Found 546 Articles for Cyber Security

What are the five pillars of NIST Cybersecurity Framework?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 04-May-2022 13:53:05


National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)The National Institute of Standards and Technology's cybersecurity framework is a valuable tool for organizing and improving your cybersecurity program. It's a set of standards and best practices aimed at assisting businesses in establishing and improving their cybersecurity posture. The framework includes a series of suggestions and standards that help companies better prepare for cyber-attacks by identifying and detecting them, as well as for instructions for responding to, preventing, and recovering from them.This framework, developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), tackles the lack of cybersecurity standards by providing a unified ... Read More

How Does Non-Repudiation Help in Cyber Security?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 04-May-2022 13:49:38

5K+ Views

The certainty that someone cannot dispute the legitimacy of anything is known as non-repudiation. Non-repudiation is a regulatory notion commonly used in cybersecurity and refers to the service that confirms the origin and integrity of data. It assures that no party can deny sending or receiving a communication using encryption and digital signatures. It cannot also contest the legitimacy of its digital signature on a document.Non-repudiation provides evidence of data's origin, authenticity, and integrity. It verifies the sender that the information is sent and the recipient's identity to the receiver. Neither side can dispute that communication happened or was processed ... Read More

What is an Offline Attack? (Types and Working)

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 04-May-2022 13:46:43

2K+ Views

Offline attacks are executed from a location other than the actual PC where passwords reside or were used. Offline attacks frequently need total access to the PC and duplicate the framework's secret key document onto external media. The programmer then transfers the record to another PC to accomplish the split.Even though it takes a lot more work, an offline assault is typically easier to execute than an online strike and has a greater chance of going unnoticed. An attacker attempting to extract clear text credentials from a password hash dump is known as an offline attack. Attackers conduct offline and ... Read More

What is a Passive Attack and How is it different from an Active Attack?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 04-May-2022 13:43:14

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A passive network assault is one in which a system is monitored for open ports and vulnerabilities. A passive attack attempts to obtain or use information from the system while inflicting no harm to the system's resources. Passive attacks are characterized by eavesdropping or monitoring transmission. The opponent's goal is to intercept the data being transmitted.Active and passive reconnaissance are examples of passive assaults. Reconnaissance is a military phrase that refers to the process of exploring hostile territory to obtain intelligence. Reconnaissance is the act of examining a system or network to acquire information before launching a complete attack in ... Read More

Patch Management: Definition, Working, Need, Best Practices

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 04-May-2022 13:39:45


What is Patch Management?Patch management involves analyzing computers, mobile devices, or other network equipment for missing software updates, known as "fixes, " and resolving the issue by delivering such patches as soon as they become available. Patches are pieces of code placed (or patched) into an existing software program's code. It is usually used as a stop-gap solution until a new complete release of the program is ready.How Does Patch Management Work?Patches are provided by software firms when they become aware of an existing vulnerability to prevent external agents from exploiting that vulnerability to access your corporate network. Patch management ... Read More

What is the importance of Pen Testing in Cyber Security?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 04-May-2022 13:36:26


A penetration test, also known as a pen test, is a process to analyze the security of an IT infrastructure by exploiting vulnerabilities in a controlled manner. These defects could be found in operating systems, services, and applications, as well as incorrect setups and unsafe end-user behavior. These tests can also be used to verify the effectiveness of defensive strategies and end-user compliance with security regulations.Penetration testing is a technique for determining your security before an adversary does. Penetration testing software simulates real-world attack scenarios in order to find and exploit security flaws that could result in data theft, compromised ... Read More

What is a Polymorphic Virus? (How to Create, Detect, and Prevent)

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 04-May-2022 13:34:26

2K+ Views

Polymorphic VirusA virus is a program or harmful code that propagates between computers and causes damage to the system. It spreads by copying itself and attaching it to a software file. The viruses merely multiply, show messages, and others may transmit a piece of the dangerous code to a program capable of corrupting applications, deleting files, formatting the hard drive, and destroying vital information.As the name suggests, a polymorphic code in a computing system is a code that employs a polymorphic engine to modify while preserving the old algorithm unchanged. That is, the code modifies itself all the time it ... Read More

Who is a Cracker and how is it different from Hacking?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 04-May-2022 13:30:24


What is Cracking?Cracking is the process of breaking into a computer or a network system. A cracker may be cracking for malicious purposes, profit, specific non-profit purposes or causes, or simply as a challenge. Some crackers purposefully break into a network system in order to expose security holes in that system. Crackers typically seek to get access to secret information, obtain free software applications, or cause malicious damage to files."Black hats" is another name for crackers. They search for backdoors in programs and systems, exploit them, and steal sensitive information for malevolent purposes.Crackers have a different goal than hackers, who ... Read More

What is Proprietary Information and How to Protect It?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 04-May-2022 13:27:54


What is Proprietary Information?Proprietary information, often known as a trade secret, is the knowledge that a business intends to keep private. Secret formulae, procedures, and methods employed in manufacturing might all be considered proprietary knowledge. It may also comprise its business and marketing strategy, compensation structure, client lists, contracts, and computer system specifications. In some circumstances, an employee's on-the-job particular knowledge and abilities are deemed confidential information by the corporation.The first stage towards qualifying as proprietary information or confidential data is for the owner to make a reasonable effort to keep the knowledge private. There is no legal protection if ... Read More

What is an Open Source Software? (Definition, Advantages and Disadvantages)

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 04-May-2022 13:25:10


What does it mean to be Open Source?"Open source" is a philosophy that encourages the open use and distribution of a finished product, most commonly software or a program. Still, it can also include the implementation and design of other objects. Because of the need to rewrite vast volumes of computer source code, the term "open source" gained popularity as the Internet grew in popularity. When source code is made available to the public, it opens up new communication channels and engages technical communities, as well as a plethora of new models.Open source is based on the idea of openly ... Read More
