Found 546 Articles for Cyber Security

How do cybercriminals make money?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Feb-2022 13:13:23


The global economy is undergoing a digital revolution as the majority of what we do is now done online, from shopping for groceries to paying payments. Criminals are only natural to follow suit. Criminals see cybercrime as one of the easiest methods to gain money when they evaluate the economics of what they do.Extortion is a simple technique for a hacker to monetise stolen information and it provides the quickest path from crimes to cash. In addition to extortion, criminals can profit through phoney auctions, identity theft, and the sale of stolen information such as credit card numbers, social security ... Read More

What is SynAck Ransomware?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Feb-2022 13:07:32


Today even with the rising awareness and precautions taken regarding computer security or cyber security, the number of attacks and threats reported has not decreased like we expect it to be. Just as we develop more and more security measures, the same is done on the other side, where hackers and cybercriminals tend to work harder to overcome their new obstacles. One such way that they found it is by using SynAck ransomware.SynAck RansomwarePC security has now been known to have received reports of activity utilizing the SynAck Ransomware, a previously unknown ransomware Trojan.The SynAck Ransomware appears to be part ... Read More

What is stalkerware?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Feb-2022 13:05:54


People are becoming aware of the dangers posed by hackers who employ viruses, spyware, and malware to infect gadgets. However, it may be time to focus attention on "stalkerware, " an entirely distinct form of cyber security threat that has long-term consequences.What is Stalkerware?Stalkerware is a term used to describe intrusive software that runs on computers and cellphones and sends every piece of information about you to another person. This includes anything from software that activates your Mac's webcam without your knowledge to tools that can be purchased online and provide third parties access to almost everything on your computer, ... Read More

What is Simjacker attack?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Feb-2022 13:03:40

2K+ Views

Simjacker is a novel and previously unnoticed vulnerability and associated exploits discovered by AdaptiveMobile Security, which is a specific commercial business that works with governments to track individuals is presently aggressively exploiting this vulnerability.Simjacker and its accompanying vulnerabilities are far more complicated and sophisticated than earlier attacks on mobile core networks.The main Simjacker attack is sending an SMS to a mobile phone with a special sort of spyware-like malware, which tells the SIM Card within the phone to 'takeover' the phone and retrieves and conduct critical orders.Thousands of devices' location data was collected over time without the targeted mobile phone ... Read More

What are Grayware, Adware, and Madware?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Feb-2022 13:01:40


Some malicious programs are unknown to the general Internet audience due to their low popularity. They are on the thin line between legit and risky programs, so they are especially harder to recognise and prevent.In this post, we shall discuss what are grayware, adware, and madware.What is Grayware?"Potentially undesirable programmes" is more briefly referred to as "grayware."It isn't a virus, and it isn't as visibly dangerous as many other malicious programmes on the Internet. But make no mistake that grayware has to be removed from whatever PC it's on. It's probably already irritating you every time you use your PC, ... Read More

What is Bulletproof Hosting?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Feb-2022 12:59:37


Web hosting is a service that gives websites a place to live on the Internet. To save their files, all websites on the Internet require web hosting.Everything on the Internet requires a home provided mainly by servers, typically housed in data centres; hence, data centres are essential for web hosting. Customers rent or own servers, which provide Internet access so that users can view the data and websites hosted on the server. Now I believe there is a certain clarity on how web hosting is done. Let us now look into bulletproof hosting and how it is different.Bulletproof HostingBulletproof hosting ... Read More

What are the signs of a malware attack on an iPhone?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Feb-2022 12:57:39


iPhones are often boasted on their security against malware. We often consider it to be a foolproof system. Does Viruses attack iPhones? They do, but it's a very rare event. Instead of a virus, you're more likely to encounter misbehaving advertising in an app you often use, triggering behavior aimed to persuade you that iOS is infected and that you need to download another app to fix it, or sending you to a dubious web page or malicious software on the App Store. Essentially, a device holds a lot of personal data, and if your iPhone becomes infected, your data ... Read More

What are the risks of using pirated games and software?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Feb-2022 12:55:42

2K+ Views

Everyone has tipped their toes into the pirated software world at least once in their life. The idea of getting free software appeals to a wide range of consumers who are usually uneducated about the dangers associated with them. As the cost of software rises, many consumers opt to install bootleg or pirated versions. We'll explain the risks you can face if you use illegal copies.The first danger you face is infecting your computer. It's possible that the crack is actually malware that has been badly disguised. Some of you may believe that this is simply an Antivirus False Positive. ... Read More

How does GPS tracking threaten our privacy?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Feb-2022 12:53:41

1K+ Views

Mobile phones have evolved into fundamental communication tools that are now used for more than just making phone conversations. They are now used to access the Internet, send text messages, chronicle the world, and become a part of ourselves. While using location-based services in apps like Google Maps and Uber can make our lives easier, some severe concerns are involved. To protect yourself, you must first understand what kind of location-based data you are giving online and how this data can jeopardize both your online and physical privacy.What is GPS?The global positioning system (GPS) is made up of a constellation ... Read More

Why you should use a VPN on Public Wi-Fi?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 07-Feb-2022 12:21:58


We all have come across a point in life where we have had to use a public WiFi since staying online at all times is necessary for most of us, be it in a hotel, airport, or even a café. Maybe it's because our mobile data is over, or it's just that we have trouble getting a signal there. Anyway, it's always advised to have a VPN while you use public networks since public networks are always dangerous, considering their weak security and high vulnerability to cybersecurity attacks.How Do Hackers Use Public Networks?Hackers have been known to attack public WiFi ... Read More
