Found 413 Articles for Data Mining

What are the Categorization of Constraints in data mining?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 10:02:36


Constraint-based algorithms need constraints to decrease the search area in the frequent itemset generation phase (the association rule creating step is exact to that of exhaustive algorithms).The importance of constraints is well-defined and they make only association rules that are interesting to customers. The method is quite trivial and the rules area is decreased whereby remaining rules use the constraints.There are three types of constraints which are as follows −Constraints on instances − A constraint on instances defines how a pair or a set of instances must be grouped in the cluster analysis. There are two types of constraints from ... Read More

How can we measure the similarity or distance between two vertices in a graph?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 10:09:11

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There are two types of measures such as geodesic distance and distance based on random walk.Geodesic Distance − A simple measure of the distance among two vertices in a graph is the shortest route among the vertices. Usually, the geodesic distance among two vertices is the length in terms of the multiple edges of the shortest path among the vertices. For two vertices that are not linked in a graph, the geodesic distance is represented as infinite.By utilizing geodesic distance, it can represent various useful measurements for graph analysis and clustering. Given a graph G = (V, E), where V ... Read More

What are the applications of Bipartite graphs?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 07:31:57

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In a bipartite graph, vertices can be splitted into two disjoint sets so that each edge connected a vertex in one set to a vertex in the multiple set. For the AllElectronics user purchase data, one set of vertices defines users, with one users per vertex. The multiple set defines products, with one product per vertex. An edge links a user to a product, defining the purchase of the product by the user.There are various applications of Bipartite graphs which is as follows −Web search engines − In web search engines, search logs are archived to data user queries and ... Read More

How can we find subspace clusters from high-dimensional data?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 07:30:18


There are several methods have been categorized into three major groups including subspace search techniques, correlation-based clustering techniques, and biclustering techniques.Subspace Search Technique − A subspace search method searches several subspaces for clusters. Therefore, a cluster is a subset of objects that are the same as each other in a subspace. The similarity is acquired by conventional measures including distance or density.For instance, the CLIQUE algorithm is a subspace clustering technique. It can specify the subspaces and the clusters in those subspaces in a dimensionality-increasing series and uses antimonotonicity to prune subspaces in which no cluster can continue. A bigger ... Read More

What is Active Learning?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 07:25:56


Active learning is a repetitive type of supervised learning that is relevant for situations where data are sufficient, but the class labels are scarce or costly to acquire. The learning algorithm is active in that it can carefully query a user (e.g., a person oracle) for labels. The multiple tuples used to understand a concept this method is smaller than the number needed in typical supervised learning.It is used to maintain costs down, the active learner objective to achieve high accuracy utilizing as few labeled examples as possible. Let D be all of data under consideration. There are several methods ... Read More

What is Bayesian Belief Networks?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 07:24:24


The naıve Bayesian classifier makes the assumption of class conditional independence, i.e., given the class label of a tuple, the values of the attributes are assumed to be conditionally independent of one another. This simplifies computation.When the assumption influence true, therefore the naïve Bayesian classifier is the efficient in comparison with multiple classifiers. Bayesian belief networks defines joint conditional probability distributions.They enable class conditional independencies to be represented among subsets of variables. They support a graphical structure of causal relationships, on which learning can be implemented. Trained Bayesian belief networks is used for classification. Bayesian belief networks are also called ... Read More

How can the data be visualized to support interactive decision tree construction?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 07:20:57


Perception-based classification (PBC) is an interactive method based on multidimensional visualization methods and enable the user to incorporate background knowledge about the data when constructing a decision tree.By optically interacting with the data, the user is likely to produce a deeper learning of the data. The resulting trees likely to be smaller than those construct utilizing traditional decision tree induction techniques and therefore are simpler to interpret, while achieving about the similar accuracy.PBC need a pixel-oriented method to consider multidimensional data with its class label data. The circle segments method is adapted, which maps d-dimensional information objects to a circle ... Read More

What are the Applications of Pattern Mining?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 07:19:16

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There are various applications of Pattern Mining which are as follows −Pattern mining is generally used for noise filtering and data cleaning as preprocessing in several data-intensive applications. It can be used to explore microarray data, for example, which includes tens of thousands of dimensions (e.g., describing genes).Pattern mining provides in the discovery of inherent mechanisms and clusters hidden in the data. Given the DBLP data set, for example, frequent pattern mining can simply discover interesting clusters like coauthor clusters (by determining authors who generally collaborate) and conference clusters (by determining the sharing of several authors and terms). Such architecture ... Read More

What are the techniques for Data Cube Computations?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 07:17:14

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The following are general optimization techniques for efficient computation of data cubes which as follows −Sorting, hashing, and grouping − Sorting, hashing, and grouping operations must be used to the dimension attributes to reorder and cluster associated tuples. In cube computation, aggregation is implemented on the tuples that share the similar set of dimension values. Therefore, it is essential to analyse sorting, hashing, and grouping services to access and group such data to support evaluation of such aggregates.It can calculate total sales by branch, day, and item. It can be more effective to sort tuples or cells by branch, and ... Read More

How does data mining relate to information processing and online analytical processing?

Updated on 18-Feb-2022 07:15:30


There are three kinds of data warehouse applications such as information processing, analytical processing, and data mining.Information processing − It provides querying, basic numerical analysis, and documenting using crosstabs, tables, charts, or graphs. A modern trend in data warehouse data processing is to make low-cost web-based accessing tools that it is integrated with web browsers.Analytical processing − It provides basic OLAP operations, such as slice-and-dice, drilldown, roll-up, and pivoting. It usually works on historic information in both summarized and detailed forms. The major area of online analytical processing over information processing is the multidimensional information analysis of data warehouse data.Data ... Read More
