Found 546 Articles for Cyber Security

How to Block Email Tracking?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 11-Apr-2022 10:32:49


Did you know that 40% of all emails sent and received are monitored on a daily basis? To say the least, the data are startling. Email trackers provide senders access to information like when the email was viewed, what device was used, and even the receiver's actual location. It is a flagrant infringement of one's fundamental right to privacy.What is a Tracking Pixel?A tracking pixel is a transparent image 11 pixels in size that is placed into your email like any other picture. You won't see it, but it will be downloaded by your device whenever you open the email, ... Read More

Differences between Hardware VPN and Software VPN

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 11-Apr-2022 10:30:27


A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a must-have security element in today's world. You may surf the Internet and conduct any online business without jeopardizing your privacy or putting your data in danger if you use a VPN. You've certainly heard how important it is to have a VPN, but you're not sure whether you should acquire a hardware VPN or a software VPN.This article will examine how hardware and software VPNs function and explain the differences between them.According to a basic research, a VPN is required for overall network security. Setting up a VPN allows you to build point-to-point ... Read More

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) Vs. Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 11-Apr-2022 10:28:23


What is ZTNA?Zero Trust Network Access is an IT security solution that enables safe remote access to an organization's apps, data, and services based on access control criteria that are explicitly specified.Following are some of the prominent features of ZTNA −ZTNA only allows access to certain services or apps, whereas VPNs provide access to the whole network.ZTNA solutions can assist close gaps in existing secure remote access technologies and approaches as an expanding number of users’ access resources from anywhere.ZTNA implements granular, adaptive, and context-aware rules to provide safe and seamless Zero Trust access to private apps housed across clouds ... Read More

Can Smart Speakers Put Your Privacy at Risk?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 11-Apr-2022 10:26:35


Using your voice to control the music playing through your speakers, lock your doors, or purchase paper towels may sound like something out of a science fiction film, but Smart speakers like Amazon's Echo have made it a reality. As useful as this technology is, one of the most pressing concerns it raises is whether customer privacy is at danger. These devices are programmed to listen to specific keywords that will wake them up.Although Amazon's Smart speaker is the most well known, it is far from the only one available, with Google's Home serving as a competitor. We decided to ... Read More

Do Smart TVs Have Privacy Issues and Security Risks?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 11-Apr-2022 10:24:14

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As manufacturers continue to build more products that can connect to the Internet, you may appreciate the convenience and flexibility they provide. However, you might not have considered the hazards associated with Smart TVs and other Smart home devices.As prices reduce and quality has improved, Smart TVs have become a popular entertainment item. Smart TVs make it easier to access streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, Chromecast, Amazon Prime, and more from a single location.What is a Smart TV?A Smart television is just like a regular TV but it can access the Internet. A user may watch on-demand movies, surf ... Read More

What is the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol(PPTP)?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 07:11:56


The Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol (PPTP) is a collection of communication protocols that control the safe implementation of virtual private networks (VPN), which enable businesses to extend their own private networks across the public Internet via "tunnels."A big corporation with offices worldwide can use PPTP to construct a large local area network (LAN) – basically a VPN - by using the architecture of a Wide Area Network (WAN), such as the network of a public Internet Service Provider (ISP) or telco. This is less expensive than setting out network infrastructure across such long distances.Through the construction of a VPN across TCP/IP-based ... Read More

What is Malspam?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 07:05:08


While online, we all have come up with the term spam, which is now quite a common term and is even being recognized by computers automatically now. Ranging from spam calls to spam emails, spammers are now seen everywhere, and we can't deny the fact that they are pretty annoying, but there is another threat caught in some spam, commonly known as Malspam.What is Malspam?Malspam is a type of spam email that contains a virus. Such emails contain infected attachments, phishing messages, or harmful URLs to fool consumers. It can be used to spread ransomware, trojans, bots, information thieves, crypto ... Read More

What is Bloatware and how can you remove it?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 07:01:09


Bloatware is software that makes your system slow down. It might relate to apps that are installed but not utilised, but use a lot of disc space, memory, and battery power. Furthermore, these underutilised bits of software might be rather large, making them more of a liability than a useful utility.Bloatware normally blends into the backdrop, it's not always as easy to spot as we'd want. That does not imply that bloatware is malicious software. However, some bloatware acquired from unscrupulous sources or mistakenly installed with third-party applications may include viruses.Feature creep (excessive addition of new features in a product) ... Read More

What is an Advanced Persistent Threat?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 06:51:40


The notion of an attack employing various sophisticated strategies meant to steal the company's vital information keeps corporate cybersecurity professionals awake at night. An Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) uses continuous, covert, and sophisticated hacking tactics to obtain access to a system and stay inside for an extended time, with potentially catastrophic effects, as the term implies.Advanced Persistent ThreatAn Advanced Persistent Threat is a cyberattack carried out by a hacker who has the resources, organization, and motive to carry out a long-term attack on a target.APT uses stealth and various attack methods to compromise the target, typically a high-value corporate or ... Read More

What is a Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP)?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 06:42:56


Initially, networks were created to construct internal portions segregated from the outside world by a set border. The internal network was deemed reliable, whereas the exterior network was hostile. Even though much has changed since the design's creation, most networking professionals still use this as their base.The fixed perimeter is frequently composed of several networks and security appliances, resulting in a service chained stack and appliance sprawl. A user must pass requirements to access the internal LAN can vary. The stack would make up global load balancers, external firewalls, DDoS appliances, VPN concentrators, internal firewalls, and LAN segments.What is a ... Read More
