Found 124 Articles for Cryptography

How does the WannaCry malware work?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 15-Mar-2022 10:38:17


Ransomware has grown in popularity as one of the most serious cyber threats to enterprises, providing a danger of financial loss, corporate instability, and reputational harm. This sort of malware employs sophisticated encryption algorithms that encrypt all files on a computer and prevent them from being accessed until a decryption key is provided. A ransom message is displayed on the device's screen, requesting that the victim pay a particular amount of money (typically in Bitcoin cryptocurrency) in exchange for the passkey (with no certainty of the malicious hackers keeping their promise). WannaCry ransomware was one of the most catastrophic cyber-attacks ... Read More

Different Encryption Algorithms

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 15-Mar-2022 10:32:31


Security is a significant worry for anyone working in IT these days. While there are numerous strategies for safeguarding your data, encryption is one component of protection that every computer user should know. One of the cyber security topics is encryption, which is always in the news, and it's often criticized for disguising terrorist operations by political actors. Anyone with a basic understanding of the various forms of encryptions may believe that this remarkable technology, which is at the heart of internet security and privacy, is being misused.What Is an Encryption Algorithm?A component of electronic data transfer security is an ... Read More

Describe the types of DDoS attack

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 15-Mar-2022 10:17:59


What is a DoS attack?A denial-of-service attack is a type of cyber-attack where the perpetrator tries to make a network resource unavailable to its intended users by stopping the services of a host connected to the Internet for a certain length of time or indefinitely. Denial of service is often accomplished by flooding a targeted computer or resource with unnecessary requests that could cause systems to become overburdened, preventing any or all genuine requests from being fulfilled.In a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, the incoming traffic flooding the target comes from various places. This renders stopping the attack by just preventing ... Read More

What is Cryptography in Computer Network?

Updated on 07-Sep-2023 00:42:24

33K+ Views

Cryptography refers to the science and art of transforming messages to make them secure and immune to attacks. It is a method of storing and transmitting data in a particular form so that only those for whom it is intended can read and process it. Cryptography not only protects data from theft or alteration but can also be used for user authentication.ComponentsThere are various components of cryptography which are as follows −Plaintext and CiphertextThe original message, before being transformed, is called plaintext. After the message is transformed, it is called ciphertext. An encryption algorithm transforms the plaintext into ciphertext; a ... Read More
