Found 1862 Articles for Data Structure

Shortest Path with Exactly k Edges in a Directed and Weighted Graph

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:59:24


In a coordinated and weighted chart, the issue of finding the most brief way with precisely k edges includes deciding the way that has the least weight while navigating precisely k edges. This will be accomplished by employing dynamic programming strategies, such as employing a 3D framework to store the least weight of all conceivable ways. The calculation repeats over the vertices and edges, overhauling the least weight at each step. By considering all conceivable ways with precisely k edges, the calculation distinguishes the most limited way with k edges within the chart. Methods Used Naive Recursive approach Dijkstra's ... Read More

Maximize the Number of Uncolored Vertices Appearing Along the Path from Root Vertex and the Colored Vertices

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:53:10


Go through the entire graph and compute the difference between the depth of each vertex and the number of vertices in its subtree to maximise the number of uncolored vertices that occur along the path from the root vertex to the coloured vertex. Find the uncolored vertex that has the greatest influence on the route by choosing the 'k' largest deviations. The sum of these parallaxes gives the maximum number of uncolored vertices. This method allows us to aggressively optimise the number of colourless vertices that occur, improving overall results and emphasising the importance of colourless vertices on the way ... Read More

Maximum Clique Problem|Recursive Solution

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:51:03


Finding the biggest complete subgraph, or clique, in a given graph is the goal of the famous Maximal Clique Problem in graph theory. Each vertex in a clique is connected to every other vertex in the clique by a direct edge. The technique iteratively adds vertices connecting to all vertices in the current clique to investigate all possible expansions of the clique. In order to quickly explore the search space, it employs backtracking, eliminating potential paths that would not end in maximum cliques.Using the recursive method, we can efficiently discover and label all maximum cliques in a given graph, yielding ... Read More

Implementation of BFS using Adjacency Matrix

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:49:09

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A simple graph traversal algorithm called Breadth−First Search (BFS) is employed to examine a graph step by step. Before going to an additional stage of vertices, it begins with a certain vertex (source) and checks all of its neighbours in an ordered way. In this blog post, we'll look at three different ways to use an adjacency matrix in CPP methods to construct BFS. We'll go over the algorithm used by each technique, offer relevant code representations, and demonstrate each method's unique results. Methods Used Iterative BFS BFS with Level Information BFS Shortest Path Iterative BFS ... Read More

Find the Minimum Spanning Tree with Alternating Colored Edges

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:46:55


The code executes a calculation to discover the least crossing tree by substituting coloured edges. It employs an energetic programming approach to calculate the least expensive toll. The calculation considers all conceivable edges and colours and recursively assesses the cost of counting or barring each edge based on whether it keeps up the substituting colour design. It keeps track of the least severe toll experienced so far by employing the memoization method. The calculation develops the least crossing tree by eagerly selecting edges with the least toll, guaranteeing that adjoining edges have distinctive colours. At last, it returns the least−fetched ... Read More

Find if a Degree Sequence can form a Simple Graph | Havel-Hakimi Algorithm

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:44:59


A degree chain in graph theory indicates the order of vertices' degrees. It is crucial to ascertain whether a degree order can result in a simple graph, or a graph without parallel or self−looping edges. We will examine three approaches to resolving this issue in this blog, concentrating on the Havel−Hakimi algorithm. We'll go over the algorithm used by each technique, offer related code representations with the appropriate headers, and show off each approach's unique results. Methods Used Havel−Hakimi Algorithm Sort & check Direct Count Havel− Hakimi Algorithm The Havel−Hakimi algorithm is a popular technique for figuring out ... Read More

Find Count of Pair of Nodes at Even Distance

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:42:56


To discover the tally of sets of hubs at an indeed remove in a chart, we will utilise the chart traversal calculation. Beginning from each hub, we perform a traversal, such as a breadth−first look (BFS) or a depth−first look (DFS), and keep track of the separations of all hubs from the beginning hub. While navigating, we tally the number of hubs at indeed separations experienced. By repeating this handle for all hubs, we get the entire check of sets of hubs at separations within the chart. This approach permits us to productively decide the number of sets of hubs ... Read More

Find All Cliques of Size K in an Undirected Graph

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:40:57


Finding all cliques of a certain size in an undirected graph is a fundamental graph theory issue that has many applications in social network research, biology, and data mining. A clique is a graph subset with all vertices linked.Recursive backtracking considers each vertex a potential candidate and updates the candidate and excluded sets depending on neighbourhood connections. Backtracking quickly finds all cliques of the appropriate size. Methods Used Backtracking approach Backtracking Recursive backtracking is a frequent method for finding cliques of a certain size in undirected graphs. It verifies all possible vertices combinations for cliques under the provided ... Read More

D’Esopo-Pape Algorithm : Single Source Shortest Path

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:39:27


The D'Esopo−Pape technique works with a single source vertex as a starting point to find the shortest path between that vertex and all other vertices in a directed graph. This method outperforms the conventional Bellman−Ford approach for charts with negative edge weights. During execution, this technique swiftly chooses the vertices that are spaced the closest together using a priority queue. By iteratively relaxing edges and updating distances when a shorter path is identified, the D'Esopo−Pape method finds the shortest pathways in a graph. The approach optimises efficiency and reduces needless calculations by using a priority queue to choose the vertices ... Read More

Count ways to Change Direction of Edges such that Graph Becomes Acyclic

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:36:39


The goal of the "Count ways to change direction of edges such that graph becomes acyclic" issue is to count the number of configurations where the edges of a graph may be changed so that the graph becomes acyclic. No cycles or loops exist in an acyclic network.A set of edges, or a graph, is given to us as the starting point of this issue. The aim is to find out how many different ways there are to change the orientation of these edges while still producing an acyclic graph. The code presented utilises a hybrid of backtracking and depth−first ... Read More
