Found 413 Articles for Data Mining

What is CBR?

Updated on 16-Feb-2022 11:50:51


CBR stands for Case-based reasoning. CBR classifiers need a database of problem solutions to clarify new problems. Unlike nearest-neighbor classifiers, which save training tuples as points in Euclidean space, CBR saves the tuples or “cases” for problem solving as difficult symbolic representation.There are various business applications of CBR include problem resolution for customer service help desks, where cases describe product-related diagnostic problems. CBR has been used to areas including engineering and law, where cases are technical designs or legal rulings, accordingly.Medical education is an application for CBR, where patient case histories and treatments are used to support diagnose and consider ... Read More

How does a Bayesian belief network learn?

Updated on 16-Feb-2022 11:49:01


Bayesian classifiers are statistical classifiers. They can predict class membership probabilities, including the probability that a given sample belongs to a specific class. Bayesian classifiers have also display large efficiency and speed when it can high databases.Once classes are defined, the system should infer rules that govern the classification, therefore the system should be able to find the description of each class. The descriptions should only refer to the predicting attributes of the training set so that only the positive examples should satisfy the description, not the negative examples. A rule is said to be correct if its description covers ... Read More

What is Attribute Selection Measures?

Updated on 16-Feb-2022 11:46:57

21K+ Views

An attribute selection measure is a heuristic for choosing the splitting test that “best” separates a given data partition, D, of class-labeled training tuples into single classes.If it can split D into smaller partitions as per the results of the splitting criterion, ideally every partition can be pure (i.e., some tuples that fall into a given partition can belong to the same class).Conceptually, the “best” splitting criterion is the most approximately results in such a method. Attribute selection measures are called a splitting rules because they decides how the tuples at a given node are to be divided.The attribute selection ... Read More

How are decision trees used for classification?

Updated on 16-Feb-2022 11:44:47

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Decision tree induction is the learning of decision trees from class-labeled training tuples. A decision tree is a sequential diagram-like tree structure, where every internal node (non-leaf node) indicates a test on an attribute, each branch defines a result of the test, and each leaf node (or terminal node) influence a class label. The highest node in a tree is the root node.It defines the concept buys computer, i.e., it predicts whether a user at AllElectronics is likely to buy a computer. Internal nodes are indicated by rectangles, and leaf nodes are indicated by ovals. There are various decision tree ... Read More

How does classification work?

Updated on 16-Feb-2022 11:43:32


Classification is a data-mining approaches that assigns elements to a set of data to aid in more efficient predictions and analysis. The classification is generally used when there are two target classes known as binary classification.When higher than two classes can be predicted, especially in pattern recognition problems, this is defined as multinomial classification. However, multinomial classification can be used for categorical response data, where one needs to predict which category amongst various elements has the instances with the largest probability.Data classification is a two-step phase. In the first phase, a classifier is built defining a predetermined collection of data ... Read More

How can we use rule constraints to prune the search space?

Updated on 16-Feb-2022 11:40:48


Rule constraints can be classified into the following five elements which are as follows −Antimonotonic − The first elements of constraints is antimonotonic. Consider the rule constraint “sum (I.price) ≤ 100”. Consider that it is using the Apriori framework, which at every iteration k analyze itemsets of size k. If the cost summation of the items in an itemset is no less than 100, this itemset can be shorten from the search space, because inserting more items into the set will only create it more costly and therefore will not satisfy the constraint.Pruning by antimonotonic constraints can be used at ... Read More

How are metarules useful in data mining?

Updated on 16-Feb-2022 11:37:34


Data mining is the process of finding useful new correlations, patterns, and trends by transferring through a high amount of data saved in repositories, using pattern recognition technologies including statistical and mathematical techniques. It is the analysis of factual datasets to discover unsuspected relationships and to summarize the records in novel methods that are both logical and helpful to the data owner.It is the procedure of selection, exploration, and modeling of high quantities of information to find regularities or relations that are at first unknown to obtain clear and beneficial results for the owner of the database.Data Mining is similar ... Read More

What is Constraint-Based Association Mining?

Updated on 16-Feb-2022 11:36:27

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A data mining procedure can uncover thousands of rules from a given set of information, most of which end up being independent or tedious to the users. Users have a best sense of which “direction” of mining can lead to interesting patterns and the “form” of the patterns or rules they can like to discover.Therefore, a good heuristic is to have the users defines such intuition or expectations as constraints to constraint the search space. This strategy is called constraint-based mining.Constraint-based algorithms need constraints to decrease the search area in the frequent itemset generation step (the association rule generating step ... Read More

What are the steps involved in Association Rule Clustering System?

Updated on 16-Feb-2022 11:34:44

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There are the following steps are involved in association rule clustering system which are as follows −Binning − Quantitative attributes can have a broad range of values representing their domain. It can think about how big a 2-D grid would be if it can plotted age and income as axes, where every possible value of age was created a specific position on one axis, and same, every possible value of income was created a specific position on the other axis.It can maintain grids down to a manageable size, it can instead partition the areas of quantitative attributes into intervals. These ... Read More

How can we mine closed frequent itemsets?

Updated on 16-Feb-2022 11:30:57

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In naïve approach, it can mine the complete set of frequent itemsets and then remove each frequent itemset that is a proper subset of, and give the similar support as, a current frequent itemset.This method can derive 2100−1 frequent itemsets to obtain a length-100 frequent itemset, all before it can start to remove redundant itemsets. A recommended techniques is to search for closed frequent itemsets precisely during the mining phase. This needed us to prune the search area as soon as it can identify the method of closed itemsets during mining. There are various pruning strategies include the following −Item ... Read More

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