Found 546 Articles for Cyber Security

Difference between Client-side filter and Server-side filters in Cyber Security

Updated on 03-May-2023 12:00:19


Filtering Filtering is the process of validating or screening, whether input data given by the user meets the standard format or not. Content filtering is the process of screening emails or web pages that are undesirable. These operate with predefined patterns that include user text string or image data. Recent versions of firewalls include filtering options as built-in features either as hardware or software support. Content filtering is used in cybersecurity as it can block malicious or hacked websites and also block social networking websites as per standard policies defined in corporate organizations. Filtering methods can be deployed in applications ... Read More

Risk Associated with public Wi-Fi

Updated on 03-May-2023 11:55:31


Pubic Wi-Fi is more dangerous in the early times and now it has included solutions to the risks of Wi-Fi. In the modern world, Wi-Fi is installed in every place to make people have easier access to the internet. Even though it provides the usage of the internet without any password, it is also possible that the devices that are connected to public Wi-Fi will face cyber attacks. Some examples of public Wi-Fi are set up in airports, Railway stations, Restaurants, and public libraries. Public Wi-Fi The websites have a separate encryption technique to prevent cyber attacks and so it ... Read More

Computer Security and its Challenges

Updated on 18-Apr-2023 17:20:44

2K+ Views

Computer Security means protecting your data and information from harm, theft, attackers, and unauthorized access. Let’s consider one simple example of why security is necessary. Today, children play online games by downloading them from Play Store and Chrome or using other sites. They don’t have proper knowledge about the third-party sites or malware functions attached to them. They download those games and applications on their computer, play games, and do other stuff. After some time they came to find out that some files on their computer were missing and the system was not working. Or Considering examples when some unprotected ... Read More

Ethical Hacking with Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 11:59:23


Python is an increasingly popular programming language for Ethical Hacking, especially in today's digital world, where security is paramount. With the rise of cybercrime, it's essential to take proactive measures to safeguard our online assets. Ethical Hacking is a critical step in this process, involving the identification and resolution of system vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious hackers. This article will explore how Python is used for Ethical Hacking, including its advantages and best practices. Basics of Ethical Hacking Hacking is broadly classified into three types - Black Hat Hacking, White Hat Hacking, and Grey Hat Hacking. Black ... Read More

Applications of Cybersecurity

Updated on 14-Apr-2023 17:36:42

2K+ Views

We are connected to the internet 24/7 and the longer we are accessing those websites the more chances there are that we are open to cyber attacks. To protect our data and information from cyber-attacks we use some security applications. Cybersecurity applications assist organizations to secure their system, data, devices, and network information from cyber attacks. These applications are frequently used to control the network, limit traffic, monitor activity, and generate an analysis of data. Let's now discuss what those applications help in the protection of devices Importance of Cybersecurity Cybersecurity helps in protecting our devices from harm, data ... Read More

What is Stuxnet Attack?

Updated on 12-Apr-2023 16:01:02


Stuxnet is a computer worm that was found in 2010 and is considered to be one of the foremost advanced cyber weapons ever found. It is considered to have been outlined to target and disrupt Iran's atomic program by causing the centrifuges utilized in uranium enhancement to break down. Stuxnet was outlined to spread through tainted USB drives and other detachable media, and it utilized several progressed procedures to sidestep discovery and keep up control over contaminated frameworks. It was able to misuse different zero-day vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows, which made it exceptionally troublesome to distinguish and expel. Stuxnet ... Read More

What is SNORT?

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:31:53


In the area of cybersecurity, the requirement for robust and effective intrusion detection and prevention systems is critical. SNORT, a network intrusion detection and prevention system that is free and open-source, is one of the most well-known and commonly used systems in this area. Snort, which also notifies system administrators of potential security concerns. Martin Roesch created it for the first time in 1998, and since then it has grown to be one of the most popular network security tools worldwide. What is SNORT? The initial version of SNORT, an open-source network intrusion detection and prevention system, was made available ... Read More

Cyber Security- Attacking through Command and Control

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:10:56


Cyber security means the security of cyber systems. Cyber Security secures the computer system from cyber attacks. It protects the system and the personal data, credentials, and passwords. Due to the developments in technology, the risks and the cost to retain the services are becoming higher. Over the decade cyber attacks have raised a lot and one of the most endangered attacks is the Command and Control Attack which is done using Domain Name System (DNS). It is also referred to as C&C or C2 Attack. When an Organization is under this attack, it’s very crucial to get back to ... Read More

Credit Cards Frauds

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:09:19


Credit card extortion could be a wrongdoing that includes the unauthorized utilization of another person's credit card or credit card data to form a buy or pullback store. Delays in identifying and avoiding credit card extortion can have a critical effect on banks and clients. This article will talk about the causes of credit card extortion location and anticipation delays, the effect of these delays on banks, and the significance of avoiding credit card extortion. We'll moreover investigate the aces and cons of credit card extortion avoidance measures. What are Credit Cards? Credit cards have revolutionized the way individuals spend ... Read More

Cyber Crime Identity theft

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:08:15


The criminal action or crime through the computer or computer network harms an organization like a government, a private, or even an individual. Cyber crimes can be committed by individuals or a group. A breach of confidential information, espionage, financial loss, System failure, or any other method via the internet that affects the reputation of an organization or an individual is a major risk associated with cyber crimes. Cybercrime is not accidental but intentional to harm an organization or an individual’s reputation, loss, physical or mental harm through any electronic system by concealing the identity of the cybercriminals. The growing ... Read More
