Found 2628 Articles for Csharp

Getting an enumerator that iterates through LinkedList in C#

Updated on 06-Dec-2019 07:01:06


To get an enumerator that iterates through LinkedList, the code is as follows −Example Live Demousing System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Demo {    public static void Main(){       LinkedList list = new LinkedList();       list.AddLast("A");       list.AddLast("B");       list.AddLast("C");       list.AddLast("D");       list.AddLast("E");       list.AddLast("F");       list.AddLast("G");       list.AddLast("H");       list.AddLast("I");       list.AddLast("J");       Console.WriteLine("Count of nodes = " + list.Count);       Console.WriteLine("Elements in LinkedList... (Enumerator iterating through LinkedList)");       LinkedList.Enumerator demoEnum ... Read More

Get the number of elements in the SortedSet in C#

Updated on 06-Dec-2019 06:56:50


To get the number of elements in the SortedSet, the code is as follows −Example Live Demousing System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Demo {    public static void Main(){       SortedSet set1 = new SortedSet();       set1.Add("AB");       set1.Add("BC");       set1.Add("CD");       set1.Add("EF");       Console.WriteLine("Elements in SortedSet1...");       foreach (string res in set1){          Console.WriteLine(res);       }       Console.WriteLine("Count of elements in SorteSet1 = "+set1.Count);       SortedSet set2 = new SortedSet();       set2.Add("BC");       ... Read More

Get the number of elements contained in the Stack in C#

Updated on 06-Dec-2019 06:52:50


To get the number of elements contained in the Stack, the code is as follows −Example Live Demousing System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Demo {    public static void Main(){       Stack stack = new Stack();       stack.Push("A");       stack.Push("B");       stack.Push("C");       stack.Push("D");       stack.Push("E");       stack.Push("F");       stack.Push("G");       stack.Push("H");       Console.WriteLine("Count of elements = "+stack.Count);       Console.WriteLine("Elements in Stack...");       foreach (string res in stack){          Console.WriteLine(res);       } ... Read More

Add an object to the end of the Queue - Enqueue Operation in C#

Updated on 06-Dec-2019 06:50:07


To add an object to the end of the Queue, the code is as follows −Example Live Demousing System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Demo {    public static void Main(){       Queue queue = new Queue();       queue.Enqueue("Electronics");       queue.Enqueue("Accessories");       queue.Enqueue("Toys");       queue.Enqueue("Books");       queue.Enqueue("Furniture");       queue.Enqueue("Clothing");       queue.Enqueue("Footwear");       queue.Enqueue("Cookware");       queue.Enqueue("Pet Supplies");       Console.WriteLine("Elements in the Queue...");       foreach(var element in queue){          Console.WriteLine(element);       }       ... Read More

Convert Stack to array in C#

Updated on 06-Dec-2019 06:46:53


To convert stack to the array, the code is as follows −Example Live Demousing System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Demo {    public static void Main(){       Stack stack = new Stack();       stack.Push("AB");       stack.Push("CD");       stack.Push("FG");       stack.Push("KL");       Console.WriteLine("Array...");       foreach(string i in stack){          Console.WriteLine(i);       }       string[] strArr = stack.ToArray();       Console.WriteLine("Convert Stack to Array...");       foreach(string i in strArr){          Console.WriteLine(i);       }   ... Read More

Convert Queue To array in C#

Updated on 06-Dec-2019 06:44:18


To convert queue to the array, the code is as follows −Example Live Demousing System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Demo {    public static void Main(){       Queue queue = new Queue();       queue.Enqueue(100);       queue.Enqueue(200);       queue.Enqueue(300);       queue.Enqueue(400);       queue.Enqueue(500);       queue.Enqueue(600);       queue.Enqueue(700);       queue.Enqueue(800);       queue.Enqueue(900);       queue.Enqueue(1000);       Console.WriteLine("Queue...");       foreach(int i in queue){          Console.WriteLine(i);       }       int[] intArr = queue.ToArray(); ... Read More

Get the number of elements contained in the Queue in C#

Updated on 06-Dec-2019 06:39:22


To get the number of elements contained in the Queue, the code is as follows −Example Live Demousing System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Demo {    public static void Main(){       Queue queue = new Queue();       queue.Enqueue("Gary");       queue.Enqueue("Jack");       queue.Enqueue("Ryan");       queue.Enqueue("Kevin");       queue.Enqueue("Mark");       queue.Enqueue("Jack");       queue.Enqueue("Ryan");       queue.Enqueue("Kevin");       Console.Write("Count of elements = ");       Console.WriteLine(queue.Count);       queue.Clear();       Console.Write("Count of elements (updated) = ");       Console.WriteLine(queue.Count);   ... Read More

Get the number of elements contained in SortedList in C#

Updated on 06-Dec-2019 06:32:18


To get the number of elements contained in the SortedList, the code is as follows −Example Live Demousing System; using System.Collections; public class Demo {    public static void Main(String[] args){       SortedList sortedList = new SortedList();       sortedList.Add("A", "1");       sortedList.Add("B", "2");       sortedList.Add("C", "3");       sortedList.Add("D", "4");       sortedList.Add("E", "5");       sortedList.Add("F", "6");       sortedList.Add("G", "7");       sortedList.Add("H", "8");       sortedList.Add("I", "9");       sortedList.Add("J", "10");       Console.WriteLine("SortedList elements...");       foreach(DictionaryEntry d in sortedList){ ... Read More

Get an enumerator that iterates through Collection in C#

Updated on 06-May-2020 08:47:25


To get an enumerator that iterates through Collection, the code is as follows −Example Live Demousing System; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; public class Demo {    public static void Main(){       Collection col = new Collection();       col.Add("Andy");       col.Add("Kevin");       col.Add("John");       col.Add("Kevin");       col.Add("Mary");       col.Add("Katie");       col.Add("Barry");       col.Add("Nathan");       col.Add("Mark");       Console.WriteLine("Count of elements = "+ col.Count);       Console.WriteLine("Iterating through the collection...");       var enumerator = col.GetEnumerator();       while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ... Read More

Get the number of elements actually contained in the ArrayList in C#

Updated on 06-Dec-2019 06:25:55


To get the number of elements actually contained in the ArrayList, the code is as follows −Example Live Demousing System; using System.Collections; public class Demo {    public static void Main(String[] args){       ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();       list1.Add("A");       list1.Add("B");       list1.Add("C");       list1.Add("D");       list1.Add("E");       list1.Add("F");       list1.Add("G");       list1.Add("H");       list1.Add("I");       Console.WriteLine("Elements in ArrayList1...");       foreach (string res in list1){          Console.WriteLine(res);       }     ... Read More
