Found 162 Articles for Data Science

Separating Planes In SVM

Updated on 07-Aug-2023 15:24:30


Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a supervised algorithm used widely in handwriting recognition, sentiment analysis and many more. To separate different classes, SVM calculates the optimal hyperplane that more or less accurately creates a margin between the two classes. Here are a few ways to separate hyperplanes in SVM. Data Processing − SVM requires data that is normalised, scaled and centred since they are sensitive to such features. Choose a Kernel − A kernel function is used to transform the input into a higher dimensional space. Some of them include linear, polynomial and radial base functions. Let ... Read More

Complete Introduction to Alteryx

Updated on 07-Aug-2023 15:05:05


Alteryx is a user-friendly Data analytics platform. It is a robust data analytics and processing platform that enables users to extract, transform and process data from multiple sources and perform complex computation and analysis using a drag-and-drop interface. The reason behind the tool’s wide usage and fame is its no-code implementation of data preparation and analysis which streamlines business analysis in corporates. Getting Started with Alteryx Alteryx Designer is used for creating workflows for analyzing, blending data, and performing advanced analytics (such as predictive, spatial, and prescriptive) using the drag-and-drop user interface. A workflow in Alteryx consists of connected tools ... Read More

Unsupervised backpropagation in Machine Learning

Jay Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 19:25:33


Artificial intelligence's branch of machine learning gives computers the ability to learn from data and make judgments. A labeled dataset is used to train a model in supervised learning, whereas an unlabeled dataset is used in unsupervised learning. A neural network is used in unsupervised back propagation, a sort of unsupervised learning, to discover patterns in an unlabeled dataset. This blog article will outline unsupervised back propagation before moving on to practical Python code. What is unsupervised back propagation? Back propagation is a supervised learning method that modifies the weights of neural networks to reduce the discrepancy between predicted and ... Read More

Using GPU in Machine Learning

Jay Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 19:23:07

2K+ Views

Machine learning has attracted a lot more attention lately. GPUs, sometimes referred to as "graphics processing units, " are specialized computing systems that can continuously manage massive volumes of data. Therefore, GPUs are the ideal platform for machine learning applications. This post will explain how to get started while also exploring the several advantages of GPUs for machine learning. Benefits of using GPU Due to the following factors, GPU is an effective tool for speeding up machine learning workloads − Parallel Processing − arge-scale machine-learning method parallelization is made possible by the simultaneous multitasking characteristics of GPUs. As ... Read More

TF-IDF in Sentiment Analysis

Jay Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 19:21:03

1K+ Views

In order to recognize and classify emotions conveyed in a text, such as social media postings or product evaluations, sentiment analysis, a natural language processing approach, is essential. Businesses can enhance their offers and make data-driven decisions by using this capability to discover client attitudes towards their goods or services. A popular technique in sentiment analysis is called Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). It determines the significance of words inside a text in relation to the corpus as a whole, assisting in the identification of important phrases that express positive or negative moods. Algorithms for sentiment analysis can precisely categorize ... Read More

Predicting customer next purchase using machine learning

Jay Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 19:15:08


Retaining customers is essential for succeeding in a cutthroat market. Retaining current consumers is more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. Customer retention results in a devoted clientele, increased revenue, and long-term profitability. However, a number of factors, including economic conditions, competition, and fashion trends, make it difficult to forecast client behavior and preferences. Businesses require sophisticated machine learning and data analytics capabilities to analyze consumer data and produce precise projections in order to address these challenges. Businesses can adjust marketing efforts, improve the customer experience, and increase happiness by foreseeing their consumers' next purchases, which will eventually increase retention and ... Read More

One hot encoding to improve machine learning performance

Jay Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 19:12:31


One hot encoding is essential for machine learning since it allows algorithms to interpret categorical variables. This approach makes it simple to process by representing each category as a binary vector. In order to enhance machine learning speed, our blog article outlines one hot encoding and offers a practical project with sample data and code. What is One hot encoding? A technique for expressing categorical data such that machine learning algorithms can quickly analyze it is known as "one hot encoding." This approach converts each category into a binary vector of length equal to the number of categories. How One ... Read More

How to become a data scientist?

Jay Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 18:59:11


Data science is a creative, exciting field that combines an understanding of business, statistics, and computer science to unlock the secrets of data. All kinds of businesses and organizations are eager to take advantage of the limitless opportunities presented by the growing data supply and make more informed decisions. The volume of data produced is astonishing. By using data to streamline their operations, acquire a competitive edge, and get a deeper understanding of their clientele, these forward-thinking businesses are ushering in a new era of business. Obviously, there is a greater need for knowledgeable data scientists who are adept at ... Read More

Google Colab ñ Running ML with Low-Spec Device

Jay Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 18:58:05


Over the past few years, advances in a variety of fields, including computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition, have made the field of machine learning (ML) more and more well-liked. Executing the models and algorithms, however, need strong hardware, which is one of the biggest difficulties encountered by individuals working in ML. This can seriously impede the ability of persons without access to powerful computers to do their tasks. Running ML models on low-end devices have become considerably simpler, though, owing to Google Colab. So, what is Google Colab? Google Colab, a cloud-based service, is the best option ... Read More

Designing a product recommendation system based on taxonomy

Jay Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 18:49:44


As online shopping continues to gain popularity, personalized recommendations have gained significance in e-commerce. Finding exactly what a customer wants might be difficult due to the millions of goods that are accessible online. This is where personalized recommendations can help by giving users recommendations that are specific to their needs and habits. Taxonomy-based recommendation systems are one method for individualized suggestions. It is simpler to search for and retrieve information when objects or concepts are organized and classified according to a taxonomy, which is a hierarchical structure. In this article, we'll take a closer look at a taxonomy-based product recommendation ... Read More

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