Found 6702 Articles for Database

Performing DataBase Operations in XAMPP

sudhir sharma
Updated on 22-Jan-2024 17:04:55


Introduction Navigating through database operations in XAMPP can be challenging, particularly for beginners. Realizing this complexity, over 15 million active monthly users have turned to XAMPP for its ease of use and flexibility. This article offers a step-by-step guide on performing basic database operations in XAMPP, from data insertion to deletion. Let's take the first stride towards mastering your XAMPP database management skills together! Basic DataBase Operations in XAMPP Basic DataBase Operations in XAMPP include performing CRUD operations such as select, insert, update, and delete statements on a MySQL database using PHP. SELECT Statement The SELECT statement is a ... Read More

Partitioners with the TOKEN function in Cassandra

sudhir sharma
Updated on 22-Jan-2024 16:48:30


This presented article will unpack partitioners and delve deeper into how the TOKEN function in Cassandra enhances data management. Understanding Partitioners in Cassandra Partitioners in Cassandra serve the purpose of dividing data within a cluster, optimizing data distribution and organization. Purpose Partitioners play a crucial role in the performance and scalability of Apache Cassandra. They determine how data is distributed across the nodes in the cluster by converting partition keys into tokens. Utilizing a hash function such as Murmur3, these partitioners ensure that data is effectively and evenly dispersed to prevent hotspots, facilitating efficient management of large-scale databases. This distribution ... Read More

Parallelizing Disk Access Using RAID Technology

sudhir sharma
Updated on 22-Jan-2024 16:35:24


Introduction Are you frustrated with the slow speed and inconsistent performance of your computer's disk storage? RAID technology, short for Redundant Array of Independent Disks, could be the game-changing solution you've been searching for. This article will delve into how this powerful tool optimizes and parallelizes disk access to enhance your system's speed, efficiency, and data security. So why wait? Read on to unlock a world of unmatched storage prowess and unrivalled performance! Understanding RAID Technology RAID, or Redundant Array of Independent Disks, is a technology used in disk storage systems to parallelize disk access and improve performance. RAID and ... Read More

Parallelism in Query in DBMS

sudhir sharma
Updated on 04-Jul-2024 15:02:16

1K+ Views

Introduction Are you struggling with slow query execution in your Database Management System (DBMS)? Actually, the fact is, parallelism in DBMS can significantly enhance the performance and speed of your queries. In this article, we'll unravel the concept of parallel query execution, its types - intraquery and interquery parallelism, their benefits and how they can be implemented to optimize your DBMS operations. Intrigued? Let’s dive into the world of efficient data processing! Types of Parallelism in Query Execution in DBMS There are two types of parallelism in query execution in DBMS: intraquery parallelism and interquery parallelism. Intraquery Parallelism Intraquery ... Read More

Overview Of User Defined Type (UDT) In Cassandra

sudhir sharma
Updated on 22-Jan-2024 16:21:55


The present article offers a comprehensive overview of UDTs in Cassandra, making them an accessible tool to enhance your database management. Let’s dive into that! Data Types in Cassandra In Cassandra, there are various data types available, including native types, counters, collections (such as maps, sets, and lists), and user-defined types (UDTs). Native Types If we talk about the native types, these play a pivotal role in data storage and operations. These are the basic building blocks for storing your data effectively those defined by default within the system itself. They include many data types like - numerical types such ... Read More

Overview of Transaction Management in Distributed Databases

sudhir sharma
Updated on 22-Jan-2024 16:17:40


Introduction Navigating the complex world of distributed databases can feel like a daunting task, especially when it comes to managing transactions. Did you know that successful transaction management ensures data integrity and consistency across multiple nodes in a system? This article will provide an in-depth overview of transaction management in distributed databases, breaking down its core components and illustrating its importance. What is Transaction Management in Distributed Databases? Transaction Management in Distributed Databases is a pivotal process that ensures database operations are performed accurately and reliably. It essentially deals with the administration of transactions occurring in a distributed database environment, ... Read More

Overview of Just a Bunch Of Disks (JBOD)

sudhir sharma
Updated on 22-Jan-2024 15:01:51


Introduction Whenever we deal with the data storage can often feel frustrating, especially as files grow in size and our need for required space expands. Did you happen to know that there is a simple storage solution called 'Just a Bunch Of Disks' or JBOD that might be what your system needs? This article will guide you through an overview of JBOD, helping to clarify its benefits and when it may be suggested to prefer over other configurations for example, RAID. What is JBOD? The option for data storage, JBOD, short for "Just a Bunch Of Disks, " refers like ... Read More

What is the difference Rename and Alias In DBMS

Aarti Kaushik
Updated on 06-Nov-2023 15:25:07


In this article, we are going to study Rename and Alias. Both these have their specific role when we talk in terms of DBMS. Renaming and aliases to the elements of the database provide a layer of abstraction and make the attributes of the relation presentable for the viewer. Mostly, Database store crucial information the concepts of renaming and aliasing plays an important role in representing data with efficiency. Let's gain an understanding of these concepts, their syntax, and the difference between them. What is Alias? Alias is an alternative name given to a column in the database Management System. This practice ... Read More

List Key Differences between Keyword Queries and Database Queries

Aarti Kaushik
Updated on 06-Nov-2023 14:44:57


When faced with knowledge gaps, our innate reaction is to utilize search engines as a source of information. This is because we're well aware that the answers to our queries can be found there; the key lies in using accurate keywords for our searches. Both Database Queries and Keyword Queries are revolved around the retrieval of information. This article endeavors to assist you in comprehending the distinction between these two notions. Let's explore and gain an understanding of these concepts one by one. What is Keyword Queries? They are used to get information from the web. In this concept, the ... Read More

NoSQL Systems VS Traditional Database Systems

Aarti Kaushik
Updated on 06-Nov-2023 14:42:25


As individuals, we often save our data on devices like laptops and phones, but rarely do we consider the databases that underlie these storage systems. Databases are the place where organizations can easily store their data. DBMS is used to manage the database. In this article, we will study the two specific databases NoSQL and Traditional Database. However, their designs diverge, resulting in distinct approaches to data storage and retrieval. Let's explore the below article which gives you depth of understanding about the key differences in each of them. What is a NoSQL Database? When we say NoSQL it sounds ... Read More
