Found 1862 Articles for Data Structure

What are the services of PGP?

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:33:15

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PGP includes the following services which are as follows −Authentication − The hash function used is SHA-1 which makes a 160 bit message digest. EP (DP) defines public encryption (decryption) and the algorithm used can be RSA or DSS.The set of SHA-1 and RSA supports an effective digital signature scheme. Because of the strength of RSA the recipient is guaranteed that only the possessor of the connecting private key can make the signature. Because of the strength of SHA-1 the recipient is guaranteed that no one else can create a new message that connects the hash code and therefore the ... Read More

What is PGP in information security?

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:31:30

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PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy. It is an encryption program that uses cryptographic privacy and authentication to online communications. PGP is most generally used for maintaining contents of emails encrypted and private. PGP is accessible as a plugin for some e-mail clients, including Claris Emailer, Microsoft Outlook/Outlook Express, and Qualcomm Eudora.PGP needs a digital signature to support integrity, authentication, and nonrepudiation. PGP uses a set of secret key encryption and public key encryption to support privacy. Hence, it can say that the digital signature needs one hash function, one secret key, and two private-public key pairs.PGP can be used ... Read More

What is Hashing in information security?

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:29:20

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Hashing is the procedure of translating a given key into a code. A hash function can be used to substitute the data with a newly generated hash code. Hash algorithms are generally used to offer a digital fingerprint of a file’s contents often used to provide that the file has not been changed by an intruder or virus. Hash functions are also employed by some operating systems to encrypt passwords. Hash functions support a measure of the integrity of a file.Hashing creates use of algorithms that convert blocks of information from a file in a much shorter value or key ... Read More

What is Public key cryptography in information security?

Updated on 07-Mar-2022 07:27:26

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Public key cryptography is an encryption method that needs a paired public and private key (or asymmetric key) algorithm for secure data communication. Public-key cryptography is also called an asymmetric cryptography. It is a form of cryptography in which a user has a pair of cryptographic keys including public key and a private key.The keys are related numerically, but the private key cannot be changed from the public key. A message encrypted with the public key can be decrypted only with the correlating private key.There are two main branches of public key cryptography are as follows −Public Key Encryption − ... Read More

What is the use of stream ciphers in information security?

Updated on 04-Mar-2022 11:08:10


A stream cipher is an approaches of encryption where a pseudorandom cipher digit stream is mixed with plain text digits. This pseudorandom cipher digit stream is used to each binary digit, one bit at a time. This approach of encryption uses an infinite number of pseudorandom cipher digits per key.A Stream Cipher can be used for symmetric key cryptography, or when the similar key is used to encrypt and decrypt data. A stream cipher encrypts an arbitrary length of plain text, one bit at a time, with an algorithm that needs a key.For this type of encryption to remain secure, ... Read More

What are the Symmetric Key Cryptography in information security?

Updated on 04-Mar-2022 11:06:03

17K+ Views

Symmetric key cryptography is a type of encryption scheme in which the similar key is used both to encrypt and decrypt messages. Such an approach of encoding data has been largely used in the previous decades to facilitate secret communication between governments and militaries.Symmetric-key cryptography is called a shared-key, secret-key, single-key, one-key and eventually private-key cryptography. With this form of cryptography, it is clear that the key should be known to both the sender and the receiver that the shared. The complexity with this approach is the distribution of the key.Symmetric key cryptography schemes are usually categorized such as stream ... Read More

What are the Algorithm of Cryptographic in information security?

Updated on 04-Mar-2022 11:04:31


There are several algorithms of cryptographic which are as follows −Symmetric key Cryptography − In symmetric key cryptography, an individual key is used for both encryption and decryption. The sender needs the key (or some group of rules) to encrypt the plaintext and sends the cipher text to the receiver. The receiver uses the same key (or ruleset) to decrypt the message and restore the plaintext. Because a single key can be used for both functions, symmetric key cryptography is also known as symmetric encryption.Symmetric key cryptography schemes are frequently categorized such as stream ciphers or block ciphers. Stream ciphers ... Read More

What is Digital Signature in information security?

Updated on 04-Mar-2022 11:02:51

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A digital signature is a numerical technique which validates the authenticity and integrity of a message, software or digital files. It enables us to test the author name, date and time of signatures, and authenticate the message contents. The digital signature provides far more inherent security and intended to solve the issue of tampering and impersonation (Intentionally copy another person's characteristics) in digital connection.These techniques are designed to support the digital counterpart to handwritten signatures and can be implemented using cryptography. In entity a digital signature of a message is a number dependant on some secret known only to the ... Read More

How to verify the digital signatures in information security?

Updated on 04-Mar-2022 10:57:28


A Digital Certificate is an electronic "password" that enables a person, organization to transfer data securely over the web using the public key infrastructure (PKI). Digital Certificate is also referred to as public key certificate or identity certificate.Digital certificates play an essential role in maintaining online commerce safe. If the browser alerts a problem with a digital certificate, it is well-advised not to click through. Rather than call the business using a telephone number from the statements or phone book, and inquire as to the problem.Public key encryption need SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to encrypt some data between the customer’s ... Read More

What are the technologies that provide imperative levels of protection against unknown attacks?

Updated on 04-Mar-2022 10:52:43


There are three technologies that supports imperative levels of protection against unknown attacks such as software fault isolation, intrusion detection through program analysis, and fine-grained mandated access controls.These technologies distribute an imperative feature: they do not based on the efficient operation of the programs; rather than, they provide a secondary layer of protection should a program be intrude and corrupted. It is applicable that these systems can also enclose flaws; but in order for a victorious apply to take place, both the application and the secondary protection need to be undermined simultaneously. As error will carry on to be patched, ... Read More
