Found 622 Articles for Data Storage

Database System Concepts and Architecture

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 13:30:27

5K+ Views

Modern information management rely heavily on database systems because they make it possible to store, retrieve, and manipulate massive volumes of data effectively. Designing reliable and scalable databases requires a thorough understanding of the principles and architecture of database systems. The essential ideas and complexities of database systems will be covered in detail in this article, along with examples from everyday life to show how they might be used in real-world situations. Concepts of Database Systems Data − Data is the central component of every database system. The information that has to be handled and saved is represented by ... Read More

Database Stored Procedures and SQL PSM

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 13:19:29


Stored Procedures are essential to database management systems (DBMS) because they boost security, increase performance, and encourage code reuse. A group of SQL statements are included within pre-compiled database objects known as stored procedures. They can be called by apps or other database objects and are saved in the database. In this post, we will go into the details of SQL Persistent Stored Modules (PSM), a procedural programming language extension for SQL, and examine the idea of stored procedures. Understanding Stored Procedures Stored Procedures are database objects that have already been pre-compiled and include a collection of SQL statements. They ... Read More

The Role of AI in Financial Services: Opportunities and Challenges

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 17:29:28


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the financial services industry, offering a wide range of opportunities for enhanced efficiency, cost reduction, and improved customer experiences. Financial institutions are experiencing a change as a result of AI technologies, which provide multiple chances to increase productivity, save expenses, and improve client experiences. In order to fulfill the promise of AI in financial services, there are important difficulties that must be overcome in addition to these opportunities. In this article, we'll discuss the applications of AI in the financial services sector, as well as the benefits and drawbacks they bring. Opportunities of AI in ... Read More

Difference Between Length and Capacity in Java

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 21-Jul-2023 22:10:03


In Java, the two terms length and capacity are related to the storage of elements in a collection like arrays, String and ArrayList. Length refers to the number of elements that are currently stored in a given collection, whereas capacity refers to the maximum number of elements that the collection can hold. In this article, we will explore the difference between Length and Capacity in Java. Length vs Capacity in Java Length To get the length of an array we use its ‘length’ property and we can get length of a String using its built-in method ‘length()’. In the ... Read More

Machine Learning – Types of Artificial Intelligence

Amrinder Singh
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 16:56:06


Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a revolutionary field with the ability to reshape different sectors and the way people live and work. Machine learning is a field of AI that focuses on training machines to learn from data and make intelligent judgments. Machine learning has made significant progress, allowing computers to learn massive volumes of data, recognize patterns, and make accurate predictions or judgments for events or tasks. The goal of AI is to construct intelligent machines that can replicate human intellect and accomplish tasks that normally require human understanding. The ability of AI systems to analyze data, learn ... Read More

Difference between MediaFire and SecureSafe

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:20:03


MediaFire and Securesafe are storage devices used by different organizations and for personal purposes. MediaFire has been first launched in the year 2006 which provides a storage space of 10GB and later Securesafe was introduced in the year 2009 which provides 100 GB storage space. Using the Securesafe, it makes the user to access the data like pictures, videos and music very easily and securely. On the other hand, Mediafire does not provide any kind of security to the files stored. What is Mediafire? MediaFire provides a storage service in cloud-based and not physical. It saves and shares items including ... Read More

Server Operating System

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:03:53


The people in the world are involved in data usage and lots of services that make the work easier. To compromise the need for high usage and data, server Operating systems are developed to provide services to many users concurrently. Server Operating System is a type of Operating system with advanced features that can be used only on servers. It is designed to use in-server computers to handle various users and requests at a time. When a person or company requires data it cannot be served using a human instead the solution is given by a machine. Server Operating System ... Read More

Segmented Paging

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 16:29:49

1K+ Views

In the operating system, segmented paging provides better performance and utilization of the CPU as it combines the process of segmentation and paging. Segmentation is termed a memory management technique where the memory is divided into segments that can be allocated to a process. These segments may not be in fixed length and not stored in a contagious manner. The segment table holds all the details relating to the segments and the processes. Generating a logical address which is converted to a physical address by the CPU by refereeing to the segment table. This table contains two fields about the ... Read More

Round Robin Scheduling with different arrival times

Updated on 17-Jul-2023 18:49:49

3K+ Views

Scheduling algorithms of the operating system are used for scheduling the input process to the respective processor. The process scheduler has the allocation rights to decide on which process to start its execution based on any one of the scheduling algorithms. Any process in the execution state that uses CPU resources can be preempted and other process in the ready queue is chosen for execution based on priority, in terms of priority-based algorithms. Preemptive algorithms provide access to the CPU to the process which has higher priority, and preempt if any other process which is already running with lower priority. ... Read More

Read-Copy Update

Updated on 17-Jul-2023 18:46:05


RCU is a method that can manage multiple process execution and can be deployed to any operating system and one among them is the Linux kernel. It is an easy process synchronization method and it splits the RCU update into two phases namely removal and reclamation. This mechanism allows the reads along with the updates to occur simultaneously. The process occurs concurrently between the many readers and updaters of the operating system. Apart from the easy process, it is also reliable to access for the simultaneous process. Read-Copy Update Definition Read-copy update (RCU) is one of the best data structures ... Read More

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