Found 626 Articles for CSS Framework

Create three unequal Columns with Bootstrap grid layout

Chandu yadav
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 19:12:12


To create three unequal columns in Bootstrap, you can try to run the following code −ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                          Bootstrap Grid Unequal Columns                       Column One             Column Two             Column Three                    

Allow a label to be used for form validation with Bootstrap

Samual Sam
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 19:13:27


Use the .control-label class in Bootstrap to allow a label to be used for form validation.You can try to run the following code to implement the control-label class in BootstrapExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                                                      Email-                                                                         

Group buttons on a single line with Bootstrap

Krantik Chavan
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 19:14:50

3K+ Views

Use the .btn-group class in Bootstrap to group buttons on a single like.You can try to run the following code to implement .btn-group class in Bootstrap:ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                 The following are the car brands:                BMW          Audi          Jeep          Datsun          Toyota          Mahindra          

Usage of Bootstrap Modal Plugins

Rishi Rathor
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 18:50:44


A modal is a child window that is layered over its parent window. Typically, the purpose is to display content from a separate source that can interact without leaving the parent window. Child windows can provide information, interaction, or more.Toggle the modal plugin's hidden content −Via data attributes − Set attribute data-toggle = "modal" on a controller element, like a button or link, along with a data-target = "#identifier" or href = "#identifier" to target a specific modal (with the id = "identifier") to toggle.Via JavaScript − Using this technique you can call a modal with id = "identifier" with ... Read More

Container for embedded content in Bootstrap

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 18:44:00


Use the .embed-responsive class in Bootstrap to set a container for embedded content.You can try to run the following code to implement the .embed-responsive class in BootstrapExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                          Add pages in WordPress          To add pages on a WordPress, try the below given steps in the video:                                          

What is Bootstrap Plugins

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 18:52:13


Bootstrap comes bundled with 12 jQuery plugins that extend the features and can add more interaction to your site.By utilizing Bootstrap Data API, most of the plugins can be triggered without writing a single line of code.Bootstrap Plugins can be included on your site in the following two forms −Individually − Using Bootstrap's individual *.js files. Some plugins and CSS components depend on other plugins. If you include plugins individually, make sure to check for these dependencies in the docs. Compiled (all at once) − Using bootstrap.js or the minified bootstrap.min.js. Do not attempt to include both, as both bootstrap.js and bootstrap.min.js contain all ... Read More

What are Bootstrap Transition Plugins

Anvi Jain
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 18:52:40


Transition.js is a basic helper for transitionEnd events as well as a CSS transition emulator. It is used by the other plugins to check for CSS transition support and to catch hanging transitions.If you want to include this plugin functionality individually, then you will need transition.js once alongside the other JS files.

Stack multiple progress bars with Bootstrap

Samual Sam
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 18:56:16


To stack multiple progress bars in Bootstrap, you can try to run the following codeExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                                       40% Complete (success)                                 30% Complete (warning)                                 20%Complete (danger)                    

Animate Bootstrap progress bar

Jennifer Nicholas
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 18:54:19

1K+ Views

Follow the below given steps to create an animated progress bar:Add a with a class of .progress and .progress-striped. Also, add class .active to .progress-striped.Next, inside the above , add an empty with a class of .progress-bar.Add a style attribute with the width expressed as a percentage. Say for example, style = "60%"; indicates that the progress bar was at 60%.You can try to run the following code to create animated progress bar −ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                 Progress Bar       Normal Progress Bar                             45%Complete (success)                       Animated Progress Bar                             40% Complete                    

Bootstrap progress-striped class

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 18:58:37


The progress-striped class is used to form a striped progress bar in Bootstrap.You can try to run the following code to create a striped progress bar in BootstrapExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                 Striped Progress Bars       Success Progress Bar                             45%Complete (success)                       Info Progress Bar                             80% Complete (info)                    
