Found 215 Articles for Data Analysis

Difference between Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Analysis

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 15:25:53

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Qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis are two different approaches used in research and data analysis. While both are used to gain insights and draw conclusions from data, the two methods differ in their objectives, methodology, and data collection techniques. This essay will discuss the difference between qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. What is Quantitative Analysis? Quantitative analysis is often associated with numerical analysis where data is collected, classified, and then computed for certain findings using a set of statistical methods. Data is chosen randomly in large samples and then analyzed. The advantage of quantitative analysis the findings can be applied ... Read More

Three Stages of Building Hypotheses or Models

Jay Singh
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 15:05:02

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Creating models or hypotheses is a crucial component of scientific study. It entails a methodical approach to issue identification, hypothesis or model development, and experimentation. The exploratory stage, the confirmatory stage, and the descriptive stage are the three steps that make up the construction of hypotheses or models. The exploratory phase is where theories or models are first developed. It entails collecting data, examining the connections between variables, and creating preliminary hypotheses or models. This stage, which is marked by a high level of ambiguity, is frequently employed to come up with new theories or concepts. The exploratory phase is ... Read More

How to Read PACF Graph for Time Series?

Jay Singh
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 13:42:50


Time series data analysis can be applied to a range of fields, including finance, economics, and marketing. The autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) are extensively used in time series data analysis. A time series correlation between the observations is assessed using PACF plots. Finding the important lag values that enable estimating the series' future values is useful. Even yet, if you are unfamiliar with the PACF graph, it could be challenging to read. In this blog article, we'll help you through each step of comprehending a PACF graph for time series analysis. What is PACF? Partial Autocorrelation ... Read More

How to calculate the prediction accuracy of logistic regression?

Jay Singh
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 13:02:00

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Logistic regression is a statistical approach for examining the connection between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It is a form of regression analysis frequently used for classification tasks when the dependent variable is binary (i.e., takes only two values). Finding the link between the independent factors and the likelihood that the dependent variable will take on a certain value is the aim of logistic regression. Since it enables us to predict the likelihood of an event occurring based on the values of the independent variables, logistic regression is a crucial tool in data analysis and machine ... Read More

Difference between DDR3 and DDR5

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 10:32:11

2K+ Views

DDR stands for Double Data Rate. It is a version of RAM (Random Access Memory). The DDR RAM is capable of transferring data on both edges, i.e. falling edge and rising edge of the clock pulse. Thus, it doubles the data transfer rate, hence it named so. The DDR RAM also comes in several versions (or generations), such as DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, and DDR5. Each version/generation of the DDR RAM offers enhanced performance in terms of speed, storage capacity, energy efficiency, etc. In this article, we will discuss the two generations, i.e. DDR3 and DDR5 of the DDR RAM, ... Read More

Difference between DDR3 and DDR4

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 10:30:22


DDR stands for Double Data Rate. It is a version of RAM (Random Access Memory). The DDR RAM is capable of transferring data on both edges, i.e. falling edge and rising edge of the clock pulse. Thus, it doubles the data transfer rate, hence it named so. The DDR RAM also comes in several versions (or generations), such as DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, etc. Each version/generation of the DDR RAM offers enhanced performance in terms of speed, storage capacity, energy efficiency, etc. In this article, we will discuss the two generations, i.e. DDR3 and DDR4 of the DDR RAM, and ... Read More

Commonly asked DBMS Interview Questions

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 17:58:31

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To familiarize you with the kind of questions that may be asked during a job interview pertaining to the Database Management System, we will explore the most crucial DBMS Interview Questions in this post (DBMS). Q1)What are some uses for DBMS? The acronym DBMS, or database management system, stands for an application system whose primary function is around data. This system enables the user to design, save, retrieve, and update data as well as information about the data as it is stored in the database. Q2)What does the term "database" refer to? Simply said, a database is a collection of ... Read More

Commercial Data Mining Tools

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 17:50:32


These days, businesses have a wide range of tools at their disposal to use business intelligence software to transform raw data into actionable next actions. Some data mining technologies use machine learning techniques to accelerate this process. Modern data mining goes beyond basic analysis to more efficiently and effectively extract usable information from massive data volumes. Top 5 Data Mining tools in the Market RapidMiner Studio Data preparation, blending, visualization, and exploration are made easier using RapidMiner Studio, a visual data science workflow builder. Its predictive modeling and data mining initiatives are powered by machine-learning techniques Features Visual Workflow ... Read More

Combining Operations Using Pipelining

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 17:49:37


In a DSS workflow, a SQL pipeline is a procedure that mixes numerous subsequent recipes (each using the same SQL engine). Then, a single job activity containing these integrated recipes—which may be both visual and "SQL query" recipes—can be executed. Typically, a SQL query will be converted into an expression in relational algebra, which is a series of relational operations. If we do one operation at a time, we incur too much cost because we need to create temporary files on a disc to store the outcomes of these temporary operations. Large temporary files must be created and stored on ... Read More

Clausal Form in Deductive Databases

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 17:36:08


A deductive database in SQL or any other database system is a tool that can draw conclusions about new facts based on the rules and information already present in the database. In deductive databases, datalog is the language commonly used to express facts, rules, and queries. The formula, when expressed in clausal form, consists of a number of clauses, each of which is made up of a number of literals joined exclusively by logical connectives marked with the OR symbol. The following quantifiers are possible in a formula − Universal quantifier − It may be read as "For all x, ... Read More
