Found 7347 Articles for C++

C++ Program to print current Day, Date and Time

sudhir sharma
Updated on 19-Sep-2019 07:35:01

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Current day, date and time are all calendar dates that are printed on screen. In c++, the ctime library contains all the methods and variables related to date and time.You can also check current date and time details using the ctime library which contains methods to display time. The following methods are used to display details of date and time −time() − The time() method is used to find the current time. The return time of the time() method is time_t. time_t is the data type that can store time.localtime() − To convert the time_t type variables to a variable ... Read More

C++ program to find the type of the given iterator

sudhir sharma
Updated on 19-Sep-2019 07:30:27


An iterator is an object just like a pointer that is used to iterate over elements of a container. The main advantage of using an iterator is to create a common interface and make the algorithm immune from the type of container used to implement it.In C++ standard library there are Types of iterators −Forward iteratorBidirectional iteratorInput iteratorOutput iteratorRandom Access iteratorThe program is to check which of the above iterators are used by the data structure.There are a few factors that can be useful for determining the type of iterator used.typeid, returns the type identification information at runtime.iterator traits, defines ... Read More

C++ program for Sorting Dates using Selection Sort

sudhir sharma
Updated on 19-Sep-2019 07:27:31


Date is number day, month and year. There are various ways to display a date.Here, we have a program to sort dates using selection sort. So let's learn about things that are used in this concept.Sorting datesThe concept of sorting dates needs a clear and well-versed knowledge of dates and their validations. Before we try sorting technique we need to check if the date inputted by the user is a valid date of not like 29-2 is only valid for leap years.After validation of dates comes the sorting of dates. For sorting, we will go in reverse order sorting years ... Read More

C++ Program for Longest Common Subsequence

sudhir sharma
Updated on 19-Sep-2019 07:16:44

2K+ Views

A subsequence is a sequence with the same order of the set of elements. For the sequence “stuv”, the subsequences are “stu”, “tuv”, “suv”, .... etc.For a string of length n, there can be 2n ways to create subsequence from the string.ExampleThe longest common subsequence for the strings “ ABCDGH ” and “ AEDFHR ” is of length 3. Live Demo#include #include using namespace std; int max(int a, int b); int lcs(char* X, char* Y, int m, int n){    if (m == 0 || n == 0)       return 0;    if (X[m - 1] == ... Read More

C++ program for hashing with chaining

sudhir sharma
Updated on 19-Sep-2019 07:13:39

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Hashing is the method by which we can map any length data element to a fixed size key. hashing works as key-value pairs.Hashing function is the function that does the mapping in a hash map. the data elements that are given as input to the Hash Function may get same hash key. In this case the elements may overlap. To avoid overlapping of elements which have the same hash key the concept of chaining was introduced.Creating a hashmapIn order to create a hashmap we need hashing function that will define the index value of the data element.We have a hash ... Read More

C++ Mathematical Functions

sudhir sharma
Updated on 19-Sep-2019 07:05:50

3K+ Views

Mathematical calculations can be done in C++ programming language using the mathematical functions which are included in math or cmath library. These mathematical functions are defined to do complex mathematical calculations. Let’s learn each of them one by one −sineThe sin method is used to calculate the sin of the angle given as an argument in degrees. This function accepts one double integer as an argument and returns a double integer which is the value of sin(x°).double sin(double)Calling syntaxdouble x = sin(23.4);Example Live Demo#include #include using namespace std; int main(){    double x = 45.3;    cout

C++ map having key as a user defined data type

sudhir sharma
Updated on 19-Sep-2019 06:52:55


A map is a data structure that stores information in the form of key and value pairs. In C++, map is defined in STL (standard template library) and store keys in an ordered form.Syntax to define a map −map map_name;The data type of any of these two data of the map can be any of the data types. We can have any of the primary data types or derived data types as key or value data types in a map.We can use any of the data types as the data type of the key of the map. Even a user-defined ... Read More

C++ interview questions on virtual function and abstract class

sudhir sharma
Updated on 19-Sep-2019 06:44:52


What is a virtual function?A virtual function is a method that does not have a definition when defined in the base class. This method is left black in the parent class and it is redefined in the child class.What is an abstract class?An abstract class is a class that has abstract members or at least one pure virtual function in its definition. An abstract class can never be instanced (creating an object). It can only be inherited and the methods could be overwritten.Can there be any virtual Destructors?Yes, These are legal in C++, but these are destructors are for base ... Read More

Difference between continue and break statements in Java

Nitin Sharma
Updated on 02-Mar-2020 10:12:45

8K+ Views

As we know in programming execution of code is done line by line.Now in order to alter this flow C++ provides two statements break and coninue which mainly used to skip some specific code at specific line.Following are the important differences between continue and break.Sr. No.KeyBreakContinue1FunctionalityBreak statement mainly used to terminate the enclosing loop such as while, do-while, for or switch statement wherever break is declared.Continue statement mainly skip the rest of loop wherever continue is declared and execute the next iteration.2Executional flowBreak statement resumes the control of the program to the end of loop and made executional flow outside ... Read More

Difference between C and C++.

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 19-Aug-2022 12:06:49

7K+ Views

C programming Language C is a general-purpose, high-level language that was originally developed by Dennis M. Ritchie to develop the UNIX operating system at Bell Labs. C was originally first implemented on the DEC PDP-11 computer in 1972. In 1978, Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie produced the first publicly available description of C, now known as the K&R standard. The UNIX operating system, the C compiler, and essentially all UNIX application programs have been written in C. C has now become a widely used professional language for various reasons − Easy to learn Structured language It produces efficient programs ... Read More
