Found 1862 Articles for Data Structure

What is the role of Internet and Web Service in Information Security?

Updated on 03-Mar-2022 07:53:24

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Internet is considered as the most essential thing for people these days. All the systems and spheres are incompletely or completely dependent on the Internet. Let us consider the world’s banking system, for example, people do not usually think of how all the financial functions in the world are performed out. Generally, all the financial functions and transfers would be unworkable without the authority of the Internet.If the Internet stops functioning, everything fails and the entire system stops. If the Internet stopped working all over the world one day, it can be a real disaster, and some companies, organizations, and ... Read More

What is Management Information System in information security?

Updated on 03-Mar-2022 07:51:56


A management information system is a refined direction of available sources of information that allows managers to tie planning and control processes to operational systems of implementation.A management information system (MIS) is a generally used and used term for a three-resource system needed for efficient organization management. The resources are people, information, and technology, from within and external an organization, with the highest priority provided to people.The system is a set of information management techniques containing computer automation (software and hardware) or otherwise providing and enhancing the quality and effectiveness of business services and human decision-making.An MIS can be used ... Read More

What is the importance of Information Systems?

Updated on 03-Mar-2022 07:47:51

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An information system is the application of data production, flows, and use inside organizations. Information system creates huge use of data technology defines. But it is essential to appreciate that its capacity encompasses systems in their entirety, such as manual events, the interface among manual and automated elements of systems, design elements of IT means, and economic, legal, organizational, behavioural, and social elements of systems.Information systems overlap with both the computer science and business administration disciplines. The information system of an organization can be represented as a system that serves to support data within the organization when and where it ... Read More

What is Information Security?

Updated on 03-Mar-2022 07:46:16

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Information security is a set of practices designed to carry private data secure from unauthorized access and alteration for the duration of storing or transmitting from one location to another.Information security is designed and carried out to protect the print, digital, and other private, sensitive, and private data from unauthorized persons. It can be used to secure data from being misused, acknowledgment, destruction, alteration, and disruption.Computer networks are connected in daily transactions and communication inside the government, private, or corporates that needs security. The most common and easy method of protecting network support is assigning it with a unique name ... Read More

What are the methods of Privacy-preserving data mining?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 10:47:55

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Privacy-preserving data mining is an application of data mining research in response to privacy security in data mining. It is called a privacy-enhanced or privacy-sensitive data mining. It deals with obtaining true data mining results without disclosing the basic sensitive data values.Most privacy-preserving data mining approaches use various form of transformation on the data to implement privacy preservation. Generally, such methods decrease the granularity of description to keep privacy.For instance, they can generalize the data from single users to users groups. This reduction in granularity causes loss of data and probably of the utility of the data mining results. This ... Read More

What are the data Mining methods for Recommender Systems?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 10:46:22


Recommender systems can use a content-based approach, a collaborative approach, or a hybrid approach that combines both content-based and collaborative methods.Content-based − In the content-based approach recommends items that are same to items the customer preferred or queried in the previous. It depends on product features and textual item definition.In content-based methods, it is calculated based on the utilities assigned by the similar user to different items that are same. Many systems target on recommending items including textual data, including websites, articles, and news messages. They view for commonalities between items. For movies, they can view for same genres, directors, ... Read More

How does data mining help in Intrusion detection and prevention system?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 10:44:54


An intrusion can be represented as any set of services that threaten the integrity, confidentiality, or accessibility of a network resource (e.g., user accounts, file systems, system kernels, etc).Intrusion detection systems and intrusion prevention systems both monitor network traffic and system performance for malicious activities. The former produces documents whereas the latter is located in-line and is able to actively avoid/block intrusions that are identified.The advantage of an intrusion prevention system are to recognize malicious activity, log data about said activity, tries to block/stop activity, and document activity. Data mining methods can support an intrusion detection and prevention system to ... Read More

What are the methods of Data Mining for Intrusion Detection and Prevention?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 10:43:15


Data mining is the process of finding useful new correlations, patterns, and trends by transferring through a high amount of data saved in repositories, using pattern recognition technologies including statistical and mathematical techniques. It is the analysis of factual datasets to discover unsuspected relationships and to summarize the records in novel methods that are both logical and helpful to the data owner.The security of our computer systems and information is at continual risk. The huge growth of the web and the increasing accessibility of tools and tricks for intruding and attacking webs have prompted intrusion detection and avoidance to become ... Read More

What is the role of Data Mining in Science and Engineering?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 10:41:36


There are various roles of data mining in science and engineering are as follows −Data warehouses and data preprocessing − Data preprocessing and data warehouses are important for data exchange and data mining. It is making a warehouse requires discovering means for resolving inconsistent or incompatible information collected in several environments and at multiple time periods.This needed reconciling semantics, referencing systems, mathematics, measurements, efficiency, and precision. Methods are needed for integrating data from heterogeneous sources and for identifying events.Mining complex data types − Numerical data sets are heterogeneous in nature. They generally contains semi-structured and unstructured data, including multimedia data ... Read More

What are the methodologies of statistical data mining?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 10:40:01

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In statistical data mining techniques, it is created for the effective handling of large amounts of data that are generally multidimensional and possibly of several complex types.There are several well-established statistical methods for data analysis, especially for numeric data. These methods have been used extensively to scientific records (e.g., records from experiments in physics, engineering, manufacturing, psychology, and medicine), and to information from economics and the social sciences.There are various methodologies of statistical data mining are as follows −Regression − In general, these techniques are used to forecast the value of a response (dependent) variable from new predictor (independent) variables, ... Read More
