Found 413 Articles for Data Mining

What are the types of regression in data mining?

Updated on 15-Feb-2022 06:18:55

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Regression defines a type of supervised machine learning approaches that can be used to forecast any continuous-valued attribute. Regression provides some business organization to explore the target variable and predictor variable associations. It is an essential tool to explore the data that can be used for monetary forecasting and time series modeling.There are various types of regression which are as follows −Linear Regression − Linear regression includes discovering the “best” line to fit two attributes (or variables) therefore that one attribute can be used to predict the other. Multiple linear regression is an advancement of linear regression, where higher than ... Read More

What is Regression?

Updated on 15-Feb-2022 06:12:59


Regression defines a type of supervised machine learning approaches that can be used to forecast any continuous-valued attribute. Regression provides some business organization to explore the target variable and predictor variable associations. It is an essential tool to explore the data that can be used for monetary forecasting and time series modeling.Data can be smoothed by fitting the data to a function, such as with regression. Linear regression includes discovering the “best” line to fit two attributes (or variables) therefore that one attribute can be used to predict the other. Several linear regression is an advancement of linear regression, where ... Read More

What is Orange Data Mining?

Updated on 14-Feb-2022 13:21:46

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Orange is a C++ core object and routines library that include a huge method of standard and non-standard machine learning and data mining algorithms. It is an open-source data visualization, data mining, and machine learning tool.In Orange, it is a scriptable setting for fast prototyping of the current algorithms and testing designs. It is a set of python-based modules that lie in the center library. It execute some functionalities for which performance time is not important, and that is completed in Python.It includes several tasks including pretty-print of decision trees, bagging and boosting, attribute subset, etc. Orange is a group ... Read More

What are the types of Bitcoin Wallet?

Updated on 14-Feb-2022 13:18:39


A Bitcoin wallet is a type of digital wallet can send and receive Bitcoins. This is comparable to a physical wallet. However, rather than saving a physical currency, the wallet saves the cryptographic data can access Bitcoin addresses and send transactions. There are various Bitcoin wallets can also be used for multiple cryptocurrencies.There are the following types of bitcoin wallet which are as follows −Desktop Wallets − Desktop wallets are set up on a desktop or laptop computer and supports the user with full control over the wallet. Some desktop wallets also contains more functionality, including node software or exchange ... Read More

What is Bitcoin data mining?

Updated on 14-Feb-2022 13:13:31


Bitcoin mining defines the process of authenticating and inserting transactional data to the public ledger. The public ledge is called the blockchain because it includes a set of the block. Bitcoin is virtual money receiving some value, and its value is not static, it change according to time. There is no Bitcoin supervisory body that manage the Bitcoin transactions.Bitcoin was produced under the pseudonym (False name) Satoshi Nakamoto, who declared the creation, and it was performed as open-source program. An only end-to-end version of computer money can allow online costs to be sent directly from one person to another without ... Read More

What are the applications of CRISP-DM?

Updated on 14-Feb-2022 13:11:03


The Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) was recognized as an approach to further standardise the M&V methodology and allows more efficient estimation of energy savings. There are several applications of CRISP-DM which are as follows −Business Understanding − A biomedical manufacturing facility was selected as a case study to create the feasibility of the application of DM to help M&V. A quality understanding of the business under analysis was important to execute the results at the modelling and evaluation phase of the process. This was implemented by carrying out a process walk-through, learning process flow diagrams, and ... Read More

What are statistical approaches?

Updated on 14-Feb-2022 13:09:15

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Statistical approaches are model-based approaches such as a model is produced for the data, and objects are computed concerning how well they fit the model. Most statistical approaches to outlier detection are depends on developing a probability distribution model and considering how Iikely objects are below that model.An outlier is an object that has a low probability concerning a probability distribution model of the data. A probability distribution model is produced from the data by computing the parameters of a user-defined distribution.If the data is considered to have a Gaussian distribution, therefore the mean and standard deviation of the basic ... Read More

What are the issues of Anomaly detection?

Updated on 14-Feb-2022 13:07:37


There are various issues of anomaly detection which are as follows −Number of Attributes used to define an anomaly − The question of either an object is anomalous depends on an individual attribute is a question of whether the object's value for that attribute is anomalous. Because an object can have several attributes, it can have anomalous values for several attributes, but ordinary values for multiple attributes.Moreover, an object can be anomalous even if none of its attribute values are independently anomalous. For instance, it is general to have person who are two feet tall (children) or are 300 pounds ... Read More

What are the causes of Anomalies?

Updated on 14-Feb-2022 13:06:18


In anomaly detection, the objective is to discover objects that are different from multiple objects. Often, anomalous objects are referred to as outliers, because on a scatter plot of the data, they lie far away from multiple data points. Anomaly detection is called a deviation detection, because anomalous objects have attribute values that deviate essentially from the expected or general attribute values, or as exception mining, because anomalies are exceptional in several sense.In the globe, human society, or the domain of data groups, most events and objects are, by representation, common area or reglar. But it can have a keen ... Read More

What are the application of anomaly detection?

Updated on 14-Feb-2022 13:04:27

1K+ Views

In anomaly detection, the objective is to discover objects that are different from multiple objects. Often, anomalous objects are referred to as outliers, because on a scatter plot of the data, they lie far away from multiple data points. Anomaly detection is called a deviation detection, because anomalous objects have attribute values that deviate essentially from the expected or general attribute values, or as exception mining, because anomalies are exceptional in several sense.There are various application of anomalies detection which are as follows −Fraud Detection − The buying behavior of someone who keep a credit card is different from that ... Read More
