Found 546 Articles for Cyber Security

What is a Command and Control Server? How Does It Control a Compromised System?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 08:33:46


A Command-and-Control (C&C) server is used by an attacker or cybercriminal to deliver orders to malware-infected devices and receive stolen data from a target network. Many campaigns have been discovered employing cloud-based services as C&C servers to blend in with normal traffic and evade detection, such as webmail and file-sharing applications.The headquarters or command centers where malware employed in targeted attacks reports back, allowing stolen data or damaging commands to be retained, are known as C&C servers. Establishing C&C links is essential for attackers to move laterally within a network. C&C servers also function as the command and control center ... Read More

Ways to Map and Monitor Cyber Threats

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 08:31:50


What are Cyber Threats?Computers and the Internet have become inseparable parts of lives in multiple spheres. The booming technologies of the modern age have made our life much easier and more connected across the globe via interconnected networks. The gadgets we use are used to store personal information, online banking, online shopping, social media, etc. Even though this makes our lives easier, there come many challenges and threats associated with this, known as cyber threats.There's something for everyone, from infrastructure infiltrations and security breaches to viral phishing and brute force. When seeking a target, online dangers are diverse, and they ... Read More

Difference between Internal and External Penetration Testing

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 08:24:02


Penetration testing is a cybersecurity procedure during which a team of specialists checks networks, software, hardware, applications, etc., for security weaknesses. Essentially, penetration testing is ethical hacking performed for the benefit of the company that orders the test on its own systems.In some fields such as financial services, healthcare, and government system access, penetration testing is required by regulators, while it is voluntary in others. Penetration testing is an important information security technique that should be included in an organization's governance framework in the face of constantly shifting threats.Network penetration testing, also known as 'infrastructure penetration testing', can be conducted ... Read More

What is Data Loss Prevention (DLP)? (Types, Importance, How Does It Work?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Jun-2022 14:32:54


Data Loss Prevention (DLP) refers to the cybersecurity measures and safeguards that individuals and corporations employ to prevent and identify data loss on their networks, whether as a consequence of data breaches, malware attacks, or other means. While ordinary Internet users should be interested in DLP to safeguard their personal data and devices, corporations are investing in DLP to secure their data in accordance with government laws.DLP technologies perform both content inspection and contextual analysis of data sent via messaging applications like email and instant messaging, in motion over the network, in use on a managed endpoint device, and at ... Read More

What is Cyber Terrorism? How is it different from Hacktivism?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Jun-2022 14:29:40


The US Federal Bureau of Investigation defines "cyberterrorism" as a deliberate attack on a computer system, computer data, programs, or other material with the express purpose of inflicting violence on clandestine operatives and subnational groups.Cyberterrorism is defined as the use of computer technology to commit acts of terrorism. We must first distinguish between "crime" and "terrorism" because they are similar in certain ways, and both attack societies' capacity to maintain internal order.Terrorism is "political, " whereas crime is "personal".Individuals commit crimes for various reasons, the most significant of which are personal gains and the desire to mentally and/or physically injure ... Read More

What is Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA)? (How It Works, How to Detect?)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Jun-2022 14:22:21


Cyber-attackers utilize a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) to generate new domain names and IP addresses for malware's command and control servers. It is practically hard for security professionals to detect and limit the attack since it is carried out in a seemingly random manner."Conficker A and B", a family of worms that created 250 domain names every day in the beginning, promoted the tactic. Starting with "Conficker C", the virus would produce 50, 000 domain names each day and contact 500 of them, providing an infected workstation a 1% chance of getting updated every day if the malware controllers only ... Read More

What is a Boot Sector Virus?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Jun-2022 12:04:30


A BIOS (Basic Input Output System) is a program that allows a computer's microprocessor to start the computer when you switch it on. It also controls data flow between the operating system of the computer and associated devices such as the hard disc, video adapter, keyboard, mouse, and printer.Similarly, files need to be loaded before the operating system loads. BIOS also has a piece of software or code called Bootstrap. Bootstrap is a set of instructions that instruct your computer to load the operating system. These instructions are hard-coded with the BIOS once you have installed the operating system.What is ... Read More

What is Stuxnet Worm? (Importance, How Does It Work, How to Prevent)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Jun-2022 14:20:56


Stuxnet is a computer worm that was created to attack Iran's nuclear facilities but has since mutated and spread to other industrial and energy-generating facilities.The original Stuxnet malware attack was aimed at PLCs, which are used to automate machine processes. It was the first known virus capable of crippling hardware when it was discovered in 2010. It was identified to have been manufactured by the US National Security Agency, the CIA, and Israeli intelligence, generating a frenzy of media attention.Stuxnet works by targeting machines and networks that use the Microsoft Windows operating system, then looking for Siemens Step7 software using ... Read More

What is a Targeted Threat in Cybersecurity? (Impact, How to Prevent)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Jun-2022 14:19:13


Targeted Threats are those that are directed at a single individual or a small number of people. Virus authors used to strive to disseminate their infection to as many computer users as possible in order to get notoriety. However, today's hackers are primarily motivated by financial gain, and tailored attacks are increasingly replacing worldwide viral outbreaks.A Targeted Threat is a malware type that is designed to attack a certain company or industry. These threats are especially dangerous since they are designed to steal important information.Threats transmitted by SMTP e-mail, port assaults, zero-day attack vulnerability exploits, and phishing communications are examples ... Read More

What are Parameter Tampering Cyber Attacks?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 27-Jun-2022 14:15:32


Parameter Tampering is a straightforward assault against an application's business logic. This attack takes advantage of how a lot of programmers use hidden or fixed fields as the only security protection for specific actions (such as a hidden tag in a form or a parameter in a URL). Attackers can readily change these settings to get around security systems that rely on them.Web Parameter TamperingWeb parameter tampering flaws are perhaps the most commonly understood danger. Tampering with parameters should be possible on a regular basis with −Query strings in URLsHeaders in HTTPFields in a formCookiesThe Web Parameter Tampering attack is ... Read More
