Found 7346 Articles for C++

Check if the string contains consecutive letters and each letter occurs exactly once

Mallika Gupta
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 17:07:46


Introduction A string in C++ is a sequence of characters, which may be distinct or repetitive in nature. Consecutive characters are the characters occurring simultaneously, with a difference of 1. For instance, the characters a and b are consecutive, since they occur together. However, the characters m and o have a difference of 2 in their positions, which make them non-consecutive in nature. In this article, we are going to develop a code that takes as input a string, and displays true in case all the characters in a string are consecutive. Let us look at the following example ... Read More

Character whose frequency is equal to the sum of frequencies of other characters of the given string

Mallika Gupta
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 17:01:46


Introduction A C++ string is a stream of alphanumeric characters. A string has the following properties − A string is composed of a fixed set of characters The strings positions start by default from the 0th index Frequency of any character is the number of times it occurs in the string. The frequency of any any character can range from 0 , if it doesn’t occur to the length of the string. In this article, we are going to develop a code that takes as input a string, and checks whether the frequency of any character is equivalent ... Read More

Count of pairs of strings which differ in exactly one position

Mallika Gupta
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 17:25:32


Introduction A string is composed of alphanumeric characters, each of which is associated with a definite position. The positions of the characters range from 0 to the string length. The characters differing exactly in one position are said to be adjacent. In this article, we are going to develop a code that takes as input an array of strings which differ in exactly in one position. Let us look at the following example to understand the topic better − Sample Example Example 1 − str − {“abc”, “cba”, “dbc” , “acc”} Output − 2 For instance, in ... Read More

Check if left and right shift of any string results into given string

Sakshi Koshta
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 16:12:50


A collection of characters is represented by a string data type. It is arranged logically using letters, numbers, symbols, and empty spaces. The majority of computer languages enclose strings in single or double quotation marks to distinguish them from other data types. Programmers frequently employ strings to carry out some input and output operations, the storing, and the manipulation of textual data, and more. Concatenation (combining two or more strings), substring extraction (obtaining a segment of a string) and searching for certain characters or patterns inside a string are some frequent operations that can be carried out on strings. Methods ... Read More

Length of the smallest substring which contains all vowels

Sakshi Koshta
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 16:11:01


One common issue encountered during string manipulation assignments involves identifying the shortest substring containing every vowel atleast once. This task finds its application amongst varied domains such as data analytics, bioinformatics and natural language processing among others.The goal here is finding out which minimum contiguous section within an existing string has each of these five letters (a, e, i, o, u) atleast once.The selection process for resolving this challenge encompasses multitude techniques like implementing sliding window algorithms or incorporating hashing procedures or utilizing regular expressions etcetera.Finding a robust resolution for this problem typically becomes crucial since numerous real-world scenarios demand ... Read More

How to validate MasterCard number using Regular Expression?

Sakshi Koshta
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 16:03:46


Mastercard is a multinational financial services company that has provided payment processing services to clients globally since its establishment in 1966. Its headquarters remain based in New York, USA. It marked as one of the biggest payment systems in the world, with rivals Visa and American Express. They stand out and are well fitted for both of the consumer and business need due to the large range of goods they provide, which may involve credit cards, debit cards, and prepaid cards. Among them are prepaid cards, debit cards, and credit cards. To distribute these card options globally, it works ... Read More

Binary string with given frequencies of sums of consecutive pairs of characters

Sakshi Koshta
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 16:00:04


A binary string is a series of 0s and 1s in computer science and mathematics. The sum of two adjacent characters is indicated by sums of subsequent pairs of characters. For example to understand the below topic, the total number or digits of the succeeding pairs in the string "11010" is 1+1=2, 1+0=1, and 0+1=1. The goal is to locate a binary string that satisfies the specified frequencies using the frequencies of these sums as a guide. Applications of this issue can be found in fields like information theory and coding theory. Methods To find a binary string with given ... Read More

How to validate Visa Card number using Regular Expression?

Sakshi Koshta
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 15:57:12


Visa credit or debit cards are assigned a 16-digit unique identifier known as a Visa card number. The number—which is ordinarily stamped on the front of the card—is used to find the cardholder's account while making purchases or carrying out transactions. The first six digits of a Visa card number reflect the issuing bank in contrast to the remaining digits, which are unique to the account number and the cardholder. For the purpose of validating the number's accuracy and preventing fraud, Visa card numbers have an extra check digit. Methods The methods are as follows for validating a Visa card ... Read More

Check if a number ends with another number or not

Sakshi Koshta
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 15:35:22


A typical programming challenge is determining whether a number terminates with another number. To solve this problem, you must identify the last few digits of a given number and check to see if they match another number. Numerous applications, including data processing, string manipulation, and numerical analysis, frequently include this kind of operation. Programming approaches including converting numbers to strings, modular arithmetic, and the use of logical operators are used to solve this challenge. Beginner and intermediate programmers who want to get better at manipulating numbers and solving algorithmic issues should be interested in this topic. Methods There are various ... Read More

Smallest number possible by swapping adjacent even odd pairs

Sakshi Koshta
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 15:33:10


"Even-odd pairs" means to pairings of two consecutive integers, one is even and the other odd. For example, even-odd pairs include (2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7), etc. These pairings are commonly employed in number changing-based algorithms and programming exercises. When repeating over a set of numbers, like, one could only want to carry out operation on even or odd numbers. When this occurs, employing even-odd pairs can aid in code simplification by lowering the number of conditional statements required. Method By swapping nearby even-odd pairings, you can apply the following strategies to determine the least number possible − ... Read More
