Found 622 Articles for Data Storage

Data Marts(storage component of HDFS)

Amrendra Patel
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 16:46:30


Data mart is a storage component and only cares about some specific functional area of an organisation which are then taken care by a single department like marketing, sales, finance etc. Data Mart and Data Warehouse are both storage components of HDFS. Data Mart contains a subset of the data stored in the data warehouse. Frequently requested data can easily be accessed through data mart. Simple to Implement and cost is lower as compared to data warehouse. It is more open to change and its smaller size makes it quicker to build if any change in model occurs. ... Read More

Binary Storage and Registers

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 08-Aug-2023 16:04:51

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In a digital electronic system, binary storage and registers are most elementary components employed for storage and manipulation of binary data and information. Binary storage refers to the technique for storing data and information in binary format, i.e. in the form of 0s and 1s. Register is a most basic storage unit in a digital system that can store binary data and information. In this tutorial, we will explore binary storage and registers along with their importance in the field of digital electronics. Let’s begin with the basic introduction of binary storage. What is Binary Storage? A storage technique in ... Read More

Difference Between JPEG and RAW

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 18:01:57


JPEG and RAW are two popular digital photographic file formats. They differ in various ways, including image quality, file size, and post-processing flexibility. The JPEG file format is widely used for storing and exchanging digital photographs. RAW is a file type used in digital photography to store raw, unprocessed data from the camera's image sensor. Read this article to find out more about JPEG and RAW and how they are different from each other. What is JPEG? The JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) file format is widely used for storing and exchanging digital photographs. It is a lossy compression ... Read More

Difference Between Format and Quick Format

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 17:52:19

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There are two generally used methods for formatting storage devices such as hard drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), or USB drives: format and quick format. While both operations prepare the storage device for data storage and retrieval, their approaches and the time required to perform the operation differ. Formatting a storage device means creating a new file system on the device, which effectively erases all current data and starts over. A quick format, when compared with a regular format, skips the scanning and error-checking processes. Read this article to find out more about Format and Quick Format and how they are ... Read More

DDL Full Form

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 14:02:02


Clients can store, direct, and recover information from data sets utilizing programming known as a data set administration framework (DBMS). DBMS languages and interfaces, an essential component of a DBMS, enable user interaction with the database system. Data Definition Language is known as DDL in SQL. It is a portion of SQL (Structured Query Language) that is used to specify and control a database's structure. Database objects like tables, indexes, views, and constraints are created, modified, and deleted using DDL commands. DDL Commands There are several DDL commands, such as − CREATE − The create command is used to ... Read More

DCL Full Form

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 13:56:12


Clients can store, direct, and recover information from data sets utilizing programming known as a data set administration framework (DBMS). DBMS languages and interfaces, an essential component of a DBMS, enable user interaction with the database system. Data Control Language is referred to as DCL in SQL. It is a part of the SQL (Structured Query Language) subset that deals with rights and authorization for database objects. To give or revoke rights, manage user access, and regulate the security features of a database system, DCL statements are utilized. DCL Commands There are several DCL commands, such as − ... Read More

DBMS Architecture 1-level, 2-Level, 3-Level

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 13:49:08

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Database management systems (DBMS) are crucial tools for effectively managing and arranging enormous volumes of data. A DBMS's general structure and the way data is arranged and managed inside the system are referred to as its architecture. The 1-level, 2-level, and 3-level architectures are only a few of the several architectural concepts that have developed over time. We will examine the features, benefits, and use cases of each of these architectures in detail in this post. 1-Level Architecture The 1-level architecture, commonly referred to as monolithic or centralized architecture, is the most straightforward type of DBMS design. Data storage, query ... Read More

Date's Twelve Rules for Distributed Database Systems

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 13:47:38


It is critical to create standards and norms in the field of distributed database systems, where data is stored and handled over several interconnected nodes, in order to guarantee dependability, consistency, and efficiency. The "Date's Twelve Rules for Distributed Database Systems" is a series of guidelines developed in 1985 by prominent computer scientist C.J. Date to help with the design and implementation of distributed databases. These guidelines offer a framework for assessing distributed database systems' efficacy. We will examine each of Date's Twelve Rules in detail and consider their relevance to distributed data management in this post. Distribution Independence ... Read More

Database, Table, and Column Naming Conventions

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 13:43:15

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It is essential to name databases, tables, and columns appropriately when developing a database for readability, maintainability, and efficient communication between developers and users. Consistent naming standards facilitate cooperation and increase comprehension of the database structure. In order to maintain clarity and consistency, we will go over the recommended practices for naming databases, tables, and columns in this post. Database naming conventions − The most advanced container for arranging related data is a database. Think about the following recommended practices when naming databases − Use names that are meaningful and descriptive − Pick a name that accurately describes ... Read More

Database System Terminologies

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 02-Aug-2023 13:37:12

3K+ Views

The foundation of database systems is a broad vocabulary that facilitates communication about the numerous facets of data storage, administration, and retrieval. In order to further your comprehension, we will go through the important terms used in database systems in this article, along with comprehensive explanations and applicable examples. Entity − An entity is a specific real-world thing or idea that we wish to represent and keep data about. For instance, students, professors, courses, and departments might all be considered entities in a university database Attribute −  An attribute is a representation of a particular quality or trait of ... Read More
