SQL Server has no concept of packages.7PowerfulOracle is more powerful than SQL Server.SQL is way less powerful than Oracle.Read More

Difference between MySQL and MongoDB

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 27-Nov-2019 07:27:28


MySQL is a relational database. MongoDB is NoSQL Database.Following are the important differences between MySQL and MongoDB.Sr. No.KeyMySQLMongoDB1Owned/Developed ByMySQL is owned by Oracle.MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc.2Data StorageMySql stores data in tabular format as records in table.MongoDB stores records as documents.3LanguageSQL, Structured Query Language is used to query database.Dynamic Schema. Predefined structure is defined for incoming data.4Design ObjectivesNo efficient replication and Sharding available.High availability, Scalability, Replication and Sharding are inbuilt.5TermsMongoDB uses Collection, Document, Field, Embedded Document, Linking etc.MySQL uses Table, Row, Column, Joins etc.6Data StorageMySQL stores data in forms of records in table.MongoDB stores data in form of JSON ... Read More

Difference between Super Key and Candidate key

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 11:11:51

8K+ Views

Both Super Key and Candidate key are used to uniquely identify a record in a table. These keys are also used to create relationship between tables. Both keys can have null values. Both concepts are important for database design and management. Read this article to find out more about super key and candidate key and how they are different from each other. What is a Super Key? In relational databases, a single attribute (or a set of attributes) that are used to uniquely identify all attributes in a relation is referred to as a super key. For example, a ... Read More

Difference between Primary Key and Candidate key

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 10:46:02

13K+ Views

Both Primary Key and Candidate key are used to get records from tables. These keys are also used to create relationships between tables. Both primary keys and candidate keys are used to identify the records uniquely in a table. Read this article to find out more about primary keys and candidate keys and how they are different from each other. What is a Primary Key? A primary key helps us to uniquely identify a record in a relational database. a primary key is a unique identifier for each record or row of data. It ensures that no two records ... Read More

Difference between MySQL and SQL Server

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 27-Nov-2019 07:21:59

7K+ Views

Both MySQL and SQL Server, both are relational database management systems or RDBMS. MySQL is open source and is free to use whereas SQL Server is licensed product of Microsoft.Following are the important differences between MySQL and SQL Server.Sr. No.KeyMySQLSQL Server1Owned/Developed ByMySQL is owned by Oracle.SQL Server is developed by Microsoft.2Language supportMySql supports programming languages like C++, Java and has running support for Perl, TCL and Haskel.SQL Server supports programming languages like C++, Java, Ruby, Visual Basic, Delphi, R.3Storage SpaceMySql needs less amount of operational storage space.SQL Server needs large amount of operational storage space.4Query CancellationMySql does not support midway ... Read More

Get the SUM of records between two given dates in MySQL

Updated on 12-Nov-2019 07:01:39

2K+ Views

For this, use BETWEEN keyword. Let us first create a −mysql> create table DemoTable1444    -> (    -> Value int,    -> PurchaseDate datetime    -> ); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.45 sec)Insert some records in the table using insert −mysql> insert into DemoTable1444 values(40, '2019-01-10'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.09 sec) mysql> insert into DemoTable1444 values(100, '2019-10-03'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.12 sec) mysql> insert into DemoTable1444 values(170, '2019-11-21'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.20 sec) mysql> insert into DemoTable1444 values(70, '2018-12-05'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.11 sec)Display all records from the table using ... Read More
