Found 1566 Articles for CSS

Primer CSS Truncate Custom Max Widths

Riya Kumari
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 16:39:27


In web development projects, developers face situations where they need to display the text within specified amount of space due to several reasons like client’s demand, overall appearance, limited resources etc., The truncate property is an efficient feature in CSS which resolves this issue. It enables the developers to display a single line text and truncate the overflowed text with an ellipsis. However, depending upon the situation the need of customizing the maximum width of the truncated text might arise. In this article, we will discuss how we can customize the maximum width using Primer CSS, a popular open-source CSS ... Read More

How to create an ember handlebars template?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 02-May-2023 13:11:52


Ember.js is a framework based on javascript that is widely used in building complex web applications. The framework allows developers to create single-page web applications that are scalable just by using some common idioms, best practices, and patterns from other single-page-app ecosystem patterns in the framework. Handlebars templating system is one of its key features that provides a simple and powerful way to create dynamic web pages. In this article, we will see how to create an ember handlebars template. What is Template in Ember? Templates in ember are used in defining the user interface (UI) of a ... Read More

Primer CSS Typography Type Scale Utilities

Riya Kumari
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 17:46:39


Primer CSS is a CSS framework collectively developed by various GitHub contributors. One of its components is typography which enables the developers to style the written content of the website. By applying these utility classes to the HTML elements, we can easily customize the visual appearance of our application. Here, in this article, we will discuss about the type scale utilities offered by Primer CSS and how to use them in our webpage. What are Type Scale Utilities? Type scale utilities are collection of properties which help in creating proper typography throughout your website. It consists of series of pre-defined ... Read More

Primer CSS Typography Heading Utilities

Riya Kumari
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 16:37:46


Typography is an essential component during creation of websites and applications. It is primarily used to display majority of the content for the users. It determines the tone and mood of the content of your website. So, it is very likely that it affects the overall user experience. Headings in any website is the center of attraction for any user. So, it is very important that it looks perfectly fine to increase the readability of your website or application. In this article, we will use Primer CSS to create headings. Primer CSS Primer CSS is a versatile and popular CSS ... Read More

Primer CSS Typography Text Alignment

Riya Kumari
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 16:32:21


Typography is a crucial aspect of web designing for any developer. It includes choosing font families, proper spacing, sizing and alignment of the text in a webpage. Proper typography ensures enhanced readability of your website. Text alignment is an essential component for typography and ensuring perfect alignment can be a challenge, especially for beginners. Here, we have Primer CSS for the developers. In this article, we will discuss about the text alignment feature available in Primer CSS and learn about how it is helpful in making a user-friendly website. So, let’s get started. Primer CSS Primer CSS is an open-source ... Read More

How to align checkbox and its label on cross-browsers using CSS?

Riya Kumari
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 16:26:45

8K+ Views

Web forms are popularly used in modern websites. For webforms, we have a common element known as checkboxes. However, aligning these checkboxes and their labels in different browsers is a challenging task. This is because it may be displayed differently in different browsers and devices. When it comes to display of checkboxes, different browsers may have slightly different styles and rendering methods. To solve this problem, we will be discussing different ways to align the checkboxes along with their labels using CSS on cross-browsers. How are Checkboxes Displayed in Different Browsers? Different browsers have different compatibility for checkboxes in web ... Read More

Difference Between Revert and Unset Keyword in CSS

Riya Kumari
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 16:23:01


CSS is a powerful tool which enables developers to customize the appearance of websites according to their will. Since, there are numerous features and properties provided by CSS, it is quite possible that the developers use two keywords interchangeably in order to achieve a desired effect. So, it is important to know about such confusing keywords in detail to avoid further mistakes. Two such keywords are “revert” and “unset”. These two may appear similar, but have noticeable differences for some properties for certain elements. Here, we will discuss about these keywords, how and when to use them, and differences between ... Read More

How to set vertical space between the list of items using CSS?

Riya Kumari
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 16:18:26

4K+ Views

In today’s era of web designing, the creation of visually attractive websites with proper layouts and organized content is the key task. One of the most commonly faced challenges is that the developers need to know how to properly define the space between the elements so as to increase the readability of the webpage. Here, we have CSS for the rescue. CSS enables the developers to control the appearance of HTML elements, including proper spacing between them. In this article, we will discuss different methods used for setting the vertical space between the list of items using CSS. We ... Read More

Difference Between :first-child and :first-of-type selector in CSS

Riya Kumari
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 16:05:15

2K+ Views

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is fundamental language used for styling the webpages during web development. It enables the developers to customize the layout and add visual effects to it. CSS Selectors are an important tool which allows the developers to select or match HTML elements and apply styles to them. :first-child and :first-of-type are most commonly used selectors which are often confused by the developers. Some may have used them interchangeably by mistake. Although they look quite similar when applied to elements, there are few differences which may impact your web design (if not used appropriately). In this article, ... Read More

What is the @content directive used for?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 15:34:23


IN SASS, the @content directive is used to pass the CSS content into the mixins or functions. The mixins and functions allow developers to avoid the repetitions of the code. However, the @content directive also helps developers to reuse the code but provides more flexibility than functions and mixins. Developers can define the CSS code inside the code block while including the mixin in the SCSS file. After that, they can use that code with the pre-defined code of the mixins using the @content directive. Let’s understand it via the examples below. So you can get more clearance about the ... Read More
