Found 1862 Articles for Data Structure

How can we evaluate the performance of a Data Encryption Algorithm?

Updated on 15-Mar-2022 10:11:04


The Data Encryption Standards (DES) algorithm was invented by IBM in the early 1970s. The two main element of the DES-based system are an algorithm and a key. The DES algorithm is a complex interactive procedure includes substitutions, permutations, and mathematical operations.The key feature of DES is that the algorithms is fixed and is public data. But the actual key used is shared secret among the originator and the receiver of a transmission. Advances in DES contains lengthening a key to 128 bits and the multi-pass DES which include multiple passes usually three of encryption and decryption using multiple keys.In ... Read More

What are the types of Decryption in Information Security?

Updated on 15-Mar-2022 10:09:30

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A reverse process of encryption is known as Decryption. It is a procedure of transforming Cipher Text into Plain Text. Cryptography need the decryption technique at the receiver side to acquire the original message from non-readable message (Cipher Text).Decryption operate by using the opposite conversion algorithm used to encode the information. The same key is needed to return the encrypted data to its initial state.In decryption, the system extracts and transform the garbled information and change it to texts and images that are simply comprehensible not only by the reader but also by the system. Decryption can be accomplished manually ... Read More

What are the types of Encryption in Information Security?

Updated on 15-Mar-2022 10:07:29


Encryption is a procedure of coding data which can be a file or mail message into cipher text a form unreadable without a decoding key in order to avoid anyone except the pre-determined receiver from reading that information.Decryption is the reverse procedure of transforming encrypted data to its original unencoded form, plaintext. A key in cryptography is a large order of bits used by encryption/ decryption algorithms.In encryption, it is based on the type of encryption, information can be displayed as several numbers, letters, or symbols. Those who work in cryptography fields create it their job, to encrypt data or ... Read More

What are the advantage and disadvantage of DES?

Updated on 15-Mar-2022 10:04:47

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Data Encryption Standard (DES) is the block cipher which creates a fixed-length string of plaintext bits and change it through a sequence of complicated operations into another cipher text bit string of the similar length. It is a symmetric encryption technique which defines both sender and receiver need a shared key to encrypt and decrypt the information.The problem of this approach is that if the key is known to others the complete conversation is negotiated. The 3DES block size is 64 bits and also need a key to customize the conversion, so that decryption can only be implemented by those ... Read More

What are the implementation of Triple DES?

Updated on 15-Mar-2022 10:03:12


TDES stands for Triple Data Encryption Standard. It is upgraded or improved version of DES (Data Encryption Standard) which is a symmetric cryptographic approach in which DES is used to each block three times which scrambles the plain text to cipher text.TDEA provides key size of 56, 112, 168 bits and provide block size up to 64 bits. TDES can be performed with the support of 2 keys and from 3 keys as well. Triple DES runs three times gradual than DES, but is much safer if used properly.The procedure for decrypting object is the similar as the procedure for ... Read More

What is suspicious email detection in Information Security?

Updated on 15-Mar-2022 09:59:14


Suspicious email detection is a type of mailing system where suspicious users are recognized by deciding the keywords used by him. The suspicious keywords are discovered in the mails which are sent by the user. All the blocked mails are tested by the management and recognize the users who have sent such mails.Suspicious mail detection is a type of system by which suspected users are identified by recognizing the types of words. Words can be as hijacking, explosion which can be discovered in their mails which they send to others. These type of mails are tested by the admin and ... Read More

What are the modules of Triple DES Algorithm?

Updated on 15-Mar-2022 09:55:10


Triple DES Algorithm used by admin to encode the messages sent to the users or sent some warnings about the different user’s suspicious event. In this research, suspicious words dictionary can be used to find the suspicious words which are not generally used in the normal messaging or communication.There are some modules of Triple DES which are as follows −Admin Login − In this project, admin can get in the username and password to validate himself to access the account panel modules.User Login − In this module, users can get in their username and password to authenticate themselves to access ... Read More

What is the purpose of Cryptography in Information Security?

Updated on 15-Mar-2022 09:53:13

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Cryptography supports a number of security aims to provide the privacy of information, non-alteration of information and so on. Because of the high security benefit of cryptography it is broadly used today. There are the various goals of cryptography which are as follows −Confidentiality − Information in computer is sent and has to be approached only by the authorized party and not by anyone else. The principle of confidentiality represent that only the sender and the intended recipient(s) should be able to make the content of a message. Confidentiality have negotiated if an unauthorized person is able to make a ... Read More

What are the basic terms used in cryptography in information security?

Updated on 15-Mar-2022 09:42:06

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Cryptography is an automated mathematical tool that plays an important role in network security. It supports the confidentiality and integrity of information and provide authentication and non-repudiation to the users.Cryptography is frequently used in distributed applications to transfer recognition and authentication information from one system to another over a network. Cryptographic authentication systems validate a user based on the awareness or control of a cryptographic key. Cryptographic authentication systems can be based on private key cryptosystems or public key cryptosystems.Cryptographic approach can encrypt the biometric templates or images which are saved in a database. It can enhance the level of ... Read More

What is Triple DES?

Updated on 15-Mar-2022 09:40:29

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Triple DES is also called a TDES. It is a symmetric key block cipher, defining that the same key can be used to encrypt and decrypt information in fixed-length set of bits known as blocks. It is known as "Triple DES" because it uses the DES cipher three times when encrypting data.When DES was originally invented in 1976, it need a key size of 56 bits, which was an adequate level of security to oppose brute-force attacks. Because then, computers have become economical and more strong, allowing the 3DES algorithm to use DES three times successively, essentially stopping brute-force on ... Read More
