Found 1566 Articles for CSS

How to create a responsive login form with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 11:11:35

2K+ Views

On a web page, a login form consists of fields for username and password. Also, a login button is created for the users to click on the button and login. A forgot password link is also placed for the users who forgot their account password. With that, “Remember Me” checkbox is also set so the users can select it and allow the browser to remember the password to avoid entering the password again and again. Let us create a responsive login form with CSS. Set the form avatar image We have placed an image in the beginning for the avatar ... Read More

How to create a "scroll back to top" button with CSS?

Updated on 17-Nov-2023 11:08:36


On a lot of websites, you must have seen a Top button while you scroll to the bottom. That is called the “scroll back to top” button. Create a Button First, create a button that will be clicked to reach the top − Top Style the top Button The display is set to none to make the button hidden. The button is positioned fixed using the fixed value of the position property. The bottom property is used to position the button downwardsn − topBtn { display: none; position: fixed; bottom: 20px; right: 30px; z-index: 1; ... Read More

How to style round buttons with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:41:35


To make round buttons, the border-radius property plays a key role. Set it to 50% and that’s it. It will convert the shape to rounded. To set multiple buttons, use the display property with the value block. This will arrange them. Also, if you want to change the style on hover, then use the :hover selector. Let us see how to style round buttons with HTML and CSS. Create a button shape Create links using the element and make it look like buttons − 50% 50% Text decoration none The text-decoration property is set to none to ... Read More

How to style text buttons with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:45:46


As the name suggests, the text buttons are buttons with a text on it. Bootstrap includes pre-defined classes such as .btn-default, .btn-primary, .btn-success, .btn-info, .btn-warning, etc. But, we can create buttons with CSS without using the Bootstrap classes. Let us see how to style the text buttons with HTML and CSS. Buttons The element is used to set different buttons for information, success, warning and danger. These are the different button styles we will set with CSS − Success Info Warning Danger Default Style the buttons The buttons are styled like this. For the buttons, the cursor ... Read More

How to style block buttons (full-width) with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:33:43

1K+ Views

To set full-width buttons on a web page, set the button with width 100%. Further style the buttons using the text-align property to center the text on the button. Place the text properly in the button using the padding property. The padding area is set on all the four sides of an element at once using the padding property. Let us see how to style block button i.e., full-width with CSS. Set the button Use the element and set a button on the web page − Block Button The button width Style the button and set the ... Read More

How to create "next" and "previous" buttons with CSS?

Updated on 17-Nov-2023 09:50:24

4K+ Views

The next and previous buttons are links that are represented like the next and previous page. Also, the role of hover is set on a web page using the :hover selector. Set the Links for the Next and Previous Buttons First, set the links using the element and it’s href attribute. Also, set the symbol for the next and previous buttons − ‹ › Style the Element Let us style the links. Remember to set the text-decoration to none. The display is set to inline-block. The display suggests how to control the layout of an element. In this case, the inline-block of the display ... Read More

How to create icon buttons with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 17:19:08


To create Icon buttons with CSS, you need to set the icons on a web page. Here, we will consider the Font Awesome icon. To set such icons on a button, set the CDN for the icon under the element. Set the CDN for the icons To add the icons on our web page, we have used the Font Awesome Icons. Include it on a web page using the element − Create the icon buttons Under the element itself, set the . The font-awesome icons are set in − Home Call Us ... Read More

How to create notification buttons with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 17:39:57


A notification button includes a separate text on the top-right i.e., a badge with the number of notifications. Notifications are like pending messages waiting to be read. Once you read, the count of the notification i.e., the pending message will decrease. We can easily create such a button look-alike with the notification’s icon using HTML and CSS. Create the notifications container A container div is created to include the message as well as the notifications badge. Both of them are set in the element − Messages 99+ Position ... Read More

How to create pill buttons with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 17:40:55

2K+ Views

The pill buttons mean pill-shaped buttons. We can easily style and shape the default button to form a pill button. Set the border-radius on the button to shape it like a pill button. You can also remove the border using the border property with the value none. Align the button text in the center using the text-align property with the value center. Create buttons First, create buttons using the element − Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Button 4 Reshape the button to pill button The button we created above will be converted to a pill ... Read More

How to style download buttons with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:37:07


The download icon on the download buttons plays a key role in styling the buttons. This allows a user navigating the website in understanding that this is a download button and on clicking the file will download. The icons can be included on a web page with Font Awesome. For that, to begin with you need to set the CDN link in the element. Let us see how to style download buttons. Set the CDN for the icon To add the icons on our web page, we have used the Font Awesome Icons. Include it on a web page ... Read More
