Found 215 Articles for Data Analysis

Difference between Analysis and Analytics

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 01-Jul-2024 14:56:44


Data is the most important asset for every business as they need to know the issues due to which they are unable to gain profit. Businesses need to know the differences between data analytics and analysis. These words have different meanings but still, they are used interchangeably. If you are a data analyst, you will have to know the mood of the customers and the trends they follow. Data has exploded due to the usage of different electronic gadgets like laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc. Data Analysis Data analysis is performed when the performance of a business has to be taken ... Read More

Variables in MATLAB – Definition, Characteristics, and Types

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 13-Nov-2023 15:18:58


MATLAB is a high-level programming language that supports different kinds of fundamental elements. In MATLAB, there is a fundamental element called variable which is used to store data. A variable has a unique name referred to as identifier. A value is stored in the variable that can be utilized through the variable name. In this article, we will study about basics of variables and their characteristics. Also, we will explore different types of variables and their declaration with the help of examples. What is a Variable in MATLAB? In MATLAB, a variable is one of the programming elements that is used to ... Read More

MATLAB and Its Applications

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 13-Nov-2023 14:56:14


MATLAB stands for Matrix Laboratory. It is a computing environment and a programming language developed by MathWorks. MATLAB is primarily developed to provide a high-performance environment to perform various technical computations. The greatest advantage of MATLAB is that it combines programming, computation, and visualization of numerical data together and provides a human friendly and easy to use interface to solve numerical problems. The first version of MATLAB was released in the year of 1984. Due to its advanced functionalities, it is widely used in various fields of mathematics, engineering, and technology, such as image and signal processing, matrix manipulation, solving ... Read More

Creating, Concatenating, and Expanding Matrices in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 13-Nov-2023 14:54:21


In MATLAB, creating, concatenating, and expanding matrices are three basic matrix operations. Since, matrix is one of the essential data structures in MATLAB programming used to perform various data processing tasks. Hence, understanding the process of creating, concatenating, and expanding matrices is important to perform data organization and manipulation in MATLAB programming. This article is meant for answering the following three questions related to MATLAB matrices − How to create different types of matrices in MATLAB? How to concatenate matrices? How to expand matrices? Let us discuss each operation one-by-one in detail. Creating Matrix in MATLAB In MATLAB, ... Read More

What is Electrical Conductivity? – Principle, Formula and Applications

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 26-Oct-2023 13:16:00


Electrical Conductivity is an important term used in electrical engineering to understand the behavior of a material and electric current flowing through it. Electric conductivity is the property of a material that provides ease in the flow of electric current through the material. Read this article to get a detailed understanding of "electric conductivity", from its definition to principle and its applications. Let us start with the basic definition of electrical conductivity. What is Electrical Conductivity? Electrical conductivity is defined as the property that provides ease in the flow of electric current (movement of electrons) through a material. Electrical conductivity ... Read More

Swapping Two Elements in Each Row of a Matrix Without Loop in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 26-Oct-2023 13:15:13


Read this tutorial to learn the method of swapping two elements in each row of a matrix without using loop in MATLAB. MATLAB is a powerful to manipulate matrices. We can perform various operations on matrices using MATLAB. In MATLAB, we can swap any two elements in each row of a matrix using the "matrix indexing method". This method of swapping two elements in rows of a matrix is explained below with the help of an example. How to Swap Two Elements in Each Row of Matrix without using Loop In MATLAB, we can use the matrix indexing to swap ... Read More

Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 26-Oct-2023 13:14:16


Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is an error estimation technique used to calculate the difference between estimated values and actual values. This method provides the average value of errors as a single value. We can use MATLAB to calculate the root mean square error. For this, MATLAB provides various built-in functions. In this tutorial, I will explain how to calculate the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) in MATLAB. What is Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)? The root mean square error (RMSE) is a method of measuring error or accuracy of a predictive tool or model. It is calculated by finding ... Read More

Reduced Row Echelon Form (rref) Matrix in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 26-Oct-2023 13:10:04


Reduced row echelon form (rref) matrix is a simplified matrix used to solve a system of linear equations. MATLAB provides some built-in functions to find the reduced row echelon form matrix of a given matrix. Read this article to learn these methods of finding the reduced row echelon form matrix of a given matrix using MATLAB. Before that let’s get an overview of rref matrix and its properties. What is a Reduced Row Echelon Form Matrix? In linear algebra, the reduced row echelon form matrix, also known as rref matrix, is a special and simplified matrix used to solve systems ... Read More

Page-wise matrix multiplication in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 26-Oct-2023 13:07:18


When we multiply two N-dimensional matrices along each dimension or page of the two matrices, then it is called page-wise matrix multiplication. Page-wise matrix multiplication is mainly performed in the case of 3-dimensional matrices. Go through this tutorial to learn the methods of performing page-wise matrix multiplication using MATLAB. What is Page-Wise Matrix Multiplication? When two N-dimensional matrices are multiplied along each dimension of the two matrices, then this type of matrix multiplication is called the page-wise matrix multiplication. It is basically the element wise multiplication of two 3D matrices along a specific dimension or page in a 3D matrix. ... Read More

Polar Axes Appearance and Behavior in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 15:23:29


In data visualization, the polar axes are used to represent data in polar coordinates. Polar axes provide a way of visualizing complex data in the form of polar plots. Read this article to learn the methods of changing the properties of polar axes to control their appearance and behavior. Before learning to customize the appearance and behavior of polar axes, let us see how to create a polar axes and polar plot in MATLAB. How to Create Polar Axes in MATLAB? In MATLAB, there is a built-in function named "polaraxes" used to create polar axes in MATLAB figures. Its syntax ... Read More

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