Found 7347 Articles for C++

Find HCF of two numbers without using recursion or Euclidean algorithm in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 21-Oct-2019 07:43:18


As we know, the HCF or GCD can be calculated easily using the Euclidean Algorithm. But here we will see how to generate GCD or HCF without using the Euclidean Algorithm, or any recursive algorithm. Suppose two numbers are present as 16 and 24. The GCD of these two is 8.Here the approach is simple. If the greater number of these two is divisible by the smaller one, then that is the HCF, otherwise starting from (smaller / 2) to 1, if the current element divides both the number, then that is the HCF.Example Live Demo#include using namespace std; int ... Read More

Find GCD of factorial of elements of given array in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 21-Oct-2019 07:39:53


Suppose we have an array A, with N elements. We have to find the GCD of factorials of all elements of the array. Suppose the elements are {3, 4, 8, 6}, then the GCD of factorials is 6. Here we will see the trick. As the GCD of two numbers, is the greatest number, which divides both of the numbers, then GCD of factorial of two numbers is the value of factorial of the smallest number itself. So gcd of 3! and 5! is 3! = 6.Example Live Demo#include using namespace std; long fact(int n){    if(n arr[i])   ... Read More

Minimum positive integer divisible by C and is not in range [A, B] in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 21-Oct-2019 07:36:23


Suppose we have three integers A, B, and C. We have to find one minimum integer X, such that X mod C = 0, and X is not in the range [A, B]. If the values of A, B and C are 5, 10 and 4 respectively, then the value of X will be 4. Let us see the steps to get the solution −Steps −If C is not in the range [A, B], then return C as a resultOtherwise get the first multiple of C, which is greater than B, then return that valueExample Live Demo#include using namespace std; ... Read More

Minimum operations to make GCD of array a multiple of k in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 21-Oct-2019 07:33:39


Suppose we have an array arr and another value k. We have to find a minimum number of operations to make the GCD of the array equal to the multiple of k. In this case, the operation is increasing or decreasing the value. Suppose the array is like {4, 5, 6}, and k is 5. We can increase 4 by 1, and decrease 6 by 1, so it becomes 5. Here a number of operations is 2.We have to follow these steps to get the result −Steps −for all elements e in the array, follow steps 2 and 3if e ... Read More

Minimum Number of Manipulations required to make two Strings Anagram Without Deletion of Character in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 21-Oct-2019 07:28:24


Suppose we have two strings of equal length, we have to find a minimum number of alterations required to make two strings anagram, without deleting any character. The Anagram is two strings that have the same set of characters. Suppose two strings are “HELLO”, and “WORLD” here number of required changes is 3, as three characters are different in this case.The idea is simple, we have to find the frequency of each character in the first string, then go through the second string, if characters in the second string are present, in the frequency array, then decrease the frequency value. ... Read More

Minimum LCM and GCD possible among all possible sub-arrays in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 21-Oct-2019 07:22:14


Suppose we have an array arr of size N. it has N positive numbers. We have to find the minimum elements of all possible subarray. Suppose the array is {2, 66, 14, 521}, then minimum LCM is 2, and GCD is 1.We will solve this problem using a greedy approach. If we decrease the number of elements, then LCM will be less, and if we increase the array size, GCD will be less. We need to find the smallest element from the array, which is a single element, which will be required LCM. For GCD, GCD will be GCD of ... Read More

Minimize Cost with Replacement with other allowed in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 21-Oct-2019 07:19:38


Suppose we have an array with N elements. We have to remove element from the array by following the given operations. The operation is like, we have to choose any two numbers of the array, and remove larger. Cost including in this operation is the same as the smaller number. We have to delete only one element at a time, based on this operation, and perform the task in minimum cost. Suppose the array has {4, 2, 5}. I take 4 and 2, remove 4 by paying cost 2, then we remove 5 again with cost 2.The approach is too ... Read More

Meta Strings (Check if two strings can become same after a swap in one string) in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 21-Oct-2019 07:17:11


In this section, we will see how to check whether two strings are meta string or not. The meta strings are those strings that are very much similar. If we swap two elements in one string, then it will be matched with other string. Suppose two strings are “HELLO” and “OELLH”, then they are meta strings.To check whether two strings are meta string or not, we have to follow these steps.Steps −If both strings are of different length, then return falseElse find a number of characters, that have not matched, also store the index of non-matched charactersIf the count is ... Read More

Maximum Subarray Sum using Divide and Conquer algorithm in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 21-Oct-2019 07:14:08


Suppose we have one list of data with positive and negative values. We have to find the sum of contiguous subarray whose sum is largest. Suppose the list is containing {-2, -5, 6, -2, -3, 1, 5, -6}, then the sum of maximum subarray is 7. It is the sum of {6, -2, -3, 1, 5}We will solve this problem by using the Divide and Conquer method. The steps will look like below −Steps −Divide the array into two partsFind the maximum of the following threeMaximum subarray sum of left subarrayMaximum subarray sum of right subarrayMaximum subarray sum such that subarray ... Read More

Maximum positive integer divisible by C and is in the range [A, B] in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 21-Oct-2019 07:10:26


Here we will see one interesting problem. let us consider we have three integers A, B, and C. We have to find one minimum integer X, such that X mod C = 0, and X is not in the range [A, B]. If the values of A, B and C are 5, 10 and 4 respectively, then the value of X will be 4. We have to follow these steps to get the solution −Steps −If C is not in the range [A, B], then return C as a resultOtherwise get the first multiple of C, which is greater than ... Read More
