Found 7346 Articles for C++

Check if cells numbered 1 to K in a grid can be connected after removal of atmost one blocked cell

Shubham Vora
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 15:52:11


In this problem, we will check whether we can connect all K cells by unblocking any single cell. To solve the problem, we will assume all connected K as a single Island. If any single blocked cell can connect all Island of the matrix, it is only possible to connect all K cells of the matrix. So, If the matrix contains more than 4 Island, it is not possible to connect all cells. Problem Statement We have given a mat[] matrix of size n*m. We have also given a positive integer, K. The matrix contains 0 and -1 in ... Read More

Boundary Level order traversal of a Binary Tree

Shubham Vora
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 15:49:41


In this problem, we will traverse each boundary of the given binary tree in the given order. We will use the recursive approach to traverse each boundary of the binary tree one by one. However, we will also learn the iterative approach using a stack to traverse the binary tree's boundary and increase the code's performance. Problem Statement We have given a binary tree, and we need to traverse each boundary of the tree in the given order. Traverse left boundary in top to bottom manner. Traverse bottom boundary from left to right. Traverse the right boundary from bottom ... Read More

Count of simple cycles in an undirected graph having N vertices

Updated on 25-Aug-2023 15:47:19


Introduction Undirected graphs are an essential component of computer science and graph theory, representing a group of nodes connected by edges without any directionality. One common problem associated with undirected graphs is the counting of simple cycles or circuits, which are closed paths that visit each vertex only once. In this article, we will explore how to get total count of the given undirected graph with N vertices using the powerful programming languages C and C++. Undirected Graph Before we jump into coding, let's ensure everyone grasps what constitutes a simple cycle within an undirected graph. Let us consider an ... Read More

DSatur Algorithm for Graph Coloring

Updated on 25-Aug-2023 15:45:42


Introduction Graph coloring may be an essential issue in graph hypothesis. The DSatur algorithm presents a compelling approach to play down the utilization of colors while performing chart coloring. By deliberately selecting vertices with the most noteworthy immersion degree, DSatur guarantees an optimized color task that maximizes color differing qualities and minimizes color utilization. In this article, we explore the DSatur calculation for chart coloring and its utilization utilizing C++. The calculation decides its title from the two key concepts it utilizes: Degree and Submersion. It considers the degrees of the vertices and their inundation degrees, which speak to the ... Read More

Length of Longest increasing sequence of nodes in a given Graph

Updated on 25-Aug-2023 15:44:29


Introduction In graph hypothesis, the user will understand to find the length of the longest expanding grouping of nodes in a specified graph. It includes deciding the longest way in a chart where each hub within the way features a strictly increasing esteem compared to its past node. In this article, we are going investigate three approaches to unravel this issue utilizing C++. Each approach will be clarified in detail, counting the calculation, step-by-step execution, and yield. To guarantee consistency, we'll utilize the same input for all three approaches, and they will create the same yield.  Approach 1: Depth-First Search ... Read More

Lexicographically smallest string formed by replacing characters according to the given relation

Updated on 25-Aug-2023 15:43:30


Introduction The task of making the lexicographically smallest string by replacing characters according to a given relation poses a captivating challenge in string control. The objective is to modify the characters inside the input string, following to the required substitution rules, in arrange to get the littlest lexicographic order. In this article, we'll focus on solving this issue utilizing C++. We are going investigate three approaches to handle this issue, each utilizing a one of a kind technique and algorithmic method. These approaches are planned to supply distinctive bits of knowledge into understanding the issue, considering variables such as effectiveness, ... Read More

Find if possible to visit every nodes in given Graph exactly once based on given conditions

Updated on 25-Aug-2023 15:41:10


Introduction Graph theory plays a crucial part in understanding a wide run of real-world issues, counting course optimization, organize examination, and task planning. One interesting issue inside graph theory is the seek for a Hamiltonian way, a way that visits each node in a graph exactly once. This issue has applications in zones such as circuit plan, DNA sequencing, and coordination’s arranging. In this article, we dig into the investigation of diverse approaches to decide on the off chance that it is conceivable to visit each hub in a given chart precisely once, based on certain conditions. We center on ... Read More

Minimum cost of path between given nodes containing at most K nodes in a directed and weighted graph

Updated on 25-Aug-2023 15:39:11


Introduction The issue of finding the minimum cost of a path between two given nodes in a directed and weighted graph, whereas ensuring that the path contains at most K nodes, may be a significant challenge in chart hypothesis. This issue has different applications in differing domains, counting transportation systems, logistics planning, and network optimization. In this article, we have investigated two distinctive approaches to handling this issue using C language. Each approach utilizes a special algorithmic procedure to discover the least cost path whereas considering the constraint on the number of nodes in the way. Approach 1: Dynamic Programming ... Read More

Minimum number of moves to make M and N equal by repeatedly adding any divisor of number to itself except 1 and the number

Updated on 25-Aug-2023 15:36:16


Introduction The problem of finding the minimum number of moves to make two given numbers M and N rise by repeatedly including any divisor of a number (except 1 and the number itself) can be approached without utilizing Dynamic Programming. In this issue, we are required to plan methodologies that minimize the number of moves required to attain the specified uniformity. Two approaches are displayed to handle this issue: Greedy Algorithm, Prime Factorization. These approaches utilize distinctive strategies to recognize common divisors and optimize the method of making the numbers rise to investigate these non-Dynamic Programming approaches, we will pick up ... Read More

Number of distinct Shortest Paths from Node 1 to N in a Weighted and Directed Graph

Updated on 25-Aug-2023 15:34:22


Introduction The issue at hand is to determine the number of distinct shortest ways from Node 1 to Node N in a weighted and directed graph. We are given a graph representation comprising of nodes and edges, where each edge encompasses a weight related with it. Our objective is to create an algorithm that can effectively calculate the count of particular shortest ways, taking into consideration the weighted nature of the graph. For this issue, we have presented three diverse approaches to decide the number of particular shortest ways. The primary approach utilizes a Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm, the second ... Read More
