Found 1862 Articles for Data Structure

Sentence Case of a given Camel cased String

Mallika Gupta
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 11:35:16


A C++ string is a collection of characters forming words. It may contains letters, numbers and even special characters. The sentences of a string can be clubbed together in different ways to form different types of representations. The camel case of a string denotes the string in such a way that the following two properties are maintained − The words are joined together, there is no space character. Every word has the first letter stored in upper case. Thereby, the upper case letters in this form of representation can be used to segregate the different words. This type ... Read More

Reverse Individual Words With O(1) Extra Space

Mallika Gupta
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 11:32:48


A string may be composed of several words. Every word in a C++ string may contain letters, numbers or special symbols. Strings are considered to be storage elements for these kind of characters. Each word is separated by a space character. Each word also forms a string of characters. Reverse of any string in C++ is the string follows the following points − It is formed by taking characters from the end towards the beginning. The length of the original string remains unchanged. The order of occurrence of characters in a string can be reversed easily by swapping ... Read More

Rearrange the given string such that all Prime Multiple indexes have Same Character

Mallika Gupta
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 11:21:57


A string is a sequence of characters, numbers, Alphanumeric characters and special characters. The length of a string is the number of characters that are present in it. A prime number is the number which is divisible by 1 and the number itself. In this artice, we are given a sample input string of length n. We are going to develop a code where the idea is to substitute the same character at any position p, such that the the characters at positions ranging from 1 to n/p should coincide. Some of the examples illustrating the problem statement ... Read More

Minimum Number of Adjacent Awaps to Convert a String into its given Anagram

Mallika Gupta
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 11:15:35


Every string is formed by a sequence of characters arranged in an order. The string may be composed of letters, number or even special characters. An anagram of any input string, is the string with a random permutation of characters. This implies, that when the order of the characters is rearranged, an anagram of the string is obtained. The respective counts of the characters should also remain the same in anagrams. Two anagram strings have the following implications − Both of them contains the same set of characters. Both of them may have a different permutation of characters ... Read More

Make Given Binary Strings Equal by Replacing Two Consecutive 0s with Single1 Repeatedly

Mallika Gupta
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 11:12:06


A binary string in any programming language is a collection of characters, 0 and 1. At every stage, the binary string follows the approach that the string can contain only these two characters. Consecutive characters in strings are the characters such that the difference in indices is 1. Let us consider two indices, i and j , they are said to be consecutive, if |j-i| = 1. Two strings in C++ are said to be equivalent if − The corresponding characters in both the strings are same. The length of the strings are equal as well as the characters ... Read More

Find distinct characters in distinct substrings of a string

Mallika Gupta
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 10:39:39


A string is a sequence of characters, numbers and special characters. A string may contain multiple substrings. A substring of a given string is any sequence of characters taken in order. It must satisfy the following properties All the characters should be taken from the input string The indexes taken from the original string should be contiguous. The characters can’t be skipped from between. It may eliminate characters from the original string. All the characters taken from a particular string should be consecutive in nature. However, each substring may be composed of same or different characters. In this ... Read More

Count of non-overlapping sub-strings “101” and “010” in the given binary string

Mallika Gupta
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 10:33:58


A binary string is a sequence of characters comprising of 0’s and 1’s only. A binary string can’t contain any other character. Some of the examples of binary strings are “0000”, ”01010” or “11111” A substring of a given string is a sequence of characters taken in order. A string may contain multiple substrings. Non-overlapping strings are the strings where the indices of any two found substrings should not collide with each other. This implies that for any two substrings substr1[a..b] and substr2[c..d], either of the following, bd should be true. The problem statement involves the computation of the ... Read More

Check if a given string can be formed by two other strings or their permutations

Mallika Gupta
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 10:27:21


A string is a continuous stream of characters, numbers. It may even contain special characters. An string can be composed of multiple sub-strings, also referred by words. A permutation of a string is another string composed of the same set of characters, possibly arranged in a different order. It can basically be considered as a reordering of the string letters. For instance, abcd and badc are the permutations of the same string. Sample Examples Example 1 : str : “Permutation” arr : {“repuio”, ”mat”, “mtatn”, ”mutate”} Output :Yes The input string “Permutation” can be formed from the pair strings at ... Read More

How Emerging Economies and Different Industries Are Getting Benefit from Cloud Computing?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 10:00:46


Cloud Computing will increase creativity and enhance service provision in the public and private sectors of developing countries. Gaining access to data and processing resources on demand that can be scaled up to improve efficiency. Cloud computing is effective because it can be accessed by anybody, anywhere in the world, and with access to the internet, such as governments in underdeveloped countries, which often have limited resources, can benefit greatly from cloud computing. Automotive With the automotive cloud, car companies can store their inventory and other data in one place that is easy to get to. The automotive industry depends ... Read More

Components of IoT and Relation with Cloud Computing

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 09:43:21


Cloud computing is an important part of making the Internet of Things a success. Using cloud computing, customers are able to complete their computing activities by utilizing online service providers. Incorporating IoT devices and services into cloud infrastructure has acted as a catalyst, creating a new relationship between IoT and cloud computing. These cutting-edge innovations are truly groundbreaking. What is the Internet of Things? The Internet of Things (IoT) simply refers to any device which can be attached to the web and managed or monitored remotely from a computer, tablet, or smartphone via the web. Everything from tiny tracking chips ... Read More
