Found 46 Articles for Constitutional Law

Executive Power of the President

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 15:19:13


The President, who is the head of the state, by virtue of Article 53 of the Indian Constitution exercises the executive power either directly or through officers’ subordinate to him. Who is the President of India? The President of India is the nation's first citizen and the head of state. The President of India is the highest constitutional authority and serves as a representation of the integrity and unity of the country, according to the Indian Constitution. In India, the President is endowed with a broad variety of executive authorities that are necessary for the government and the ... Read More

Legislative Power of the President

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 15:11:56


India's president has a wide range of legislative authority. He has the authority to convene, prorogue, and even dissolve the House of People (Lok Sabha). He is only able to use this power under certain conditions. Only within six months of the previous session's final sitting may the President call a special session of the Parliament. In order to break the impasse, he also has the authority to call a joint session of both Houses of Parliament. Any bill must have the President's approval in order for it to become law. Only after his proposal may a bill ... Read More

Qualifications for Election as President

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 15:01:30


The President of India, who is both the head of state and the supreme commander of the Armed Forces, is an elected and highest post; therefore, it requires some specified qualification, as defined under the Indian Constitution. Article 58 of the Indian Constitution Qualifications for becoming the President of India are outlined in Article 58 of the Indian Constitution. The prerequisites for holding the position of President in India are − Citizen of India: The President of India must be an Indian citizen. The President must be 35 years of age or older. The President must be ... Read More

Ordinance: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 14:51:06


The President's authority to issue ordinances under specific situations is a major element of the Indian Constitution. In India, an ordinance is a legislative act issued by the President or a state governor that has the same force and effect as an act of Parliament or a state legislature, but is issued when neither the Parliament nor the state legislature is in session. The objective of an ordinance is to give immediate relief or remedy for an urgent problem and to serve as a stopgap measure until the Parliament or state legislature enacts a permanent law. What is Ordinance? ... Read More

Whip in Indian Political System

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 11:45:19


Whip is general term that refers to a number of different things depending on the context. It can refer to a tool used for whipping or flogging, a type of aerobatic maneuver performed by aircraft, or the action of whipping or flicking a horse to make it move faster. It can also refer to an action of whipping cream, or a whip as an elected member of a legislative body who helps to maintain party discipline. What is Meaning of Whip in Indian Political System? In the Indian political system, a whip is an elected member of a legislative ... Read More

Veto Power of the Indian President

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 12:06:50


Veto power is the ability of a person or group to unilaterally stop or prevent an action or decision from being taken. In most cases, the power of veto is held by a single person or organization, such as the President of a country. The use of veto power can prevent a decision or action from being taken even if it has the support of a majority of the people or organizations involved. Veto Power in Indian Governance In India, the President has certain powers in relation to his assent to a bill of parliament. The president has been given ... Read More

Separation of Judiciary from Executive

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 11:33:17


In today's society, the rule of law is critical. People have given up their rights and entered into a contract with the government in exchange for protection from the government. Judicial review is the procedure through which the court declares invalid any statute that violates the constitution. Branches of Government In India, there are three branches of government: the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. The judiciary maintains an eye on both the organs mentioned above and ensures that the laws being produced and implemented do not violate the Indian Constitution. The Legislature performs the duty of establishing laws, the ... Read More

Right to Life and Personal Liberty: Article 21

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 11:28:24


In the modern world, right to life and personal liberty is one of the most fundamental rights that almost every constitution of this world ensures to the citizen of respective country. It is a natural right that every citizen must have by default. Right to Life The creator of India's constitution drafted Article 21 and included the phrase "right to life, " which signifies that everyone has the right to live their lives freely. By incorporating non-enforceable DPSP into enforceable basic rights, the Supreme Court has recognized and enforced several socioeconomic rights, such as the right to food, health, ... Read More

Difference Between Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 11:09:13

1K+ Views

Fundamental Rights are human rights granted to Indians. The Constitution initially established seven essential rights. The 44th Amendment removed the right to property from Part III of the Constitution in 1978. The 42nd Amendment to the Constitution introduced the Fundamental Duties of Citizens to the Constitution in 1976, based on the recommendations of the Swaran Singh Committee, which was appointed by the government. What are Fundamental Rights? Fundamental rights are fundamental human rights granted to citizens by a country's constitution. They are enshrined in Part III, Article 12-35, of the Indian Constitution and are legally enforceable. Indian citizens enjoy six ... Read More

Right to Education: As a Fundamental Right

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 10:57:50

5K+ Views

Education is definitely a fundamental right, necessary for a person's empowerment and the advancement of society as a whole. India has the world's highest proportion of illiterates. Although the government claims that our country's literacy rate is quickly growing, a large proportion of the individuals who are legally listed as literate are not in fact literate. The right to education is the fundamental human right of every Indian citizen, whether born in a high-profile civilization or in a remote, underdeveloped town. What is Right to Education? In 2009, the Right to Education Act (RTE) provided compulsory and free education ... Read More
