Found 54 Articles for Customs and Traditions

Why do Buddhist monks shave their heads while Gautam Budha is depicted with curls?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 13:33:18

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There are a lot of theories about Lord Buddha's hair which is always shown as curly with a topknot. If the Buddhist monks and nuns, from whichever school or denomination or from whichever part of the world they may be, shave their off hair, it surely isn't because they like it as a fashion trend. It's because this is the tradition set by Lord Buddha himself and it has continued just the way He deemed it.Before setting out on the path to a life of abstinence he was a prince named Siddarth whose father ruled a small kingdom called Lumbini, ... Read More

What are the categories Nobel Prizes awarded for?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 13:49:02

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The Nobel prize was established in the year 1895. The first Nobel prizes were given out in 1901, for chemistry, peace, literature, physics, and medicine. Achievements made before 1980 were made to be struck in 23-carat gold and plated with 24-carat gold coating.The Nobel prize was established and named after by a Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel.Alfred Nobel was born on 21 October 1833 in a family of engineers. He was an engineer, chemist, and an inventor. Alfred Nobel earned a fortune during his lifetime, mostly from his inventions which were almost around 355, dynamite being the most famous invention.The Nobel ... Read More

Why do we need Good Manners?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 15:43:57

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Good manners mean the social and polite behavior that a person possesses. Good manners play a vital role in building human relations. It is the back bone of a stable social pattern. Good manners imply towards the certain values and behavior of human relationship which keeps the society alive.Good Manners refers to being humble, polite, respectful, courteous and well-cultured social behavior. A well-mannered man/woman is respected and esteemed wherever he goes and in whatever condition of life, he may be. Among students, in particular, the preservation of good manners is a boon and it costs nothing.Why do we need Good MannersWe ... Read More

Why should Muslim women cover their face or body?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 12:25:08

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According to a Salafist preacher by the name of Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, who runs a website for authentic information on everything related to Islam, known as, a woman's face is the equivalent of 'Awrah' which means revealing among other things, in Arabic, and should hence be covered.Many others, who know the Quran well, however, say that Muslim tradition requires the whole body to be covered in attire that doesn't hug the body too tightly, except the face, hands, and feet. The term 'Burqa' is Arabic and it has come to mean the veiled overall covering the woman who wears ... Read More

What is Aarti and how do Hindus perform it?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 14:50:46


Aarati in the India tradition is a part of worship in which fire is lit on Diya or using camphor pieces. This is offered to the deities that are worshiped. It generally marks to end of the ceremony or Pooja that is performed. Here are some important points related to Aarati:PanchamahabhutasIn the Indian tradition since the Vedic times, the five elements of nature- Panchamahabhutas have played a very important role to keep the proper balance in nature. These five elements are Prithvi, Ap, Vaayu, Agni, and Akasha. In a Pooja that is conducted, Aarati invokes fire (light) i.e. the Agni ... Read More

What is the significance of "bindi" in Indian Culture?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Bindis is various shapes and sizes have remained an integral part of an Indian face especially for the followers of Sanatana Dharma and Jaina religion. Since the ancient times, Bindi has remained a very powerful segment of the Indian Culture. The significance of the Bindi is two-fold and can be understood as follows:Chakras of the BodySanatana Dharma elaborates on the existence of different energy centers in various parts of the body. These Chakras are Muladhara (placed at the base of spine), Svadishthana (in the pelvic area), Manipura (between the navel and plexus), Vishuddha (between the neck and the shoulders), Agya ... Read More

Why Lord Krishna is considered supreme god?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 29-Apr-2022 07:47:19

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In the Hindu religion (Sanatana Dharma), there are three main deities who form the trinity- Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. There are ten different avatars associated with Lord Vishnu which basically implies ten reincarnations to restore righteousness (Dharma) again in the world whenever humanity is in threat. Lord Krishna is the 9th avatar of Lord Vishnu. He is one of the most beloved deities across the length and breadth of India worshipped with many names.For the people who are the followers of Bhakti Cult of Vaishnavism (those who pray to Lord Vishnu) consider Lord Krishna to be the Supreme deity in ... Read More

What are the similarities and difference between Hinduism and Buddhism?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 10-May-2022 08:13:29


India is undoubtedly the land of many religions. These religions have played a significant role in weaving the cultural fabric of our nation. We cannot deny the fact that both our tangible and intangible heritage has been influenced by these religions. Of these, Hinduism (mainly understood as Sanatana Dharma), Jainism, and Buddhism are the oldest religions which have existed in the land for thousands of years. The most popular and widespread in the Indian Subcontinent are Hinduism and Buddhism.Following are the Similarities Both the Religions Possess −The Concept of Freeing A BeingThere is a concept of freeing yourself from the ... Read More

What is the significance of Religion and caste in Hinduism?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 13:49:03


Hinduism is one of the most widespread religions in the Indian subcontinent and with its diversity and variations. Hinduism can never be understood by one single definition. Hinduism is a vast ocean with various sub-components in it.The term Dharma as we understand today is often associated with religion. But, Dharma in the context of Hinduism always was one of the Purusharthas the others being Artha, Kama, and Moksha. Dharma was doing one’s duties and responsibilities in adherence with the scriptures, rules, and procedures established in the society. Dharma established the ethical foundation in the life of an individual to build ... Read More

Can humans live without religion?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 13:35:05

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Religion has been an important social institution in India for many ages. Religion today has gained a lot of negative currency i.e. whenever there is a mention of religion; people associate it with fundamentalism, extremism, religious fascism, communalism, and much more which are actually the root causes of corrupting the institution of religion.Amidst all this, there are debates among the people that question the fact whether humans today need religion or not?It is important to understand the genesis of religion. In India and other civilizations, we find the presence of mother goddess cult which intended to promote agricultural activities and ... Read More
