Found 7346 Articles for C++

Shortest distance between given Nodes in a Bidirectional Weighted Graph by Removing any K Edges

Updated on 09-Aug-2023 16:05:11


Introduction This C program calculates the most limited separation between two given hubs in a bidirectional weighted chart by evacuating any K edges. It utilizes an altered form of Dijkstra's calculation, considering the expulsion of K edges as a limitation. The program utilizes a need line for effective hub determination, and powerfully alters the edge weights based on the expulsion imperative. By navigating the chart and finding the briefest way, it gives the least remove between the given hubs whereas bookkeeping for the expulsion of K edges. Approach 1: Modified Dijkstra's Algorithm Algorithm Step 1: Create a structure ... Read More

C program to implement DFS traversal using Adjacency Matrix in a given Graph

Updated on 09-Aug-2023 15:58:59

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Introduction Graph theory allows us to study and visualize relationships between objects or entities. In the current technology of computer science, graph traversal plays a crucial role in exploring and analyzing different types of data structures. One of the crucial operations performed on graphs is traversal - visiting all vertices or nodes, following specific paths. DFS traversal, based on a depth-first approach, allows us to explore the depths of a graph before backtracking and exploring other branches. In this article, we will involve in implementing DFS traversal using an adjacency matrix representation in C. DFS traversal using Adjacency Matrix ... Read More

Check if there are T number of Continuous of Blocks of 0s or not in given Binary Matrix

Updated on 09-Aug-2023 15:24:04


Introduction Binary matrices are widely used in computer science and various fields to represent data or solve complex problems efficiently. In some cases, it becomes important to identify whether a given binary matrix contains continuous blocks of zeros. In this article, we will explore an elegant solution using C++ code that allows us to detect if there are T number of continuous blocks of zeroes within a given binary matrix. This approach is both intuitive and efficient, making it suitable for practical implementation. Check if there are T number of continuous of blocks of 0s or not Given ... Read More

Count of Root to Leaf Paths Consisting of at most M Consecutive Nodes having Value K

Updated on 09-Aug-2023 15:15:25


Introduction Binary trees are fascinating data structures that have numerous applications in computer science and programming. One interesting problem is finding the count from the given tree composed of a parent along with its child nodes. The Binary tree is composed of nodes and the root node is decided and from which the child nodes can be given according the user need. The K value is decided and the way it traverses is chosen by the M value. Count of Root to Leaf Paths The graph is created with various nodes holding the values in form of ... Read More

Sum of all Pair Shortest Paths in a Tree

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 16:35:59


The term "sum of all pair shortest paths" in a tree refers to calculating the total of all node pairs' individual shortest paths. An effective way to do this is to use the Double DFS (Depth-First Search) algorithm. Determine the separation between a chosen node and every other node during the first DFS pass. Once more traverse the tree during the second DFS pass, taking into account each node as a potential LCA (Lowest Common Ancestor), and add up the distances between pairs of nodes that are descendants of the chosen LCA. The sum of all pair shortest paths in ... Read More

Subset Equality is NP Complete

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 16:43:10


Subset Correspondence, otherwise called the "Subset Total" issue, is an exemplary NP-complete computational issue. Given a bunch of numbers and an objective worth, the undertaking is to decide if there exists a subset of the numbers whose total is equivalent to the objective worth. The issue's NP-culmination emerges from its capacity to address an extensive variety of other NP-complete issues through polynomial-time decreases. Regardless of its straightforward definition, no realized effective calculation can tackle "Subset Correspondence" for all occurrences, making it of critical interest in hypothetical software engineering and streamlining, with functional applications in different fields, like cryptography, asset distribution, ... Read More

Set Partition is NP Complete

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 16:31:53


Set Parcel is a NP-complete issue in which the errand is to decide if a given arrangement of positive whole numbers can be separated into two subsets with equivalent totals. NP-culmination suggests that there is no known polynomial-time calculation to tackle it for all occurrences, and confirming a potential arrangement should be possible in polynomial time. Numerous other NP-complete issues can be decreased to Set Segment, exhibiting its computational intricacy and its significance in understanding the more extensive class of NP-complete issues. Because of its intricacy, tackling enormous cases of the Set Segment issue might demand dramatic investment, making it ... Read More

Queries to Count Connected Components after Removal of a Vertex from a Tree

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 16:23:18


The following queries can be used to determine how many connected components remain after a tree vertex is removed: Start by taking the tree structure into account. Then, by moving through the tree using breadth- or depth-first search algorithms, examine each connected component. Utilise the same traversal method to decide the number of connected components once the desired vertex has been expelled. The result will be decided by the variation between the counts before and after the expulsion. This method effectively monitors connectivity changes and aids in counting the connected components in the updated tree. Methods Used ... Read More

Python NetworkX – Tutte Graph

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 16:20:30


An effective library for modelling and analysing intricate networks and graphs is Python NetworkX. The term "Tutte Graph" refers to a unique class of graphs that W. T. Tutte found. It entails the use of the library's features to implement and investigate Tutte Graphs in the context of Python NetworkX. Tutte Graphs have special characteristics and can be used to address a variety of graph-theoretical issues. Users can learn more about these graphs' structural properties and applications by examining them with NetworkX, which will help them better comprehend graph theory and its applications. Tutte Graph Every face of ... Read More

Print Nodes Which are not Part of any Cycle in a Directed Graph

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 16:15:41


In a coordinated diagram, recognizing hubs that are not piece of any cycle is critical for different applications. These hubs structure the underpinning of non-cyclic subgraphs and assume a huge part in understanding the general chart structure. By using effective chart crossing calculations, for example, Profundity First Hunt (DFS) or Tarjan's calculation for firmly associated parts, we can without much of a stretch decide and print the hubs that are not engaged with any cycle. These methodologies guarantee that hubs with no cycle cooperation are featured, giving important bits of knowledge into the diagram's non-cyclic parts and supporting different chart ... Read More
