Found 6702 Articles for Database

Difference between ETL and ELT in SQL Server

Himanshu shriv
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 09:29:42


ETL stands for Extract, Transform and Load. ETL tool is used to extract data from the source RDBMS database and transform extracted data such as applying business logic and  calculation, etc. and  then load data into the target data warehouse. In ETL tool,  transformation of the data performed at the ETL server. It is used for low amount data.ELT stands for Extract, Load and Transform. ELT tool is also used to extract data from source database and then load data into target database without transformation. In ELT, transformation of data is performed at the target database. In general, in an ... Read More

How To Change The MySQL Data Directory to Another Location on Ubuntu 16.04

Sharon Christine
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 08:05:52

1K+ Views

In this article, we will learn how to change the MySQL Data Directory or relocate the MySQL Database data to the new location, this situation may be used when the database is growing very fast, or for some security reasons we want to move the data directory to the new location.PrerequisitesAn Ubuntu machine with a non-root user with Sudo permission.MySQL installed and working.A new volume or location where we want to move the database data location, the new location will be /mnt/data_vol/MySQL as the data_vol is the new volume attached to the machine or server.Changing the MySQL Data Folder LocationBefore ... Read More

Difference between Row oriented and column oriented database

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 12:41:27

4K+ Views

There are two ways of organizing data in a DBMS − one is row-oriented database and another is column-oriented database. The basic difference between the two is that a row-oriented database stores the data tables by rows, whereas a column-oriented database stores the data tables by columns. Read this article to learn more about row-oriented database and column-oriented database and how they are different from each other. What is Row-Oriented Database? A Roworiented database is a traditional database like Oracle, MySQL, etc. It stores data tables by rows and the common method of storing a table is to serialize each ... Read More

How to Setup SSL for MySQL Server and Client on Linux

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 12:04:59


In this tutorial, I will be explaining about – how to set up a secure connection to MySQL server using an SSH connection for encryption so that data in the database will be in safe and which is impossible for hackers to steal the data. SSL is used to verify the means of SSL certificates which can protect against phishing attacks. This will also show you – how to enable SSL on MySQL server also.Enabling SSL SupportConnect to the MySQL server and check that SSL status of the MySQL server# mysql -u root -p mysql> show variables like '%ssl%'; Output: ... Read More

What is NoSQL and is it the next big trend in databases?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 16-Jan-2020 11:13:44

1K+ Views

What is NoSQL?As per the official Wiki definition: “A NoSQL (originally referring to “non SQL” or “non relational”) database provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relation databases (RDBMS). It encompasses a wide variety of different database technologies that were developed in response to a rise in the volume of data stored about users, objects and products, the frequency in which this data is accessed, and performance and processing needs. Generally, NoSQL databases are structured in a key-value pair, graph database, document-oriented or column-oriented structure.Over decades ... Read More

Database Wars: MSSQL Server, Oracle PL/SQL and MySQL

Samual Sam
Updated on 16-Jan-2020 07:56:19

2K+ Views

With so many databases in the market, the mind wars have begun and it is the right time to understand the difference and importance of top 3 relational databases in the market – Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle PL/SQL, and MySQL. The relational database management systems have currently become the backbone of the industry and with so many options available, it is difficult to figure out which one to choose.The relational database management systems was introduced in 1980’s. This article is focussing on exploring the history and features of three popular RDBMS in the industry: Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL. ... Read More

Advantages of Hadoop MapReduce Programming

Samual Sam
Updated on 16-Jan-2020 06:43:11

3K+ Views

Big Data is basically a term that covers large and complex data sets. To handle it, one requires use of different data processing applications when compared with traditional types.While there are various applications that allow handling and processing of big data, the base framework has always been that of Apache Hadoop.What is Apache Hadoop?Hadoop is an open-source software framework written in Java and comprises of two parts, which are the storage part and the other being the data processing part. The storage part is called the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and the processing part is called MapReduce.We now look ... Read More

Difference between supervised and unsupervised learning.

Manisha Shejwal
Updated on 01-Aug-2022 08:15:28

1K+ Views

Businesses around the world today are smart and do everything to get and retain their customers. They can identify malicious credit/debit card transactions, they can identify a person uniquely with face or eye detection as a password to unlock a device, offer what their customer are looking for in the least possible time, separate spams from regular emails, and predict within how much time one can reach their intended destination depending upon length of road, weather conditions, and traffic, etc.These challenging tasks are possible only when the algorithms carrying out such predictions are smart, and the learning approaches are the ... Read More

Difference between Hadoop 1 and Hadoop 2

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 25-Feb-2020 06:11:34

7K+ Views

As we know that in order to maintain the Big data and to get the corresponding reports in different ways from this data we use Hadoop which is an Open Source framework from Apache Software Foundation based on Java Programming Language.Now Apache introduces the next version of Hadoop which named as Hadoop 2 so as this post is focusing on differences between both of these versions.Following are the main differences between Hadoop 1 and Hadoop 2.Sr. No.KeyHadoop 1Hadoop 21New Components and APIAs Hadoop 1 introduced prior to Hadoop 2 so has some less components and APIs as compare to that ... Read More

Difference between Structured, Semi-structured and Unstructured data

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 23-Jun-2023 13:37:12

9K+ Views

Data plays a crucial role in understanding the business trends. Many organizations generate and process huge volumes of data. This huge and complex data is referred to as "Big Data". Big data is of three types: structured data, semi structured data, and unstructured data. What is Structured Data? Structured data is generally stored in tables in the form of rows and columns. Structured data in these tables can form relations with another tables. Humans and machines can easily retrieve information from structured data. This data is meaningful and is used to develop data models. Structured data is used by ... Read More
