Found 1259 Articles for Computers

How to Convert Hex Numbers to Decimal Numbers in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 14:08:29

6K+ Views

Numbers can be classified into four types: decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal. The base values of binary numbers, decimal numbers, octal numbers, and hex numbers are 2, 10, 8, and 16 respectively. We can convert a hex number to a decimal number using formulas in Excel. A hex number has a base value of 16, and the base values are 0–9 and A–F alphabets. A decimal number has a base of 10, and the base values are 0-9. The base values of an octal number are 0-7. In this tutorial, we will show how you can convert hexadecimal numbers to ... Read More

Difference between RJ11 and RJ14

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-Mar-2023 17:01:26

2K+ Views

RJ-11 is the most popular telephone line connector. It has two rows of two pins, totaling four pins. With this setup, a single connection can be used to connect two distinct telephone lines. RJ14 and RJ11 are extremely similar, but RJ14 includes an extra two pins for data transmission. RJ11 can support only two wires, but RJ14 can support four wires. This means that you must use an RJ-14 connector if you need to connect more than two telephone lines. The fact that RJ14 is a little bit bigger than RJ11 means that it might not fit in all locations ... Read More

Difference between IDEN and CDMA Network Technologies

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-Mar-2023 16:42:57


IDEN (Integrated Digital Enhanced Network) is a unique technology that was created by Motorola for their Nextel network. To provide phone and data services, it combines time division multiplexing and frequency-hopping technologies. IDEN has been mostly phased out in favor of more cutting-edge technologies because it has a limited capacity and slow data speeds when compared to the other technologies. CDMA is a digital wireless technology that allows multiple users to share a frequency band by using spread-spectrum technology. Compared to IDEN, CDMA has a substantially higher capacity since it allows several users to share the same frequency band. Many ... Read More

Difference between EEPROM and Flash

Md. Sajid
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 15:47:40

6K+ Views

Both flash memory and EEPROM are non-volatile memories, which means they can hold onto data even when the power is turned off. However, the two forms of memory do differ in several significant ways. New data can be written immediately after flash memory's contents have been erased. On the other hand, in order to write fresh data to an EEPROM, it must first be wiped. Flash memory can normally be overwritten about 100, 000 times, before it begins to degrade. Only a few thousand times can an EEPROM typically be written before it needs to be changed. Flash memory ... Read More

Difference between DSL Modem and Cable Modem

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:26:34

4K+ Views

Cable modems and DSL modems are both devices that allow you to connect your computer to the Internet. But what’s the difference between DSL modem and cable modem? For starters, a DSL modem uses a phone line to connect to the Internet, while a cable modem uses a cable TV line. This means, if you have DSL service, you can’t use your phone and surf the Internet at the same time. With cable service, you can do both. It’s worth noting that most modern routers include both a DSL modem and a wireless router in one unit. So if you’re ... Read More

Difference between Diagnosing and Troubleshooting in Computers

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:22:00

3K+ Views

Diagnosing and Troubleshooting can be carried out using a set of tools and techniques. You can analyze the issues, utilizing tools like "system logs" and "event observers" to determine the root cause of the problem. In addition, there are unique tools like "clunk" and "traceroute" to locate the issues. The greatest strategy for solving a problem is to attempt a diagnosis first. Finding a remedy will be considerably simpler if the problem's root cause can be determined. However, troubleshooting will be necessary, if you are unable to pinpoint the issue's root cause. Troubleshooting can be a very time-consuming process, so ... Read More

How to Convert Matrix to Vector or Single Column in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 14:25:01

3K+ Views

A matrix is a rectangular array with n rows and m columns. Sometimes in Excel, when we have matrices of data, we want to convert them into a single column or single row. We can solve this using the formulas supported by Excel. Read this tutorial to learn how you can convert a matrix to a vector or single column in Excel. If you try to do it manually, then it can be a time‑consuming process as we need to copy each row manually and paste them. So let's see a faster process. The only condition for the matrix is ... Read More

How to Convert Matrix Style Table to Three Columns in Excel

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 24-Feb-2023 17:31:59


Sometimes in Excel, you may have needed to convert a matrix-style table to a column-style table. Any table with m rows and n columns is referred to as a matrix style table, and any table with m rows and three columns is referred to as a three column table in Excel. Read this tutorial to learn how you can convert a matrix-style table to a three-column table in Excel. We can complete this process with the help of a VBA application, as it can’t be completed directly in Excel. Converting a Matrix Style Table to Three Columns in Excel Here, ... Read More

How to Convert Lowercase to Proper or Sentence Case in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 24-Feb-2023 17:32:56


Sometimes in Excel, you may have observed that the sentences in the sheet are not in proper format. If we can make our data look ugly, Manually resolving this issue can be a time-consuming and lengthy process. We can solve this process in a faster and more accurate way using the formulas supported by Excel. This tutorial will help you understand how lowercase letters can be converted to proper case or sentence case in Excel. If only the first letter of a sentence is capital, then it is called sentence case, and if the first letters of all words of ... Read More

How to Convert Letter to Number or Vice Versa in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 24-Feb-2023 17:34:33

5K+ Views

Sometimes in Excel, for encrypting the data, you have needed to convert letters to numbers based on their position in the alphabet series. For example, a = 1, b = 2, z = 26, and so on. Read this tutorial to learn how we can convert a letter to a number or a number to a letter based on their position in Excel. We can complete this process using the formulas supported in Excel. Mostly, this process is used for encryption and decryption of the data. Both encryption and decryption are used to provide security for data. Converting Letters to ... Read More
