Found 7346 Articles for C++

C++ Program to calculate the logarithm of a given number based on a given base

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:28:31

3K+ Views

In almost any modern programming languages, we find the few logarithm functions like natural logs, log with base 2, log with base 10 etc. But sometimes we need to calculate logarithm with different base which are not available in the given library functions. To achieve this goal we can use simple logarithmic formula. In this article we will see how to calculate logarithm values with a given number and a given base in C++. Formula to calculate logarithm with given base Let we have taken a number x, and its base is k which is also given. The ... Read More

C++ Program to calculate the base 10 logarithm of the given value

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 11:25:49


Logarithms for base 10 are relatively required for natural computations in a variety of applications. For competitive examinations, there are a few quick ways to memorise a few log values. There are a few ways to compute logarithm results using library functions when programming, as well as a few shortcuts. In this post, we'll go through a couple methods for computing the base-10 logarithm of a given number in C++. Using log10() function One library function used to determine the base-10 logarithm for a given parameter is called log10(). An integer or a floating-point number could be the ... Read More

C++ Program to Convert Vector to a List

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 19-Oct-2022 12:37:53

2K+ Views

Vectors in C++ are dynamic arrays that can contain any type of data, it can be user-defined or primitive. Dynamic is in the sense that the size of a vector can increase or decrease according to the operations. Vectors have support for various functions, for which data manipulation is very easy. Lists on the other hand are containers same as vectors, but list implementation is based on doubly linked lists compared to the array implementation of vectors. Lists offer the same constant time operations anywhere in it, that is the main feature of using lists. We take a look at ... Read More

C++ Program to Convert Array to Set (Hashset)

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 19-Oct-2022 11:22:52

4K+ Views

The array is a data structure that is available in C++ and is used to hold a sequential collection of elements of the same type. An array has a size that is fixed, but can be expanded or shrank if needed. It is important to think of an array as a collection of variables of the same type even though it is used to store a collection of data. Sets, or in this case unordered sets are a container that stores elements of a particular datatype in any order. A hash table is used to implement an unordered_set where keys ... Read More

C++ Program to convert primitive types to objects

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 19-Oct-2022 11:21:14

1K+ Views

Primitive datatypes in C++ are datatypes that are predefined in the language itself; like int, float, double, etc. Objects are instances of a class, and C++ being an object-oriented language, conversion between primitive data types and objects is necessary. A class serves as a data type's architectural plan. Although this doesn't describe any data specifically, it does specify what the class name signifies, i.e., what an object of the class will look like and what operations may be carried out on it. Conversion between a primitive data type to an object is not defined explicitly in the C++ language compilers, ... Read More

C++ Program to convert double type Variables into int

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 19-Oct-2022 11:17:09

3K+ Views

In C++, variables of the int type can only hold positive or negative integer values; they cannot hold fractional values. There are float and double values available for this purpose. In order to store fractional numbers with up to seven digits after the decimal point, double datatype was created. Integer to double datatype conversion can either be done automatically by the compiler (known as "implicit" conversion) or explicitly requested by the programmer to the compiler (known as "explicit" conversion). In the sections that follow, we go over the various conversion methods. Implicit Conversion The compiler does implicit type conversions automatically. ... Read More

C++ Program to convert int Variables into double

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 19-Oct-2022 11:14:22

9K+ Views

Int type variables in C++ are used to contain positive or negarive integer values, but this type is unable to contain fractional values. For that, there are float and double values. Double datatype is specifically designed to hold fractional values upto seven digits after the decimal point. Conversion between integer and double variables can be automatically handled by the compiler, known as ‘implicit’ conversion or can be explicitly triggered by the programmer to the compiler. We discuss the different ways of conversion in the following sections. Implicit Conversion Implicit type conversions are done automatically by the compiler. For this to ... Read More

C++ Program to Convert int Type Variables into String

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 19-Oct-2022 11:11:18


Integer type variables in C++ are able to store positive or negative integer values upto a predefined range. String variables can store a sequence of alphabets, numerals, and special characters. There are many use cases where the conversion from int to string is needed. We discuss 3 different methods to convert an integer variable into a string. If we discuss the algorithm, it is pretty straightforward. We take input in an integer variable and then convert it into a string variable. Using to_string function The easiest way in C++ to convert an integer value to a string is using the ... Read More

C++ Program to Convert String Type Variables into Boolean

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 19-Oct-2022 11:09:27

5K+ Views

In C++, Boolean variables consists of binary data true or false and string variables are a sequence of alphabets, numerals, and special characters. Conversion between string to Boolean isn’t possible natively by the compiler, but there are several ways to perform this conversion. We explore the various ways using which we can convert a string value into a Boolean. If we think about the algorithm , it is quite easy. We take a string value and convert into Boolean using various ways. Algorithm (generalized) Take input in a string variable. Convert the string value (true or false) into a ... Read More

C++ Program to convert Boolean Variables into String

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 19-Oct-2022 11:07:37

3K+ Views

Boolean variables in C++ can contain only two distinct values, ‘true’ or ‘false’. If we translate these values to string, ‘true’ will be mapped to ‘1’ and ‘false’ will be mapped to ‘0’. Boolean values are mainly used to check if a condition in a program has been met or not. There aren’t direct conversions from Boolean to string like we have seen in conversions from int to long and float to double. But there are needs to translate a Boolean value to string, and we explore different ways to convert a binary Boolean value to a string value. Using ... Read More
