Found 1862 Articles for Data Structure

What are the principles of Access and Correction?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 07:12:11


Access and correction is generally managed under the provisions of the Information Act. It is important to discriminate freedom of information from information privacy. This principles contains the following which are as follows −If an individual demands an agency having personal information concerning the individual for access to the personal information, the agency should provide the individual with access to the information except to the degree that −It can be providing access would pose a severe threat to the life or health of the person or another person.It can be providing access would prejudice process for the defense of the ... Read More

What are the principles of security identifier?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 07:10:05


A unique identifier is generally a number allocated to an individual to recognize the person for the reasons of an agency services. For example, a tax file number, drivers licence number, data set identifier.This principle confine the sharing of unique identifiers among agencies. It provides a safeguard against the creation of an individual identifier that can be used to crossmatch data across agencies. This principle includes the following which are as follows −An agency should not assign unique identifiers to individuals, unless it is important to allow the agency to perform its functions efficiently.An agency should not adopt a unique ... Read More

What are the rules and regulations used for compilation of sensitive information?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 07:05:22


Sensitive information is the classified information that should be protected and is inaccessible to external parties unless specifically granted permission. The data can be in physical or electronic form, but sensitive information is regarded as private information or data. An ethical or legal reason can warrant the need to have complex restrictions on person who can access personal or an organization sensitive information, particularly when it pertains to individual privacy and property rights.For example, a data breach in a government commission can expose government secrets to foreign powers. The same can be used to individual or organisation data, which can ... Read More

What are the principles of Transporter Data Flows?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 07:00:27


Transporter data flows are digitally encoded units of data in which the transfer, storage, or processing takes place in more than one union state. The information can be moved physically by magnetic media, such as tapes, disks, or transmitted electronically over a terrestrial line, submarine cable, or satellite connection.The significant fact is that the information transported or transmitted by these two modes either undergoes some type of information processing, or is accessed across an international frontier.Transporter data flow supports business process streamlining, enhance market access, and keep business relevance in a fast-evolving business landscape. The maturing business and technological landscape, ... Read More

What are the principles of Information Privacy?

Updated on 08-Mar-2022 07:13:09


There are several Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) which cover the whole life cycle of information from compilation and managing to storage and removal. The IPPs direct how this Department should handle personal data. It is required to be maximize our practices in line with the IPPs and beside our specific work context to deciding whether current practice requirements to change. This process can need the balancing of privacy with challenging interest and governmental needs.Collection − It can gather only personal information that is needed for the implementation of an agency’s purposes or activities. The personal information should be composed lawfully, ... Read More

What are the related terms for Privacy in Information Security?

Updated on 08-Mar-2022 07:10:37


There are several terms for privacy which are as follows −Access Control − It is the prevention of unauthorized access of information assets. It is the policy rules and deployment methods which control use to information systems, and physical access to premises.Access − The ability or the resources essential to read, write, modify, or converse data or else use some system resource.Authentication − The work of checking the identity of an individual, originator, terminal, or offices to find out that entity’s right to use specific elements of information and a measure intended to defend against fraudulent transmission by checking the ... Read More

What is the difference between Privacy and Security?

Updated on 08-Mar-2022 07:09:00

4K+ Views

Privacy − Privacy can be represented as an individual or a group's ability to cloister the information about them and then disclose it selectively. It define that privacy is used to sensitive or crucial information. The privacy domain overlaps accurately with security that can add the concepts of proper use and protection of information.The term of global specific privacy is a current concept mainly related to Western culture (North American and British in particular) and remained unknown virtually inside a few cultures. Most cultures recognize the ability of persons to withhold some element of personal information through broader society.In the ... Read More

Why is privacy of apprehension to e-commerce?

Updated on 08-Mar-2022 07:03:48


It consider this issue stems from a new technical surroundings for users and businesses, the resultant data structure with considerable advantages to businesses and user, user issues in this new environment, and regulatory efforts to govern this surroundings. It is essential to learn each one of these, and to appreciate the tradeoffs.Privacy as a business concern or issue is extremely sensitive to changes in the surrounding framework. Changes in people’s expectations (like when they become accustomed to data share in commercial settings) or in authoritarian governance (including new laws, governmental rules, or even case law in the US) can alter ... Read More

What is Privacy in information security?

Updated on 08-Mar-2022 06:33:53

2K+ Views

Privacy can be represented as an individual or a group's ability to cloister the information about them and then disclose it selectively. It defines that privacy is used to sensitive or crucial information. The privacy domain overlaps moderately with security that can insert the concepts of proper use and protection of information.The concept of global specific privacy is a current concept mainly related to Western culture (North American and British in specific) and remained unknown virtually inside a few cultures. Some cultures recognize the ability of persons to withhold some element of personal information through broader society.In the organizational world, ... Read More

What are the classification of security metrics?

Updated on 08-Mar-2022 06:30:02


Security metrics are used to assess the security level of a system and to implement security objective. There are multiple security metrics for security analysis, but there is no systematic description of security metrics that is based on network reachability information. To address this, it propose a systematic description of existing security metrics based on network reachability information. Mainly, it can classify the security metrics into host-based and network-based metrics.The host-based metrics are defined into metrics without probability and with probability, while the network based metrics are defined into pathbased and nonpath based.The classification of security metrics is as follows ... Read More
